Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 50: Large is Zhonghua (ten)

  On September 8, Leo Ni finally entered the delivery room in the manor. Wang Ai was also anxiously rushing home from the outside, sweating profusely. After tossing for more than two hours, Wang Ai worked hard for the lion and finally made the joint venture product of the two successfully leave the factory.

   "Thank you, you are tired." Wang Ai turned in circles and thanked the doctors and nurses who came forward to help him, and shook hands. There was nothing like stuffing red envelopes. The money was already in place. At this time, it was a pure expression of gratitude.

  Leonie, who was lying on the bed, was about to get up. This tiger lady has a good physique. The main reason for the difficulty of giving birth is that she is disobedient and overconfident. She always steals food during pregnancy, and the baby is too big. But even so, I felt okay in less than an hour.

  In her words, she relieved her heavy burden, but Ai Xiaoqing slapped her: Did anyone say that about her own child?

  The nurse sent the two sons to Leo Ni. She took a look, and finally leaned in and kissed the child’s face. At this moment, the physical energy finally shakes the stubbornness of the brain, and a bit of mother-child nature is still exposed.

   went out to send the doctors and nurses away. When she came back, Leo Ni stretched out her hand: "You didn't lie to me, did you?"

   "How could it happen." Wang Ai shook his head and took out three big red-covered notebooks from his shoulder bag. He wanted to open them one by one to Leo Ni, but Leo Ni snatched them over.

"Dear Ms. Leonie Hartman, sincerely thank you for your generous donation to the education and welfare of Chinese children and children. Donation project: Spring Bud Project. Donation amount: 10 million yuan. China Children’s Fund, Chairman : Chen Zhili."

  Leonie widened her eyes and read it twice, then satisfactorily closed the notebook and let the bills fall to the ground. Then she opened her eyes and opened two other notebooks. The words above were similar. They were the "Red Cross Angel Project" launched by the Red Cross to focus on the health of poor farmers and children, and the China Women’s Development Fund, which belongs to the All-China Women’s Federation. The "Mother's Water Cellar" sponsored by the association also has a donation amount of 10 million, and the donor is also Leonie Hartman.

  Leonie had no response this morning. Wang Ai thought it was another peaceful day, so he took the time to go to the three organizations to go through the donation procedures. When the call came, he was visiting and communicating with his mother's water cellar project office. He heard that Leo Ni could not hold it back before hurriedly ending the visit and rushing back.

   "You don't blame me for being capricious." For a long time, Leo Ni opened her eyes happily.

  "How come? It was originally what we were going to do." Wang Ai shook his head.

   "I, I always worry about it and can't sleep, so I just wanted it temporarily." Leoni said solemnly: "Just this time."

  Wang Ai smiled and looked at Leo Ni, and then said, "Are you saying that only this time is for Idealism, or this time for giving birth."

  Leonie blushed: "Both. By the way, the leader persuaded you to do what you could. Now you are not to blame?"

"No. At that time, what I said to my leader was the estimated donation of 500 million yuan this year. How much is it now? 380 million." Wang Ai shook his head: "At that time, I just expected to earn 3 billion yuan this year, which has not yet been realized. But now it is coming soon. At the end of the year, I made more than 2 billion, so this does not violate the leadership's instructions."

   "That's good." Leoni breathed a sigh of relief: "By the way, what's the child's name?"

"You decide."

   "Why do I have the final say? Didn't you get Huang Xin's child?"

   "Okay, let me start." Wang Ai nodded: "Then you sleep for a while? When you come to rest, we will discuss it together?"

  Leonie nodded, with the child on the left and the certificate on the right. She closed her eyes and fell asleep. The tiger ladies are good at that, they can eat and sleep.

  After a day of tossing, Wang Ai was also tired. It was already evening, so he hurryed to eat and rested for a while. Tonight is Leo Ni’s first day as a mother, and the child may be upset when she decides. Don't be impatient, Wang Ai will stare at it.

  Fortunately, the second son was as generous as his mother. He had tossed his parents six times during this night and then let it go. Until the morning Ai Xiaoqing woke up and took over, the two of them seized the time to make up for another sleep.

  At three o'clock in the afternoon, Leo Ni was walking with her child on the grass surrounded by four villas, and then asked about the child's name. Wang Ai, who had been prepared for a long time, talked: "According to the rules of my family, there should be a thick word in the name, which must be written in the genealogy. Of course, this is traditional. You don’t need an ID card on your household registration. Whatever you mean."

   "What would be the name of that clan?"

"Usually it is struck down according to the rankings to form a good meaning vocabulary. For example, our eldest son is called Wang Sheng, and the family name is Wang Housheng. If our second son goes down, he can be called Wang Houli. my occupation."

   "Wang Houli..." Leo Ni tasted: "It doesn't sound good, it tastes greedy for money and profit."

   "I said it was the clan name." Wang Ai didn't argue with Leo Ni.

   "Then, what about the account book?"

"Why is our big man named Wang Sheng, do you know?" Wang Ai looked at Leo Ni: "Huang Xin is of average body, at least compared to me, so the blood of our two blends, it is very likely that the child's physical fitness is average. I am. The analysis believes that if the physical fitness is average, it may lead to a lack of fighting spirit. That's why I won a special victory, hoping to encourage this child to have a stronger sense of professionalism."

  Leonie nodded, and continued to stare at Wang Ai.

  "As for you." Wang Ai smiled: "Our children will be special among their brothers and sisters because of their appearance. I want them to be in harmony with their brothers, so I want to call him Wanghe."

   "It's too plain, I don't like it." Leo Ni flatly rejected: "I think my biggest feature is that the soul of a Chinese lives in a Germanic body, and my children are similar, so I want to..."

  Speaking of this, Leo Ni glanced at Wang Ai and raised her neck: "I want to call him Wang China!"

Wang Ai took a deep breath: "This, this... private enterprises can't be called China... No, I, my dear Lao Lei, we can't be this way. You let our child be called China, and the one who raised the national flag What do you do at that time? People call China is great, and our son has to bother to figure out who he is talking about."

  Leonie thought for a while, especially when Wang Ai was really anxious, so she nodded: "That's what I said, OK, don't do this."

  As soon as Wang Ai breathed a sigh of relief, she heard Leo Nizhi proudly saying: "Then I will call him Wang Zhonghua!"

"This is not a soup change... Lao Lei, this name is too big. Let me tell you that there was a famous hard pen calligrapher named Pang Zhonghua in our country in the 90s. That person really has such a great ability, we, we... "Wang Ai's voice gradually became quieter, and Leo Ni's gaze slapped her buttocks: "Okay, let's call Wang Zhonghua, the big deal is I will teach him to play football!"

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