Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 31: Kaleidoscope (1)

All kinds of praises are not uncommon for Wang Ai today. From the day he debuted nine years ago or even eleven years ago, such praises have always surrounded him. After returning from morning exercise the next morning, Wang Ai took home a large stack of newspapers published by various newspapers amid the congratulations from the boss of the newsstand.

Today it was Huang Xin's defender Yang Jun and another defender to make breakfast, and Li Jun, who had nothing to do, was helping. Wang Ai put the newspaper on the big coffee table in the living room on the first floor and read it casually, and went upstairs to take a shower. When he came out, Kang Si held up the phone: "Dr. Wang, the reporter from Süddeutsche Zeitung wants to give you an exclusive interview, do you agree?"

Wang Ai looked at the time. The morning exercise ended a little bit soon. It was not time for breakfast, so he sat next to Shi Wenjun and thought: "I just came here for an interview. It seems that there is nothing to talk about. Then you give him Call me back and tell him that I can do a simple phone interview. Oh, and you told him that I didn't refuse his interview, but there are not many things to talk about now. If the time is longer, I will agree. "

Kang Si tilted her head: "Keep friendly relations?"

"Yes." Wang Ai nodded: "You know, the so-called Süddeutsche Zeitung is almost the official mouthpiece of Bayern, and it is also the most influential mainstream newspaper in Germany. So, you know?"

"Oh." Kang Si promised to lower her head and dial the phone.

Wang Ai leaned on his chair honestly, watching various internet reports collected by Shi Wenjun. Although he doesn't care about all kinds of praise, he cares about all kinds of comments. He doesn't look for confidence in it, but observes the reactions of all walks of life.

The tree attracts the wind, and Wang Ai's current status has brought him an endless stream of coveters. Opponents in football include national teams, professional teams, Golden Boots, Golden Globes, and so on. The community has never stopped talking about race, wealth, and nationality. Even Wang Ai in China is unconscious. Offended a large group of people. For example, those star performers who failed to compete with the top domestic brands are not less likely to make trouble for Wang Ai.

This is something that leaders and superiors can’t stop it. For example, when Wang Ai was endorsing Haier TV, he was ridiculed by a well-known screenwriter on Weibo: In an era of exquisiteness, a delicate product should not be endorsed by crude stars. .

Of course, Wang Ai generally ignores this kind of enthusiasm. The reason why his Weibo has become the number one real fan is mainly due to the fact that he will post first-hand live photos after every game, not just him. This number one star, there are also a lot of famous teammates in the world appeared in friendship.

The large amount of information has not only become the main source of material for many domestic secondary and third-party streaming media that are unable to report on the spot, but also become a holy place for a large number of fans: as long as you follow Wang Ai's Weibo every day, it is equivalent to following this. The legendary career of a world-famous star.

Therefore, Wang Ai has a lot of tap water, and his combat effectiveness is extremely fierce. For example, as soon as the Weibo of the well-known screenwriter above appeared, the young and old Hupu rushed up.

Wang Ai first read his Weibo, which was posted by Kang Si after the game yesterday, and then browsed the high praise comments on Weibo. After that, I clicked on my watch list, browsed the main official media, and focused on my own reports. The three major media, Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, and Guangming Daily all made positive reports on yesterday's game, and the comments below are also positive feedbacks.

Wang Ai put most of his heart, and then went to various popular websites. Regardless of whether he agrees with the political orientation of this website, it depends. Each website has its own fans, and these fans are generally supporters of his endorsement products.

Seeing that at half past seven, the little beauty turned off the computer and accompanied Wang Ai downstairs to dinner.

Seeing no one on the left or right, the little beauty frowned and covered her belly. Wang Ai hurriedly asked in a low voice, "It's not the day? Is it not allowed? Is it because I haven't had a good rest recently?"

Shi Wenjun rolled his eyes to Wang Ai: "Why don't you know why I can't rest well? The Temple of Heaven is dying and tossing me."

"Hey, who said the night before, don't stop, I want more?" Wang Ai whispered in her ear with his arms around the shoulders of the little beauty.

Little Mei Ren'er elbow Wang Ai, as if all the women in the family can use this hand, and then sighed: "I haven't come, just come."

"Huh?" Wang Ai reacted for a while before he suddenly said, "Oh, this, don't worry, how can you be so accurate? You are young, I am young, and I am afraid that I will have no children? I am both!"

"It may be my problem." Shi Wenjun walked to the corner of the third floor and stopped, turned his head to look at Wang Ai: "Or, let me check it?"

"Isn’t I just checked in Beijing before I came here? Our whole family had a physical check-up. You had an additional check-up?" Wang Ai comforted: "Don’t worry, you see that we have only been here for less than a month, and you are determined to get pregnant. In half a month, you were always..."

"You are all!" Shi Wenjun glared at Wang Ai: "Who wants to drink...Oh, let's not talk about it, it's disgusting."

Looking at the self-confident and free and easy posture of the little beauty walking down, Wang Ai rubbed his chin. I remembered a question when I went upstairs just now. Today's breakfast was milk porridge.

Sure enough, the little beauty at the dinner table looked a little awkward, and she resisted looking at Wang Ai. And Wang Ai was not good at teasing her in front of so many people, so he turned to discuss various media reports with everyone.

Most of the guards at home are old guards. People like Yan Zhu have been with Wang Ai for 9 years and have long been familiar with Wang Ai's temper. According to the regulations of the Shengli Security Company, the guards are to be rotated on a regular basis, up to four years on duty, unless the cadre voluntarily asks for an extension, they must be reviewed. For example, Huang Xin’s defense of Yang Jun was what Huang Xin urged to stay. After Li Lin’s comprehensive review of Yang Jun’s four-year family situation, emotional situation, ideological situation and work attitude reflected in the guarding work diary, etc. Only then made the decision to allow the extension.

Therefore, the people in this room are not as flattering as the people around the big bosses. The new guards are willing to say a few words but don't dare to speak, while the old guards follow their own career development plans and Wang Ai. Based on his own knowledge structure, he made various interpretations of these media reports.

Only those who did not follow the caliber of the media to praise, the defenders are generally straight-tempered, and Wang Ai is a straight man of steel, everyone is annoyed by those stereotypes and bad habits.

So this breakfast meeting has become a colorful discussion meeting. Of course, Wang Ai didn't get anything deeply inspired, but he was happy to enjoy the atmosphere of equality brought about by this kind of brainstorming.

The heights are so cold that Wang Ai needs equality too much.

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