Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 71: With Zheng He, with Qi Sheng (1)

The craze caused by Wang Ai’s "perfect barb" only faded a little after a week. During this period, Wang Ai only uploaded a period of time on the beach in the early morning when he was on vacation in Hainan a few years ago on his personal social accounts at home and abroad. A series of somersaults from Xingzhi showed that he had a foundation. But other than that, Wang Ai remained silent, letting his various sponsors go carnival.

Anyway, my news has been created, hot spots have been created, and how to use it and how to use it well is your business.

In this week, Bayern also played in the second lap of the German Cup. The opponent is also Bavaria. Currently in Ingolstadt in the German Second Division, this is also a ball that has only climbed to the high-level league in recent years. The team is a relegation team whose comprehensive strength is in the middle and lower reaches of the German Second Division. So Bayern sent a group of substitutes to get it done. Of course, there is no general substitute in this group of substitutes better than the main force.

With Bayern’s two games in the low tide period, Wang Ai clearly felt that his status in the club has improved, such as the gatekeeper of the training field, the assistant of the team doctor, the staff of the competition department, etc., all passed some The trivial details expressed their respect.

However, the general substitute for this game still went to the Allianz Arena, but sat in the stands, accompanied by a group of Chinese. In the 2011 season of Liaoning Junior Football League, it is also the third Liaoning Junior League best team with 11 people. In addition to the leading coach Yu Ming, he finally arrived in Munich under the contact of Leoni and sat next to the best Asian player of 50 years. Watched a game of high quality for them.

Today’s Liaoshao League has expanded to 10 teams. In addition to Liaoshao One, Two and Three, the Gao Fengwen Football School which has been acquired as a whole but is still independently managed by Gao Fengwen, and the founding members of Dalian Two and Shenyang One, Shenyang has also been added. Junior teams from two ambitious low-level clubs and one from Anshan.

Of course, these later additions can only be regarded as broadening horizons. There is not one of this year's best team. Even the three founding teams of Dalian and Shenyang only have one person selected respectively, and the remaining eight are all three Liaoshao members.

In the training of Liao Shao, from the beginning, Wang Ai's goal was pure, the method was on the right path, and the ascent passage was also spacious. This is difficult for other clubs that are always disturbed by various factors.

Faced with three excited, shy, "other people's kids" who wanted to talk but didn't dare to speak, Wang Ai showed greatness. In addition to being the owner of the Liaoning Football Association, he is also an official of the Football Association and captain of the national team. In addition to being responsible for his own children, he is also responsible for other people's children. So he treated the children equally and took the children home directly. The new house I bought more than a month ago for safety considerations became useful now and served as a temporary dormitory.

According to Yu Ming, before the arrival of these children, they were called to Beijing to be trained by Leo Ni, who has learned Chinese and Western culture. In fact, Leo Ni didn't say anything, just briefly talked about the precautions for Germany, but the lioness gained so much prestige, the children were frightened and trembling, so that after coming to Germany, they were quite regular.

The 16- and 7-year-old children are at the stage of refusing to accept the rule of the Chinese government. Even if the expensive travel expenses are paid by Liaozu, they feel nothing. They are full of the idea of ​​growing into "Wang Ai Second". Wang Ai still has a headache. It's done, it will have to be like this in the future.

Frankly speaking, the quality of these children is good, and they are almost certain to play in the professional league in the future, and the level of hard work is also quite good, especially the three young members of the Liao Dynasty. It is too difficult to select the talents, but it can be made up for the day after tomorrow. Most of them are of this type. Therefore, the three, old and four youngsters of Liaozu are all pulling their heads one by one: they don't see that they have the potential to grow into Wang Ai.

But it's okay, at least there is no need to worry about the future echelon of Liaozu. It is indispensable for Wang Ai to achieve this kind of achievement, and even his studies have become a key factor. At least when Wang Ai was recruited by Lao Gao to the 84th National Junior College, he didn't have stage fright.

The children watched a game on the first day they came, and then Wang Ai arranged for everyone to rest, only to bump into the arrangements for the week when the children were there again with Yu Ming.

During the World Cup last winter break, all 23 members of the national team, except Wang Ai, opened a training camp. At that time, Wang Ai went to Laoshangouzi in Hebei to inspect his Hope Primary School. Out of various considerations, he took this Liaoshao League best team to Munich as a training camp.

So, at 5:30 the next morning, Yu Ming pulled the children up from the bed one by one. After drinking a large glass of milk, he put on the equipment he brought and went out to meet the smiling World Footballer-Xiao Wang. Comrade children.

There are not many other things in Wang Ai's family, just football. He reserves dozens of **** for daily training, which are not counted as commemorative **** for various competitions. So one person sent one, and led everyone to meet the sunlight on the horizon, and ran into a large plantation forest.

The training methods of these children are still traditional, and Wang Ai's "three-stage" training method still belongs to him only. On the one hand, the old coach has his own opinion that Wang Ai can't force it. On the other hand, Wang Ai is not convinced that his method is universal. At least the amount of training for one marathon a day cannot be supplied by ordinary families.

So Wang Ai just took everyone to run at a constant speed, and after running for five kilometers, he took a short break in the glade, and then ran the ball for another five kilometers.

Practice has proved that not all football players can run, even though they know that these children must have done their best, but they can walk after 10 kilometers. Wang Ai had no choice but to stop and practice other things with everyone. Yu Ming advised Wang Ai to practice at his own pace. After all, he is still in the season and cannot delay his normal training because of these children.

Wang Ai did not refuse, just considering not to undermine the children’s self-confidence, so he did not go to the limit. For example, he would specialize in frequency practice every day. This is the basis for supporting him to change frequency suddenly on the field. Today he practiced. But only used about two-thirds of the usual speed.

It wasn't until 7 o'clock in the morning that the morning exercises ended. Wang Ai walked home easily while bobbing the ball, still chatting with Yu Ming. Tang Zhen, who was not far behind him, watched as Wang Ai just walked forward with the ball upside down. He didn't even lose his way to home. No matter if he had a serious discussion with Yu Ming or greeted a passing German, the ball was just right. As if tied to his feet with a rope.

In the morning, the children were given to Li Jun to take a tour around Munich. In the afternoon, Wang Ai took everyone directly to the Bayern headquarters. Wang Ai trained with the team, and the children sat in the shade. After the training, Mueller, Robben, Ribery and other big-name players also took the initiative to run over and interact for a while, and the children fainted happily.

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