Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 3: ? Times (3)

   Regarding the formation of the Liaoning Women’s Football Team, Wang Ai decided to go and inspect it in person before deciding. His main concern is that once the "luxury version of the Liao Women's United Team" is formed from the Liao Women's teams, the attendance rate of the Liao Women's League may decrease.

  Income is not much. So far, in some cities, the ticket price for women's football matches in Chaoyang and Fuxin, for example, is only two yuan. The two yuan fare is so cheap that the scalpers swear. To be honest, the price is indeed low in the mud. When Wang Ai was in Tubingen, even in the state league, he either did not sell tickets or could not sell them for 20 Euro cents, and even the labor costs were not enough.

  But isn’t it in China?

  One is that the civil football soil is very weak. If it is a little expensive, the audience feels that it is a loss. Two yuan is actually not too small, a catty of eggs. Let alone a catty, just three or two old men and old ladies who don't often coax them to line up in the morning? The other is that the Liao women are a local league after all, too expensive, not to mention that a single ticket for the Women’s Super League can’t be sold.

   Overall it is good, but it is also very fragile. After paying wages, travel expenses, and training facilities, there is basically nothing left. From Wang Ai to the city's sports schools, they are basically regarded as public welfare undertakings. If they are not backed by the big tree Wang Ai, even if they are reluctantly formed, they will be yellow.

  But the balance of revenue brought about by income is still to support the continued support of the Liao Women’s League. It is impossible for Wang Ai to lose money to do this, and the things that lose money to do are destined to lack vitality, not to mention the sports schools in the cities, so don’t look at the income that makes the company’s finances tremble, at least it’s healthy. Like ordinary grass, relying on a little sun and rain, he survived.

   Once this balance is broken, it may bring about a series of crashes, and the "Liao Women's United Team" will also become a rootless tree.

  Liao Women’s League is Wang Ai’s biggest “creation” of Chinese football. It is a path of development found in a very small gap between the current stage of Chinese social development and the current stage of development of Chinese football and Chinese women’s football. It not only assumes the responsibility of training women's football talents, but more importantly, it assumes the responsibility of exploring the basic path of the development of Chinese football. There are always people who say, of course, including Wang Ai himself, that the current stage of development of Chinese society is far from the time when the football population has surged. But immature conditions don’t mean things won’t be done, just as there are only 30,000 registered football players in China, but the national team has to be formed.

  You have to do things, you have to think of ways to do it, and you can’t wait for everything to be done.

  Go home in the evening and talk to Huang Xin, Leo Ni and others about this point of view. The two also nodded and decided to wait for Old Shen to return to China in early July, and go to investigate together, and by the way, support Old Shen. Liaozushu has deep roots and was once the largest faction of the Chinese Football Association. Old Shen, a foreigner who went to Liaozu as the boss, did not know how the gang would bully him.

  In order to prevent trouble in the future, it is better to do the work in advance.

  After discussing this matter, Wang Ai took another day off at home. It happened that the High School Affiliated to the National People's University called and said that the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination were all finished, and it happened that the students were okay, so Wang Ai went over to meet the students. Wang Ai and the Xinhua News Agency’s Sports Department said that they were very interested over there, and they said it was better to be together.

Let's be together. Wang Ai was so eager to make things happen in one day, so at 8 o'clock in the morning on June 11, Wang Ai came to the campus of the High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China, and temporarily called Chen Tao, who had already settled in Beijing, and pulled him too. come over. When Wang Ai arrived at the attached high school, he found that President Liu was there, Lin Jiao was there, and there were other school leaders that Wang Ai didn't know.

  The first item was a speech. They didn't say much, and each spoke for about three minutes. The second item is to answer the question, and the excitement is here. The teenagers were already active in their thinking, and the two of them didn't have much arrogance, so they asked everything. Chen Tao is okay. One is not as well-known as Wang Ai, and the other has nothing to do with the High School Affiliated to the National People's Congress.

For example, a second-year high school student asked: "As a former college entrance examination champion, you did not do scientific research, but instead played football. Is it a waste of national education investment?" It made Wang Ai a little embarrassed, but he didn't think about similar problems. , So he replied: "The study of cultural knowledge can be directly upgraded to scientific research knowledge, and then to engage in scientific research, but at the same time it also gives me a wealth of brains, keen thinking and powerful calculation skills. It helps me understand more effectively. Football and reading games have helped me to develop in an all-round way on and off the pitch."

Then Wang Ai thought for a while and added: "The education received in high school and university can be regarded as the basis of professional ability, but also as the comprehensive training of human ability. All walks of life need talents, and one accepts it. People who have a complete education have room to play in any industry. I just went to the football industry to play."

  Of course the first question was arranged by the school, but Wang Ai spoke fast, and the school arranged the answer soon, so the rest was messy. Some students booed in the crowd and asked Wang Ai what they thought of the issue of love on campus, and the school leaders in the next row turned black.

  As a person who brought his girlfriend to live together at home at the age of 12, Wang Ai had no face to follow the school leaders’ intention to object, but he could not support it with fanfare, so let Chen Tao say. Chen Tao shook his head: "I haven't gotten a partner yet, what am I talking about?"

  So Wang Ai had to pick up the microphone again: "As the saying goes, talking about money hurts feelings, but talking about feelings hurts money, do you know that?"

  The students booed: "I know."

"This shows that everything has a cost, and so does dating." Wang Ai smiled and looked at the students: "Then since there is a cost, we must consider the question of success rate. Unfortunately, the success rate of school love is very low. The so-called graduation season is the break-up season, which is still university. At the same time, learning also has costs and success rates. In the two stages of adolescence and adulthood, the success rates in learning and in love are opposite. The success rate of learning in adolescence is high, and the success rate of love is low. After adulthood, the success rate of falling in love is high, and the success rate of learning is low."

Wang Ai said that after waiting for the students, he saw that there was no objection, and then said: "Then your parents and teachers, definitely hope that you do the most appropriate thing at the most appropriate time. I don't know what each of you is doing now. What is the relationship situation? To be honest, there are also individual campus romances that can eventually come together, but the total number is not large, so you have to consider whether it is worth investing in now and taking this risk. After all, there is a chance to fall in love. There will be all in the future, but the opportunity to learn is only in the past few years."

  Wang Ai noticed the school leaders with a sigh of relief, and gave the naughty student a vicious look.

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