Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 83: Super Giant Era (3)

Wang Ai is really not kidding. Munich is the most expensive house he has ever lived in. In his career, his house has not exceeded 200,000 euros. Until Munich, the house and the two villas together cost him close to 4 million.

After coming to Munich for half a year, Wang Ai has never received domestic reporters at home, and he is afraid that some people will feel unbalanced after the reporters with big mouths spread out. In fact, Wang Ai himself is not balanced, so Beijing is fine. After all, every inch of the land is rich in money, but in Munich, living in a 40 million house, it is indeed painful to bleed.

If it weren't for Kang Si who said that the value of the house would be preserved, it wouldn't be a loss if it couldn't be sold in the future.

The "Samaria Manor" that opened slowly in front of Zheng Zhi was majestic. The main building has three floors and each floor has more than a dozen rooms. The tall green plants cover the surrounding vision even in winter. After entering the lobby, through the open glass back wall of the main building, you can see the main building of another villa obliquely behind.

Zhao Xuri said in the group that the boss bought it to protect the privacy of his family.

Including Zheng Zhi, who has an annual salary of more than 20 million yuan, also has old blood and vomits! Most people can't imagine how happy Zheng Zhi is, nor can Zheng Zhi imagine how happy Wang Ai is. For example, as soon as he walked in, he saw Mr. Huang holding the child and Mr. Shi who also appeared as a mistress.

No matter what he thought, Zheng Zhi was not bad at all. He greeted them one after another and took out a set of exquisite building blocks as a gift to Wang Sheng.

This meal was actually a midnight snack, so the two hostesses greeted and exchanged a few words before going upstairs to save Zheng Zhi from being uncomfortable. Only Li Jun and Kang Si accompanied Wang Ai to entertain Zheng Zhi in the restaurant.

"As soon as Brother Bai left, I was...I'm lonely anyway." Zheng Zhi put down his chopsticks and laughed.

Wang Ai blinked and did not rush to speak. Zheng Zhi had no choice but to go down by himself: "Come today, one is to visit your house and see the children. The other also wants you to advise me on staff and see what to do. "

"Mr Xu invited you?" Wang Ai said suddenly.

Zheng Zhi was taken aback, and smiled embarrassedly: "Mr Xu didn't directly..."

Wang Ai nodded, took a deep breath, and sighed deliberately: "Sure enough, he asked him to dig the foot of the wall, so I just looked at him with kind eyebrows and good intentions, not like a good person."

Zheng Zhi smiled and shook his head: "I'm 31 too."

Wang Ai nodded: "Then what do you think? What do you think?"

"I have come out in these years." Zheng Zhi put his hands on his knees and looked solemnly: "It's good to play outside, just a little bit, and the connection with the country is weak. I will always retire in the future, if I return it. If you want to do something, your network is indispensable. If you don’t play football in China, you can’t talk about this network. There are sponsors that you can’t borrow any strength. No matter how good they are with us today, when we retire, it’s worthless. You No one can be found at the door. Even though I don’t feel it deeply in this world, there are always a lot of examples."

Wang Ai nodded silently.

"Of course, this problem does not exist for you, maybe you can still be the chairman of the Football Association." Zheng Zhi joked: "For your group of 85 national youths, the road ahead is easy, you are better than I have a good foundation, a good age, and definitely have a higher accomplishment. Even if I return to China, I have to make offerings to you. I actually belonged to the Liao Xiaohu. I was in the Liao Shao. Oh, the old Liao and the young did not catch up with them. But I’m one year younger than Brother Luo and three years younger than Brother Bai, so I have to think about it. I just played in the Super Cup, and someone from Mr. Xu mentioned it. I’m hesitant about it now."

Speaking of this, Zheng Zhi raised his eyes and looked directly at Wang Ai: "Little Wanger, you are our leader. These years, whether you are older or younger than you, your brother or your younger brother, have always followed you. Yes, it gets brighter and brighter. So we can all believe in your vision and our brotherhood."

Wang Ai nodded deeply and thought for a while and smiled: "Brother Zhi, in fact, I think you have considered the pros and cons very clearly. You can maintain the level of staying abroad. With your talent and hard work, you will have to play for another ten years. Eight years, so that your current income structure and income level can be maintained. With your current achievements back to China, you will be a superstar in the Superstar. By the way, what is the salary Xu promised to give you?"

"3000." Zheng Zhi smiled embarrassedly.

Wang Ai frowned and knocked on the table subconsciously: "Lower."

Zheng Zhi was stunned: "Low? Generally, the main force of the Super League is only 300, and some are less than."

Wang Ai shook his head: "The accounts are not calculated like that. Have you heard about Anelka? Have you heard how much Shenhua is going to give him?"

"How can I compete with Anel Kabi?" Zheng Zhi, who felt ridiculous, smiled and pointed at himself questioningly: "I, really?"

"You are the main player of the world championship, is he?" Wang Ai asked sharply.

Zheng Zhi was stunned for a while, then smiled silently: "Why have you never said that?"

Wang Ai shook his head: "We Chinese are in a weak football country. We must exercise in Europe to realize our dream. In a foreign country, it is necessary to keep a low profile and earn less in exchange for a stable playing time. So I cannot Encourage everyone, but aren't you going back to China now?"

Looking at Zheng Zhi who was thinking, Wang Ai continued: "Shenhua might give him 10,000! I ask you, why are you worth 3,000? Even if you count Shanghai's if there is nothing like Chong... Uh, open, open The mentality, that shouldn't be so bad."

"Maybe they are forwards."

"What about Kongka? Kongka also has more than 4,000. Why are you lower than him?" When it came to this, Wang Ai said angrily: "Just come to me to dig the wall, and I still have the thought of picking up the bargain. Anyway, I think Don’t think about it if you are less than 4000. In terms of strength, fame, and value to the team, you have surpassed the average foreign aid. Why should you be regarded as a domestic aid?"

"That's the initial intention. It's not time for the real talk." Zheng Zhi defended the "comfortable eyebrows": "If you really want to talk, it won't be the price."

Wang Ai shook his head: "Even if your intentions are so low, you can't really talk about it. With your strength and comprehensiveness, you really return to the Superstar in the Superstar. You should enjoy the treatment of a superstar and treat us as overseas. Why is the Corps? You were not sent by the Guangzhou team? Even if you want to make friends in domestic football, you can't wrong yourself. You can't ask for less money, and you can only negotiate friendship on a fair basis. Otherwise, people will treat you. When you are a fool, you will have to fool you. After all, unity depends on struggle."

After listening to Zheng Zhi, he took a deep breath and slowly exhaled: "That's the truth...then I still go back to China? Xiao Wanger, tell the truth to your brother, how do you think about it?"

"...Are you still participating in the World Cup three years later?"

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