Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 43: The big one is Zhonghua (3)

  As for whether the club will agree, Wang Ai is very confident. Isn't the team too crowded right now? Asking for a leave of absence by yourself might make Heynckes' square face a little more rounded. Besides, under the new contract, Wang Ai also has more freedom.

  In the recent period, Wang Ai will call Leo Ni almost every day, even if it is Wang Ai’s woman, but everyone's personality, resume and relationship with Wang Ai are different. Leoni and Wang Ai were in an ambiguous state very early. After he left Tubingen for Laco to enter the world, the relationship between the two gradually entered a quasi-lover state. After Wang Ai went to Chelsea, as the Tubingen youth's position in the Chinese football map and Leonie's position in the Sino-German relationship rose sharply, the relationship between the two became closer and the relationship quickly heated up.

  It is an objective fact to say that Wang Ai or Leo Ni have other ideas, but other factors did play an important role in the enhancement of the relationship between the two. Both of them are philosophical students, so naturally they will not be entangled in these, but gradually understand that the other is the person they can't live without, and also appreciate each other.

Especially in 2005, Xu Qinglian and Leo Ni were closely related to Wang Ai, but they were not sure of their relationship rivals. After taking Kang Si to get a certain understanding in the hot springs of Aachen, the relationship between the two was renewed. No obstacles. In 2007, Huang Xin was injured in an accident. The two of them clarified their relationship in the Huangxin Villa in the outskirts of Shenyang, and then made a substantial breakthrough in the Spring Festival of 2008.

  This kind of gradual relationship is completely different from Huang Xin and Shi Wenjun's indecision in their early years, and they have been brewing for a long time and make a breakthrough in one fell swoop. The straightforward and enthusiastic Leo Ni once asked Wang Ai during the Spring Festival of 2008 when the relationship broke through: Do you want me to wait another seven years.

  It was this sentence that made Wang Ai break the defense, put down all his worries decisively, and resolutely set foot on the road of the scumbag.

  There is nothing to be ashamed of, but this history always exists.

  Also, Leo Ni is a foreigner after all. She always needs to give extra care when she is pregnant with her child in a foreign country like Beijing. This is also the way Chinese people live in the world. Since her dependent brother Jonas found the courage to fight in China, he has been out of sight all day long. It is hard to say how much time he can spare to accompany her.

  In the early years of Tubingen, Wang Ai clearly remembered that Leo Ni was not only a non-marriage activist, but also a DINK activist. In his early years, Wang Ai certainly didn't care about it, but later it changed with the breakthrough of the relationship. Wang Ai once persuaded Leo Ni, saying that in the future others will have children, are you not alone? Don't you envy it? You think it is a cumbersome to have children now, but after this age, if you want it, you won’t be able to do it. What if you regret it?

At that time, Leo Ni nodded, but Wang Ai found it difficult to say whether this German girl really changed her mind. From the look in her eyes at the time, she could tell that she was more out of love for Wang Ai. He agreed with sacrifice and dedication.

  Don't care if she is satisfied with this decision in the future, at least at that time, she was wronged by herself. From the point of view that she disliked her inconvenience and disliked her being unable to eat anything during her pregnancy, she was true, at least now, she really didn't want children.

  All of the above have determined that Wang Ai wants to give Leo Ni more attention.

  After submitting a leave report to the club and obtaining approval the next day, Wang Ai began to prepare for this return home. In fact, he didn't stay in the country for a few days this summer. Because of the cold winter in Germany and the long winter break, the summer starts earlier, so there is still a lot of business cooperation to be fulfilled on this trip back home.

  Called Dieterford City Hall to inquire about local specialties, and purchased some from the supermarket and mailed it back to Beijing. In case Leonie suddenly feels homesick and anorexia before giving birth, these will help. In addition, under the advice of Huang Xin's staff, he also bought some things that pregnant women and parturients might like, and even some toys, although there is certainly no shortage at home.

  This trip back to China, considering that Wang Sheng is still young and too tired to travel long distances, Huang Xin was not allowed to follow. At the same time, I was afraid that Shi Wenjun would be frightened by the production. I also considered that Wang Ai had left and there must be a troublemaker in the family, so she was asked to stay. Wang Ai was going to take Kang Si and two guards back.

  Not even Li Jun, this guy has to pay close attention to his German. In a few months, Kang Si will return to China to rotate.

   Busy, on the 27th arrived, at 3:30 in the afternoon that day, Bayern in the white jersey and the dark red Kaiserslautern faced off. In the past ten years, Kaiser has only won Bayern once last season, and Bayern has an absolute advantage. Therefore, Wang Ai sat on the bench again, and of course Robben was also unlucky.

  Since Robben, Bayern’s absolute main player and hero, has been on the bench, it seems that Wang Ai’s substitute is nothing? Anyway, Wang Ai still didn’t say anything. Heynckes’ assistant communicated with Wang Ai privately before the game: This season’s signings are still very strong, and many powerful foreign players have yet to make any appearances. Chance. When facing weak opponents, we need to test the lineup through actual combat.

  Wang Ai still didn't say anything. He has stabilized his influence crisis caused by insufficient playing time through his "super bench" performance in the previous games. Anyway, as long as he appears in the Bayern roster wearing a Bayern jersey, he is the focus on and off the court.

  Even if he is sitting and others are standing, the camera will always aim at him.

  Whether it is in Germany or China, the most enthusiastic discussion in the online community is the wonderful relationship between Wang Ai and Bayern, Wang Ai and Heynckes, and when Wang Ai is a super substitute. With no clear opposition from Wang Ai himself and the guidance of the club, the atmosphere is fairly friendly nowadays.

  Kaiser’s strength was as expected before the game. After a simple opening few minutes of competition, he easily lost control of the court. Bayern then launched a round of offensive in front of Kaiser’s goal. In the 36th minute of the first half, Kaiser defender handballed and Gomez made a penalty kick, turning the score into 1:0.

In the first 9 minutes of the second half, Mueller broke into the penalty area and tripped. He won a penalty again. Gomez took the penalty and scored again. The score became 2:0. 15 minutes later, it was Mueller again. After his assault attracted a lot of attention, he cleverly crossed in front of the door.

Like Robben, Gomez, who is deeply pressured by Wang Ai, finally completed his first hat-trick of the season. At this time, it was raining on the court, and his excitement was still indelible. He waited for his opponent after rushing across the court. At the kick-off, he was still eager to try.

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