Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 81: Super Giant Era (1)

At the same time that the Xinhua News Agency European Bureau released this news that would have a miraculous effect on the coaching change, Wang Ai, who was sitting in the Allianz Stadium box, also just hung up Blatter's phone.

Thanks Ronaldo! If it weren't for his still ambiguous attitude about whether to attend the award ceremony!

Of course Blatter knows the internal affairs of Chinese football, is the world championship still a trivial matter? But without Cristiano Ronaldo's assists in Madrid, Wang Ai might not be able to convince him. After all, this can be regarded as intervening in the struggle within the football world of sovereign countries, whether Blatter or FIFA is very careful in this regard.

In today's international football, three superstars have gradually begun to lead the crowd, evolving in the direction of unprecedented "superstars". They are similar in age, similar in level, similar in influence, and even their living habits and training attitude are similar, which in turn determines that they are likely to be guys with a long professional lifespan.

They are Portuguese superstar Cristiano Ronaldo, a guy who is known for his diligence, versatility and adaptability; Argentine superstar Rio Messi, a super ninth and a half with amazing talent and amazing talent; Chinese superstar Wang Ai, A freeman in the frontcourt with super high shooting efficiency and known as the offensive all-around.

Thanks to the golden dollar football formed by the global capital flow and the stronger communication power of the Internet era, today’s world football will take the five major European leagues as the core to form a pattern far beyond the past, and the three super giants that have gradually formed are based on themselves. The quality of the foundation has attracted and united three stable business and fan groups. Cristiano Ronaldo takes old Europe and some American business gangs as supporters, Messi takes South America as the core, taking care of North America and Europe and the rest of the world, while Wang Ai takes the entire Asia and part of Europe, and takes care of a part of America.

In the business world, the three people have their own gains. Among them, Wang Ai has the most stable position and the most profitable business revenue, just as he leads the two in achievements and honors. Thanks to his innate advantage of yellow skin, after breaking the ceiling of the five major leagues, he inspired the enthusiasm of the world's largest continent. Whether it is Ronaldo or Messi, making money in Asia is either cooperating with Wang Ai or picking up what he doesn't want. The next level is Ronaldo. His appearance and skills are more in line with the traditional aesthetics, and he is more favored by all parties in the increasingly conservative European and American society. Of course, Messi is not weak. His outstanding talent is combined with the general spirit of resistance in South America. What is even better is that his loyalty to the "resistor" image is more prominent in Catalonia's pride, which made him win from the developed countries. To the general appreciation of the people in developing countries.

Today, the most intense struggle between the three super giants is between Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi. They are all in La Liga, where the business is loose and profitable. They belong to Madrid, which represents national unity, and Barcelona, ​​which represents regional resistance. The vital interests of the two teams are the spiritual totems of the two teams. The two also relied on this evenly matched game to tacitly maintain the basic plate under the squeeze of the strong momentum of the Eastern superstar.

The Oriental superstar probably felt something. After Inter Milan left, he accidentally ran to Germany where he started. He joined Bayern Munich, which has gained momentum in the past two years. An unfavorable situation that joined forces. Of course, it also bankrupted the "reactionary forces" that has been caused by his sudden emergence and continuous erosion of the white football map in recent years. In the struggle between the three super giants, there is no possibility of purifying the battlefield through a two-on-one strategic decisive battle in the short term, and the war will last indefinitely.

Whether the Eastern superstar’s temporary retreat has the intention of maintaining a tacit understanding with the other two super giants to join hands to carve up the world is unknown, but his retreat is a situation where the three super giants stand side by side on the top stage of world football. Completely formed.

So for FIFA, the world's largest international football organization, whether these three people can be invited at major ceremonies has become a symbol of the growing influence of international football in the new era. FIFA does not say that it is nothing in front of various sovereign countries, even in front of powerful clubs, it can only negotiate things. The three people who have reached the super-giant stage have the support of both powerful clubs and the support of their respective sovereign countries. They can completely avoid FIFA.

Of course, under normal circumstances, there is no need to offend FIFA, just like Wang Ai's attitude today.

He has the highest achievement, made the most money, and has the most lenient mentality. After taking the initiative to retreat, the public opinion environment he is in is also the most friendly. Both Ronaldo and Messi were full of praise when they talked about him. There is absolutely no aggressiveness of the Kaka camp a few years ago. Both forces understand that the oriental superstar will take the initiative to let it out in the next two years. Two years, so they are also intensifying their respective competitions, because Dongfang Chaoju can't leave the battlefield for a long time, and he will come back sooner or later.

The selection at the end of this year is the first year. When Wang Ai Lezi was playing as the "general substitute" in Bayern, the competition between Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi also reached fierce competition. However, the two sides are evenly matched from the performance on the court to the off-field supporters. With the Oriental Super giants showing that they are not mixed, Messi's power has almost locked in the FIFA Golden Globe with the Champions League champion in Barcelona last year.

There are not many choices left to Ronaldo.

After all, the football super giant is based on the green field. It is not as good as Messi in terms of talent, not as good as Wang Ai in terms of versatility, and no one is worse than anyone in terms of diligence. Ronaldo's stadium characteristics are relatively gloomy, so it can only be based on performance. Ronaldo is not worried about Wang Ai’s performance. His yellow skin won in Asia but also lost in Europe and the United States. Ronaldo can rely on the support of white conservative forces to live very well, but if Ronaldo’s performance is not as good as Messi, then Not to mention the collapse of his business map, there is also the danger of being eroded and shrinking.

Wang Ai's detachment, Messi's rise, Ronaldo's danger, these are the three super-giant realities today.

Blatter knows these things, and Wang Ai knows them too. So while preparing for the Super Cup in Guangzhou, Wang Ai called Blatter and hoped that he could publicly say "world famous coach Gao Hongbo" recently. Blatter went a step further and directly took out the award-giving guests as a "present" in exchange for Wang Ai's solemn promise to attend the awards ceremony.

Before the second call, Wang Ai had received a text message from a reporter from Xinhua News Agency’s European branch, telling him that relevant news had been released. Then in the phone call from Blatter, Wang Ai expressed his gratitude and once again promised that he would be there on time.

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