Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 68: Heynckes' Sabre (8)

Currently in the Champions League group where Bayern is located, Bayern has two wins and Naples has one win and one tie, which is considered the top two. The outcome of this game will largely determine the qualifying situation, so Napoli will be weak but will never give up resistance.

On October 18, at noon in Naples time and in the evening in Beijing time, after some communication, Wang Ai accepted a telephone interview with Duan Xuan and revealed the news that he will start the game. The news spread quickly, preheating the live broadcast of the game later in the night.

If Wang Ai has been on the bench since he came to Bayern, and Wang Ai himself can still think about it, then the major sponsors who have filled Wang Ai’s wallet are very upset, even if Wang Ai has scored consecutively as a substitute and even temporarily controlled the Bundesliga shooter. Ranking, but the news exposure is not as good as the main force.

Wang Ai in the front is still fighting Heynckes, and the bosses in the rear are already impatient. Fortunately, after more than two months of the Bundesliga journey, the "Asian King" finally made its debut.

Wang Ai’s heavyweight sponsors, including China Unicom, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, PetroChina, and Xiaomi Mobile, have posted game previews on their official blogs. Some even took the opportunity to repost Wang Ai’s ads for fear that fans would not see it. After hearing the news from CCTV's five live broadcasts and the subsequent full-point report, a large number of fans concentrated on Wang Ai's Weibo and rejoiced.

The sudden collective action of multiple heavyweight sponsors was spectacular. Later, as the news spread, state media such as Xinhua News Agency, Ziguang Pavilion, and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League also mixed their feet. Interaction, who doesn't like traffic? What happened to the official media? The official media also has performance appraisal.

This lively scene certainly made ordinary fans enjoy it, and of course it also made greedy people even more greedy: you're just a starter, as for you?

The reaction of overseas sponsors is also roughly the same. The endorsement contracts that Wang Ai has signed so far have been personally accepted by him, except for a very small number of collective appearances with other celebrities, and he is also the number one spokesperson. After all, the strength and status are here. In the face of Wang Ai's dilemma in the club, their popularity is no less than that of domestic sponsors, so they have also launched a wave of notices after all their hardships.

Next, this wave of sudden hot spots sponsored by sponsors at home and abroad was finally caught by domestic and foreign media, so the broadcast of the game was stepped up.

In the end, the heat of the media prompted some celebrities who could not go to temporarily adjust their schedules and decided to go to the Allianz Arena to join in the excitement tonight.

This wave, triggered by the normal decisions made by Heynckes, eventually turned into a crowd of friends at the Sao Paulo Stadium tonight. This was something neither Heynckes nor Wang Ai had expected, and it was also the management of the club. Unexpectedly. After signing a demanding contract, the club lacked interest in commercial development around Wang Ai, and was laissez-faire about whether the superstar played as the main force. Until this moment, they suddenly discovered that the tickets could still be operated.

At 8:30 that evening, Bayern will appear on the turf of Sao Paulo. Recently, Gomez, who has scored goals, is still starting, and Ribery, who is in hot form, also started. Cross mentioned that he played the front midfielder, and Wang Ai replaced the same. Robben, with a good injury, serves as the left winger. The piglets and Tymoshchuk played double back midfielders, four defenders Boateng, Van Bitten, Badstuber and Lahm, the goalkeeper is still Neuer who has won all opponents so far.

After a short warm-up, the players who returned to the dressing room were surprised by the particularly enthusiastic fans today. At this time, Wang Aishang didn't know the response of his phone call in China, and was still seriously thinking about how to play today's game.

After 15 minutes, the two sides stood on the court and the game started with a whistle from the referee.

Naples kicked off the ball, Wang Ai stepped forward to block, and destroyed the opponent's first pass with a tackle. This surprised the players and fans of both sides: Is it so fierce?

Cross who got the ball immediately organized the offensive, and the enthusiasm of the Allianz Arena rose accordingly, which seemed to indicate that today's game will be a hearty victory.

But the first goal was not from the enthusiastic right winger, but from the premise of Cross. In the first wave of attacks created by Wang Ai, Boateng caught the huge back row created by Wang Ai. Space sent a high-quality cross to the middle, and Cross followed up with a low-level shot to penetrate the opponent.

At this time, less than a minute after the kick-off, Cross, dressed in black, was a little shy and celebrated with everyone.

The Naples coach and captain were comforting the players, but the Naples player in the sky blue jersey did not seem to have reacted. After the kick-off again, he did not pass a few passes and was intercepted by the piggy. Ribery got the ball and went to the bottom. He felt that he had little chance in the face of heavy defense, so he turned around and passed it to the captain Lahm. Ram waited a few times and then passed it back to Van Bitten again, and Van Bitten steadily pushed to Boateng. Boateng hurriedly sent it to Wang Ai in front of him after playing the opponent's striker slightly.

Wang Ai was not in a hurry, but made a two-over-two cooperation with Cross, and then made a long shot in front of the goal and kept moving horizontally to look for opportunities. After attracting enough attention, he suddenly crossed Ribery. Ribery had already noticed that Gomez, who had been constantly moving in the penalty area, made a pass, and Gomez turned around and hit the goal.

5 minutes, 2:0 lead.

After Gomez scored, he embraced Scarman, the left winger, and then the right winger "Doctor". It may not be clear by looking at the data, but he is very clear as a player on the court. Just now the doctor always wanted to give him directly, but the chance was not good, so he knocked temporarily and drew a triangle from Ribery to help him complete the entry. ball.

Seeing the two biggest big men on the team warmly hugging and laughing together with their arms around their shoulders, Heynckes and the Bayern executives from afar were relieved. German newspapers have described the two-person team competition as incompatible: the doctor’s offensive ability is obvious and well-known, and Gomez has also become more enthusiastic, showing a higher scoring rate and offensive desire than any previous season. . But 4231 can only have one center, and there is Peterson who played last season's Bundesliga Golden Boot.

For Bayern fans, the most impressive combination of wingers in the past few seasons can finally become a conventional weapon. No matter which side is injured, the doctor can go up.

The German who led the two goals didn't mean to relax at all, but more enthusiastically attacked around the gate of Naples. But this time, the skilled chain defense of the Naples finally played a role. After 15 minutes of continuous topping, Bayern did not succeed. Finally, under the interference of Heynckes, Bayern retreated.

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