Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 703: Samaritan Manor (3)

There are 4 or 5 games left in Italy. Wang Ai’s press officer Jamie made a special trip to Appiano to talk about the news affairs he is about to leave. Regarding the issue of how to express and guide the news and the Internet, Wang Ai’s family Everyone enthusiastically participated in the discussion. This is a new subject called "Communications". Wang Ai even found relevant textbooks after writing his graduation thesis.

The property in Munich finally got on the right track with Kang Si's return. She decided to go there in person after seeing the photos that Wenjun took back. Huang Xin will bring her son over next season, and Leo Ni will return. The family population has also increased by one, and a house larger than the current house is needed.

As for the current house, Wang Ai has not yet figured out how to deal with it. Given his friendly relationship with his neighbors in the past two and a half years, especially his good reputation in the small town of Appiano, Liu Dingxiang and the others can be used here. For a resort. Anyway, Wang Ai is not short of money, and this country house is fine to stay.

In case Wang Ai misses this place anytime in the future, he can still come back and take a look, just like Cobham's house. Wang Ai really likes the quiet forest and peaceful town here, even if he is leaving, he is still full of nostalgia.

Just as the family packed and packed, the 36th round of Serie A came, Viola Fiorentina came to Meazza, Leonardo played semi-mainly, and in the end the substitutes performed well and defeated 3:1. Opponents kept the theoretical pursuit of AC Milan.

In this game, Wang Ai played for half an hour. In the constant roar of the home fans, Wang Ai scored a super long shot near the end of the game: 45 meters from the goal. Because Wang Ai's physical fitness has been completely restored after a week from this game and the previous one, so this foot force sinks vigorously, as if Changhong goes through the sun.

After the game, Wang Ai avoided all reporters in a low-key manner. Although he and Moratti’s family were very good, and even though Moratti was about to let go, the situation today is still a bit delicate: Wang Ai can work **** his remaining commercial value, but Can't take the lead, he is the one who is going to leave after all.

A few days later, the Roma team came to Milan and Inter Milan for the second round of the Coppa Italia semi-final. In the last game, due to Wang Ai’s excellent performance, he played Roma 4:0 away. In this game, it was even more difficult for Roma to come back. However, Inter Milan did not dare to be too careless, so they still played as the main force. .

After 90 minutes, Wang Ai, who was sitting on the bench, stood up and high-five to his teammates. He was replaced in advance and left the score of scoring two goals and closing the opponent's score. Now this score is held by his teammates to the end. In this turbulent season, Inter Milan finally has an opportunity to comfort the fans.

With the arrival of mid-May, Wang Ai's another major commercial negotiation is nearing completion. The agreement he signed with Coca-Cola five years ago will expire in early June. Although Coca-Cola gave far less money than Adi, it was because the audience of carbonated drinks far exceeded the scope of ordinary sports fans, and the leading role of stars in it was not as strong as sports goods. But because of its wide audience, it also has a social influence that a specialized sporting goods brand does not have.

Competitive brands such as Pepsi and Wahaha have been trying to dig the corner of Coca-Cola, and Wang Ai has also maintained uninterrupted friendly contact with the two parties. Although the two cola have always been very cautious in politics, who can tell the future? Wang Ai also has to be prepared. In extreme cases, he can discard all foreign brands and connect with domestic brands. Anyway, subjectively, Wang Ai prefers domestic products.

Of course, that will make domestic celebrities mourn everywhere.

At present, the conditions offered by Coca-Cola are better, and the value increase for Wang Ai is greater. Therefore, Schlappner's representative Wang Ai is still close to the completion of negotiations with Coca-Cola. However, as usual, Coke has repeatedly invited Wang Ai year after year, hoping that he can visit the United States this summer.

Apart from participating in the World Junior Championships in 2001 and passing through the United States once after 9/11, Wang Ai has never been to the United States. In the past, this can be concealed by busy competition and no chance, but as Wang Ai has become famous, especially C Ronaldo, Messi, Kaka and other stars of the same era and the same level have visited the United States in the summer and interacted with well-known American figures. The news of talking and laughing and making friends is even more weird compared to the news.

This strangeness was not only noticed by the old leader, but also by many people. For example, last fall and Wang Ai agreed to cover the cover again after he won the first FIFA Golden Globe Award. It was originally announced that it would be published at the end of last year or at the beginning of this year, but there has been no news so far.

This shows that the United States has already had doubts about Wang Ai's position.

This is funny. As a rebirth, Wang Ai clearly knows the ugliness that the United States will face in the future, but the United States has not turned its face yet. Wang Ai calculated in advance what the United States has not done before and developed a strong defense and even hostility towards the United States. Instead, relevant parties in the United States were also alert in advance.

Wang Ai cannot have any critical influence on the history of the two countries and the diplomacy of the two countries. The hostility of the United States towards China naturally comes with the growth of China’s strength. But before that time, Wang Ai’s vigilance has drawn vigilance in advance. This is inappropriate from any angle.

Cha Peixin suggested that Wang Ai visit the United States at an appropriate time in October last year, and now the time has come. When Wang Ai verbally explained to the Coca-Cola side that he would consider visiting the United States this summer, Time magazine called and agreed to conduct an interview during Wang Ai’s visit to the United States, claiming that “at the end of last year” The page is tight, and the opportunity is right this autumn."

Of course, Wang Ai is psychologically uncomfortable. He can only comfort himself with "struggle wisdom", and can only bow his head in the country, and I am ridiculed by what I can't bow my head.

At the same time as this kind of complicated affairs alternated, the 37th round of Serie A 2010-2011 came, and Wang Ai went to Naples with the team. The final of the Coppa Italia this season is on the 30th, during the 16th match with Naples and the 22nd match with Catania, because there is no Champions League, so the schedule is quite relaxed, Wang Ai is also willing to start well, so he is still the main force. Play.

In a game where both sides were quite relaxed, Wang Ai played well, scoring a goal in each half, raising his total number of goals in Serie A this season to an unprecedented 46, and he has scored for Inter Milan this season. It has reached 64.

This is destined to be a data that makes latecomers desperate. It is destined to be a base for forging Wang Ai's "statue" in front of the Inter Milan headquarters.

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