Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 710: Samaritan Manor (10)

Schrappner is already waiting in Atlanta. The negotiation team he leads has talked about the endorsement contract between Wang Ai and Coca-Cola in the next five years, and it can't talk about 17 million euros a year. Frankly speaking, this is almost the limit the Coca-Cola Company can give. After all, I asked Michael Jackson for only 5 million US dollars 25 years ago. If it were not for the sharp depreciation of the US dollar over the years, and Wang Ai’s influence in the world, especially in Asia and China, the number one celebrity for many years, the price would not be negotiated. of.

According to Schlapner's understanding, the endorsement fee of Asian king Jay Chou for Coca-Cola endorsement is only about 6 million US dollars.

Compared with Adi, a professional sporting goods company, who has a direct stake in the breakthrough of the spokesperson in the field of sports, the Coca-Cola Company values ​​the breakthrough of comprehensive influence more. Five years ago, when Wang Ai endorsed Adi, he was just a young player with unlimited hope. Five years later, he won the "Grand Slam" in football. His influence in the field of sports is not what it used to be, so the endorsement fee has only tripled. . In the field of general social visibility, Wang Ai was the number one star in China five years ago. After five years, his popularity in Europe and the United States has doubled. So put together, Wang Ai’s world reputation is roughly twice that of five years ago. The endorsement fee for Coca-Cola endorsement has become 3.4 times that of five years ago under the combined effects of price increases and so on.

The specific attendance details in the contract terms also affect the total endorsement fee. In short, Wang Ai is still satisfied, so this time he went to the company headquarters in Atlanta to sign a contract.

Stay in Atlanta for two days. Activities include attending the signing ceremony, visiting the headquarters building, accepting a banquet from The Coca-Cola Company, accepting an exclusive interview with Time Magazine, visiting the Atlanta football team that has not yet joined the major leagues, and attending business events organized by the Coca-Cola Company.

In short, the activities in Atlanta in the past two days are very intensive, and the reactions from fans where Wang Ai goes are also very enthusiastic. It is like a concentrated explosion of the popularity that Wang Ai has accumulated over the past years, making Wang Ai quite overwhelmed.

Americans are not the same as Europeans. Europeans are more or less carrying a bit. After all, the ancestors were too big, while Americans are more straightforward and even rude, even in the upper class of the United States.

On June 3, Wang Ai set off from Atlanta to Los Angeles, the western city of the United States. This trip was also arranged by Coca-Cola. He interacted with some celebrities who endorsed Coca-Cola in Los Angeles. This was the first work since the signing of the new contract between the two parties. Therefore, Wang Ai's performance is considered to be dedicated. Not only learned about the deeds of these celebrities in advance, but also went to the Los Angeles Galaxy team to visit and interact.

On June 5, Wang Ai went to San Francisco again. This trip was not arranged by Coca-Cola. Almost all Chinese celebrities who come to the United States will visit San Francisco, because there are many Chinese people, and one out of five people is Chinese. If you count immigrants from other Asian countries, the yellow skin here accounts for almost a quarter. Of course, here is also a field of wrestling between different Chinese factions and different Asian countries for radiating influence in the United States. There are often multiple levels of struggle between each other because of who is more just.

Of course Wang Ai will not touch sensitive political issues, but there is no doubt that he himself is from mainland China. There is no doubt that he has global influence. There is no doubt that he is the number one star in the entire Chinese-speaking region. Such an identity made him say nothing, as long as people arrived, and Wang Ai didn't say anything. He attended a public event organized by the consulate on the first day of his arrival.

After staying in San Francisco for another two days and attending about seven or eight public events, Wang Ai's trip to the United States was considered to be over. On the morning of June 8th, I took a plane across the Pacific Ocean to Beijing, China.

While Wang Ai was busy attending various events in three cities in the United States, the news of his appearance in Munich was finally reported in the German media. In particular, the local media in Munich has already obtained the information with the help of Bayern. Therefore, after Wang Ai appeared in Munich and was seen by many citizens, it felt that the time was right. As a result, the preheating activity for Wang Ai's transfer to Bayern was launched.

Since the summer transfer window period starts in July, there are legal risks to signing in advance, so it can only be a draft at present, and there is a theoretical possibility of turning your face. But in reality, even if Wang Ai’s contract conditions are more stringent than any other star in the past, Bayern has to admit that after careful consideration, Wang Ai’s conditions are based on "starting from the position of strength" and are for Bayern’s commercial interests. It is non-destructive and increasing, and has a huge increase in Bayern's competitive interests. Therefore, the three parties, mainly Wang Ai and Bayern, have strong confidence in this contract.

In order to minimize the possibility of both parties turning their faces, and at the same time to create a commercial impact for this huge contract, both parties must express a certain degree of "sincerity" before the formal contract. Wang Ai's semi-public visit to the Chinese Consulate in Munich in advance and the semi-public purchase of real estate are Wang Ai's "sincerity". Now it is Bayern's turn to cooperate.

Bayern's strength is unmatched in Germany, and soon feedback from all quarters came.

On June 3, the sports page of the largest German newspaper Bild showed Wang Ai at the gate of the Chinese Consulate in Munich and distributed a long commentary. On June 4, Wang Ai’s former teammate Robben responded in a TV interview: “I don’t know if he will come, but what I want to say is, if he does come, then I will warmly welcome him. He is an incredible teammate. Can solve the problem in the most difficult time."

On June 5, the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" quoted a "informed person" as saying: "Wang's transfer has been negotiated, and the contract can be signed after the summer transfer window opens."

On June 6, the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" continued its report yesterday and made a long analysis of the growth of the team's competitive strength and economic strength after Wang Ai's transfer, and pointed out that this is a completely different level of China from "Dora". The star is the last cornerstone of Bayern's rush to the top of Europe. The report also interviewed Bayern’s current coach Heynckes, and the coach also expressed great interest in the possibility of Wang Ai joining in the interview.

On June 8th, a Munich TV reporter appeared at the door of the property that Wang Ai bought. In this half-hour-long special program, the host even dug up the trivial matter of Wang Ai helping his neighbor Anthony who was in a car accident in Milan. Combined with Wang Ai's annual investment of 20 million euros in European philanthropy and environmental protection, Wang Ai is called the modern version of the "Good Samaritan" with a significant influence in the entire Christian civilization.

And this property, which covers a large area and whose owner has not yet appeared, only a few workers are busy, is also referred to as the "Samaria Manor".

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