Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 48: The big one is Zhonghua (eight)

  Shi Wenjun raised two fingers, spread them and put them together: "I have big scissors too! You don't want it anymore and just say it."

   "It's okay if I don't want it, don't you want it too?" Wang Ai shook his legs and head.

  "Do you think I have never seen other materials?" Shi Wenjun despised: "In fact, it saves more money than raising you, just two batteries. How much food do you eat a day?"

   "Hey, I, I have a marathon to strengthen me this day!" Wang Ai stood up with his sleeves up: "It seems that I will teach you a deep lesson before returning to China."

  "Don't make trouble with you two." Huang Xin hurriedly persuaded him: "Don't you want to catch the morning flight tomorrow? Go downstairs and finish your exercises and come back to sleep well. You have to toss."

  Wang Ai looked at the little beauty who was still stalking her neck and hooked her fingers: "Stand up and fall."

   "I see you do it!" The little beauty stood up suddenly, full of air.

  Wang Ai suddenly stretched out his hand to embrace Little Beauty’s waist, and with a slight pull, Little Beauty fell into Wang Ai’s arms. Wang Ai ridiculed and said, “It’s useless to brag, it depends on the strength.”

  Wang Ai did not wait for the little beauty to refute, Wang Ai pulled her other hand again, and also pulled Huang Xin into his arms. Suddenly, the two women who were about to resist froze.

"Hey." Wang Ai looked at the two people who looked at each other in his arms and hurriedly separated their eyes: "I understand, it is not my physical fitness or my hardware that prevents me from picking two, but you two are embarrassed. .now……"

  Speaking, Wang Ai moved his arms lightly to make the two face each other: "Come on, kiss, you two."

  Shi Wenjun, who once debuted with sisters Leo Ni and whose stage name is "Little White Fish", even forgot to scold people: "I, I..."

  Instead, Huang Xin was free and easy. Looking at Shi Wenjun’s delicate face, he smiled: "Sometimes, I really want to kiss. Beautiful things are always liked, right? But..."

  Speaking of this, Huang Xin turned her head to look at Wang Ai's smile unchanged: "I heard that men only like to watch fake phoenixes if they fail."

  The little beauty laughed out loud.

  Practice has proved that one person can’t noisy two people because they have two mouths and two brains. It's always impossible to talk about speed, response, or even volume, so Wang Ai decided to take action.

This time his arm was much more decisive. The two women were forced to stick frontally together, and then the three faces leaned on each other: "I have been friends with the same stick for so long, and it is time to break through and face the problem squarely. Avoidance is It's useless, where else can you escape? When will you escape?"

The breath of the three of them interlaced, and the three pairs of eyes kept changing their eyes. In the end, two pairs of beautiful eyes were aimed at Wang Ai's pupils. Wang Ai kissed the left and right cheeks and lowered his voice: "This is us. The family is very special, but the model of the big feudal family is not suitable for us. Therefore, we all have to learn from the beginning. I think the best way is to be honest with each other. If our family is hierarchical and barriered, I think we will all Suffocating."

  The two pairs of beautiful eyes looked at Wang Ai and looked at each other again. This time, they calmed a lot.

  The three of them didn't speak, they just hugged each other, letting the electric sparks in the small space between the three of them shine with their thoughts.

  For a long time, the little beauty moved her shoulders and let go: "I see, I will move to the master bedroom to sleep with Huang Xin today."

  As Wang Ai grinned and was about to speak, Huang Xin added: “However, you are moving to the second bedroom today.”

In the laughter of Little Beauty, Huang Xin also explained: “You always have to give us a time to adapt. Wen Jun and I have known each other a long time ago and have always been friends. Another kind of relationship, this is no simpler than breaking through your relationship with us alone."

   "Okay." Wang Ai nodded: "Don't fight, you should be reasonable."

   Both women shook their heads, and the little beauty said: "We are not ordinary women, you should know."

  "Worry only if you know it." Wang Ai teased deliberately: "Ordinary women fight each other with such a small amount of means. You are all big women and heroines. You really have to fight more tragically."

  The two women rolled their eyes, holding hands to drive Wang Ai: "Go downstairs to train, you don't need to worry about our affairs."

   "I will keep the children in good shape, and try to train them in different directions. Everyone's children should be raised." Wang Ai said from behind.

   The two women turned their heads at the same time, and the little beauty curled her lips: "You just thought of it? I'm Wang Sheng's godmother!"

  Wang Ai gave a hehe, waved his hand and went downstairs.

After a while, Wang Ai ran out of the house with the ball on his back. In front of the master bedroom window on the third floor, two slender women stood side by side. Huang Xin smiled and said, "I still listen to him. I have no idea since I was a child."

  The little beauty lowered her head in frustration: "I resisted, and the result is the same. He always has a way to make me obedient."

   "We love him." Huang Xin looked up at the ceiling: "He loves us too."

Shi Wenjun turned around, and the knot that once firmly bound her actions had been broken at this time, and the six months of experience of combining with the big white fish re-occupied the brain, so she made Huang Xin unexpectedly stretch out her arms around Huang Xin’s Waist: "Shall we start?"

"Huh?" Huang Xin's mouth was open, but it was actually Xiao Bai, watching the delicate face of the little beauty get closer and closer, becoming at a loss for what to do, until the eyelashes meet, the breath smells, the gentleness of each other, and the thought Also stagnated.

  Little Beauty tilted her head, and suddenly haha ​​like Wang Ai: "You are mine tonight, Beauty."

   Then, holding the hand of Huang Xin, who was as shy as a new wife, turned off the light in the bedroom.

At 7 o'clock in the morning the next day, Wang Ai straightened up after teasing his son on the third floor, and touched the two faces that were still bright and charming: "I am leaving now. With belt Kangsi. I am worried that she has insufficient knowledge and cannot adapt to other positions."

  Huang Xin nodded: "I have nothing else to do except bringing children, and Leoni is not free, so I am in charge of Transcend Sports now, and Kang Si has been doing sports for a long time. It should be easier to get started in this regard."

  Shi Wenjun thought and said: "The website has a good catch on Dingxiang, I just occasionally advise, and non-strategic decisions will generally not pass me, but if it is an idiot company or a farmer's deputy group, it will be fine."

  Wang Ai nodded and looked at the two of them, and exhaled: "Marx appeared, let me have you two, a thousand words are not enough, wait for me to come back...Look at my performance in the bedroom!"

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