Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 66: Heynckes' Sabre (6)

After breakfast, the backyard became noisy again. Wang Ai and his son were playing with children's small balls. The lady ran around after the busy schedule. Wiwi, who had returned from playing all night, lay down on the sun lounger and occasionally flicked his tail boringly. Since Mr. Wiwi scratched his naughty child six months ago, Wang Sheng has never paid attention to Wiwi anymore.

Li Jun is still practicing German, and the conversation has become Kang Si, and their continuous communication in German has achieved two results with one stone. The guards sat scattered around or chatted or read a book, and some were uncomfortable staying in the room to sleep.

"How's the review?" After playing for a while, seeing that his son was tired and climbed onto the sun lounger to hug the dog, Wang Ai walked to the side of Yan Zhu.

"Still selecting, coming soon." Yan Zhu thought for a while: "You haven't read the information yet? Would you like to give some advice?"

Wang Ai waved his hand: "What do I know? I don't worry about the two of you. I just looked at my son's naughty look. I guess Li Jue is also having a headache. After all, our children are about one side old, so we should be making noise. Wait for the newcomer to come. You can also be free when you are up."

Speaking of his son, Yan Zhu also smiled and said, "My son is not as naughty as your son. Besides, Li Jue is a sportsman, not as patient as Manager Huang."

After talking and laughing for a while, when it was eight o'clock, people got up one after another. Wang Ai was going upstairs to read books, some guards were going out to buy, and the rest had to learn separately. Even Huang Xin, who was still preparing to accompany his son in the backyard, also picked up the books. Anyway, his son didn't have to worry about it, it was really dangerous, and there was a vigilant lady.

In the quiet study room, the rustling of the pen on the calculation paper kept rustling, and occasionally there was a crisp collision between the lid of the teacup and the teacup. And Shi Wenjun sat behind Wang Ai, and from time to time he sneaked a peek.

"Did you bite me so hard last night? Did you fall in love again?" Wang Ai put down his pen and full calculation paper and smiled back.

Shi Wenjun woke up from his thoughts and shook his head: "I'm thinking, why are you clinging to this matter?"

"What?" Wang Ai asked, and he understood: "What about putting you together?"

"Well, what kind of psychology is this? What is the psychological dynamics of Qi Renzhifu?"

"I don't know the blessing of the Qi people." Wang Ai shook his head: "But my idea is very simple, the family should be together. I am very aware of the hidden dangers of our family. Under the condition that our three views are the same, we can There are only some corners that are problematic. The root of the corners is food color, or uneven resources."

Shi Wenjun listened quietly, and Wang Ai spread his hands: "Fortunately, resource inequality does not exist in our family, materially...We are not luxury people, and even extravagant, very extravagant people are perfectly fine. On the one hand... hey, by-product."

Shi Wenjun nodded calmly: "You train like this for football."

"Yes." Wang Ai leaned back on the chair: "But it is a fait accompli, just like our complicated family, so our family is very nice and there are no major problems. Then there is only the unfamiliar ones that are left. Even if you are not unfamiliar with the estrangement, I will try my best to eliminate it."

Shi Wenjun nodded suddenly, and suddenly asked, "Do you want to continue tonight? What are you nervous about? I'm asking you for the truth. I didn't want to bite you. Just bite you last night."

Wang Ai looked at the little beauty strangely: "What's wrong? Addicted? Very exciting, right?"

The little beauty gave Wang Ai a white look: "No, you had a lot of output yesterday."

Wang Ai stared at Shi Wenjun with a weird expression, and after a while, he said with a sad expression: "The output size has nothing to do with whether you are pregnant..."

"I do not care!"

"That's what you said!" Wang Ai pointed to Shi Wenjun's face: "I originally blamed myself for trying too hard last night."

Hearing this, Shi Wenjun got up and walked away. When he reached the door, he turned his head: "A cow will be exhausted when ploughing an acre of land. Am I afraid of you?"

"Haha!" Wang Ai responded with a sneer that you were waiting for.

"Haha." Shi Wenjun also sneered: "Your good day hasn't been long, and when I'm pregnant, I'll see how you will be together as a family... Hahaha!"

Therefore, during the rest of the morning, Wang Ai struggled from time to time in the emotions of "Have fun while I'm young...I haven't played enough" and "My woman can't wait for her age... It's harder to be pregnant now". Get up, and finally end with "After giving birth to a child, it is still a good wife".

Since it’s the International Game Day again, Bayern has a holiday here. Many international players have returned to China to prepare for the game. Wang Ai also received a call from Lao Gao, but it was not that he was recruited to go back to the third game of the top 20 against Tajikistan. Reported another matter to Wang Ai.

Because all parties, including leaders of the Football Association, superior leaders and even Wang Ai of the national team, have noticed the danger of stagnation in the Super League, so Wang Ai informally proposed the idea of ​​the national team competing with the Super League champion, trying to use this The way to excite domestic clubs and teams.

After this idea was put forward, the Football Association was very interested. Although the management and office are separated, the football sports management centers that are assigned are all acquaintances. Everyone understands that the league is the foundation of the national team. Today's Chinese national team is actually equivalent to grafting into the five major leagues, mainly the German second division. superior. The direct passage between the Chinese league and the national team was artificially interrupted, and it was necessary to make a circle around Europe.

In recent years, the major clubs have also continued to give away people to Europe, but except for Wang Ai's signing of the Tübingen youth, the rate of success is surprisingly low, and Director Wei Di's worried hair has fallen. The Tübingen youth is good for home, but the most correct usage should be the assistance of the national team rather than the training center of the national team. In the end, it has to rely on the local league.

And as the national team is composed of all overseas players, the attitude of the majority of fans towards the domestic league has gradually become stricter. Without this national team on top, fans may think it’s okay if they don’t want too much, but with such a national team, the Chinese Super League is a bit under-read. This is one of the reasons why Chinese Super League clubs are particularly eager to send people away.

In short, it is also very urgent to raise the level of the Chinese Super League.

As a result, Wang Ai Xiaxia's proposal was quickly approved, and the date was temporarily set. The last round of the 11 season is on November 2, and it happens to be the fourth round of the top 20 match between China and Tajikistan on November 11. As a result, the exhibition and commercial competition, which has been named the "Chinese Super Cup Invitational", is scheduled for November 17.

The venue is placed at the home court of the Chinese Super League champion, and the subtext is that the Chinese Super League champion invites the national team to a cross-border contest. This is also to give the club a bit of face, after all, if the club is willing to play a game that is difficult to play, then it has to be painted.

Lao Gao's call is to inform Wang Ai: You have to come back then, it's all you sway, then you have to go around!

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