Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 53: An Zhi Ruo Su (3)

Wang Ai was shocked by his father's words once again. What he was good at was philosophy, macro level, strategic thinking, and of course also the convenience of rebirth, and father was the one who really fought in the organization and production line, and came from reality. Thoughts condensed into the needs of the work.

From the perspective of the old man, this reason is quite powerful. Originally, one third of the civil paper in the country is in the northeast, with Liaoyang, Hunchun, Daqing, and Tongliao as bases. Because of the characteristics of civil paper, the unit cost of long-distance transportation is too high, so it has to be solved on the spot, just like Wang Ai has two paper mills in the small town of Appiano in Milan.

Even developed countries such as Italy must rely on domestic production to provide civilian paper, so China will still have to produce civilian paper in the three northeastern provinces now and in the future.

After being divided into four bases, it can satisfy the three provinces of Northeast China, Japan and South Korea, eastern Inner Mongolia, and a small amount of Russia. And today's product line is no longer just toilet paper, printing paper, coated paper, packaging paper, special paper, from civilian to industrial to military, and even some Wang Ai does not know what it is used for.

Therefore, the in-situ upgrade mentioned by Wang Ai has changed from backward production capacity to advanced production capacity, and at least it can keep up with the adjustment of the national manufacturing industry. But energy is indeed a big problem. Coal burning pollutes, boiling water is useless, burning oil is too expensive, burning steam is unstable, and burning out doesn't work. It seems that there is no other way except for nuclear power plants.

But the problem is that just in March of this year, an accident occurred at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan. Although the Japanese expressed drizzle after the nuclear bomb, it scared Germany. China's approval of nuclear power plants must be strict again, and it is difficult to say what will happen in the future.

From a macro perspective, the Northeast does need to solve the energy problem, not only for industrial development, but also for heating. Both of these were originally solved simultaneously through thermal power stations. The waste heat of power generation enters residents' homes through pipes and becomes heating. But the thermal power plant is an eye-catching thing, so other power generation methods are needed. From the perspective of environmental protection and emission reduction, only clean energy is the only way.

Clean energy, whether it is hydropower or photovoltaics, cannot meet the needs of power generation and heating at the same time, which means that the energy input in the Northeast has to be doubled. Coupled with the limitation of hydropower stations in Northeast China in winter, and limited snow in winter, only nuclear power is the most suitable.

Thinking of this, Wang Ai nodded: "Daddy, you are right, but this is too big and impossible for our company. It depends on whether other industries and local governments can apply."

Wang Bin shook his head: "The next day when the leader is free, I will ask, let the leader give pointers and see how we will do this in the future. As far as our company is concerned, upgrading is definitely the country’s happy opinion, but upgrading is difficult. It also exists in reality. We don’t want the country to look at it differently, but is this also a valid reason?"

"Or else, think about new energy sources?" Wang Ai asked: "In fact, snow affects power generation, or temperature differences cause insufficient lifespan, which can still be solved through technological breakthroughs. When this product is applied on a large scale, the cost is also high. It will come down. I heard that the photovoltaic industry in the South, which has been developing very rapidly in the past few years, is in crisis. Daddy, do you think we can reach out and start a new energy company by the way?"

Wang Bin looked at his son: "We are a toilet paper seller, why are we still getting new energy? In order to make toilet paper for ourselves, we have to do power generation? To do power generation, we have to study power generation technology, and to study power generation technology, we have to buy A power generation company...Why do I think this is ridiculous?"

Wang Ai rolled his eyes: "You were thinking about buying land in Russia just now, and you want to manage the country's need for a nuclear power plant."

"What are you talking about so happy?" At this moment, Ai Xiaoqing walked over from the room: "The child just fell asleep."

"This kid taught me a lesson." Wang Bin pointed to Wang Ai: "Tell me what is behind the production capacity, and then combined with the country’s development reality, development needs, international trends, and the laws of globalization. To conclude, we have to buy a photovoltaic company."

Ai Xiaoqing was completely at a loss: "What's the matter with this?"

Wang Bin simply said: "The energy problem in the Northeast is a big problem. We cannot do without the Northeast. This problem exists even after we are gone. Therefore, from a long-term perspective, we have to plan for the energy issue."

"Photovoltaics... is not easy to do in the Northeast." Ai Xiaoqing, who is in charge of the three major sectors of agriculture, cultural and sports, and finance, is not without considering this issue.

"But the Northeast countries can't avoid it." Wang Bin shook his head: "If you want it, then you have to develop, so this problem will be resolved sooner or later. We are now taking advantage of the time to start as soon as possible. The focus is on scientific and technological research and development to break through the environment of the Northeast. In this way, we have intellectual property rights in our hands. New energy will definitely develop by leaps and bounds in the future. We have this, which is good for ourselves, the Northeast, and the country."

Hearing this Wang Ai interjected: "Is there enough funds? In recent years, sanitary napkins have been fighting a price war in order to grab the market."

"Well, there must be nothing out there for the time being." Speaking of this, Wang Bin sighed: "Speaking of which, we are becoming more and more like a public welfare enterprise. In fact, if it were not for solving the large amount of labor in the textile industry, we would not need to intervene in this. Market. Originally, domestic small factories competed with large foreign factories. We broke in, and we were all rivals inside and out. If it weren't for the abundant cash flow on our papermaking side, we might not be able to resist it. "

“You can buy a small factory first and take over a batch of existing photovoltaic technologies. Anyway, we still have to invest in R&D in the future. It doesn’t matter how big or small, as long as the technology is sufficient.” Ai Xiaoqing analyzed: “In this case, don’t use it. With a lot of money, as long as there is a talent team, you can do it in a long and steady manner. When the sanitary napkins can also generate profits normally, you can let go of your hands and feet."

"Does the future investment fund at home have any investment in this area?" Wang Ai reminded.

This reminder worked, and Ai Xiaoqing nodded suddenly: "Don't say it, it is true, but the scale is small. I made the investment when it looked good at first, but the development did not go well. It was regarded as a failed investment. I didn't withdraw it either."

"That's not right?" Wang Ai stretched his hands: "The other party is also uncomfortable. We might as well take over directly."

Ai Xiaoqing thought for a while: "Okay, I'll follow this when I look back."

"Just now my dad said about the public welfare enterprise, which suddenly reminded me, are there many disabled people in our enterprise?"

"Some are usually arranged by the civil affairs department. What's wrong?"

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