Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 91: So the sword is deep (1)

The change in football is linear. Even if it breaks through a certain joint and achieves a qualitative change, it is still remote, unfamiliar, and unknown to the general public. Their perception of the super-giant era is still stuck in the media's bragging. Especially Chinese fans on the fringes of the football world. But this does not matter to Wang Ai, anyway, his appeal in the Chinese market has reached its limit. Therefore, Chinese fans do not make any difference whether they recognize him as a star, a superstar, a superstar or a superstar.

As long as the Chinese merchants understand, the merchants use Baidu search volume, personal social account attention, and even the number of business and communication related research papers using Wang Ai as the key word to judge his actual status and influence. The contract standard with Wang Ai.

In August last year, after Geely Automobile acquired Volvo, which is well-known and even stigmatized in China, it sent a big order to Wang Ai. Before Wang Ai agreed, I did not know whether it was intentionally or unintentionally leaked the news of the two parties’ contact. Seriously claiming that this contract may be the most expensive endorsement contract ever made by a Chinese car company, 100 million a year or something. Later negotiations were delayed, but this incident reflected two high thresholds for domestic brands to cooperate with Wang Ai: brand value and endorsement fees.

This is probably the intuitive understanding of most Chinese people in the super giant era.

On the dim evening of December 21, the German Beauty was slowly taxiing on the runway of Beijing International Airport. Wang Ai sat up from the bed and stretched out, stood up and washed his face. When he came back, he reached out and lifted his son up. Shaking, his son flew to the sky with a smile...

Huang Xin came with the cotton coat: "Stop making trouble, put it on quickly."

Hold down the dishonest son and watched him be wrapped into a ball. Wang Ai put the ball in his hand and turned it upside down. At the same time, he looked out along the porthole. The wind was a bit strong tonight, far away from the light. There was still a little remnant snow under the reflection, so he was wrapped in a down jacket and waited for the captain's instructions.

After a while, news came from the tower. After Wang Ai greeted the captain, co-pilot, and flight attendant, he left along the gangway and directly boarded the van from home.

This year’s Spring Festival is January 23, and the first match of the second half of the Bundesliga is January 20, so Wang Ai said hello to Heynckes when he left. He may have a complete Spring Festival at home this year... Hein Kers agreed without much hesitation.

The German media have said that the guy who played 15 games for Bayern in half a season and scored 30 goals, at least turned around 5 games with his personal performance, and brought Bayern at least 7 points, which happened to be Bayern. The point difference leading to second place. Annoyed Heynckes sneered at this statement after analyzing the video of the game in private... it was clearly 4 games!

The league championship is basically to win if you are not sure, you must strive to win if you are not sure, and if you lose as much as possible, try to fight for a draw, just save one point, and whoever saves the more in the end is the champion. Therefore, someone like Wang Ai who can always output steadily, or can reverse the game at a critical moment, has a real high value, which is commonly known as a star.

When I got home, dinner had been prepared. More than 30 people, large and small, sat at five tables. After eating, Wang Ai gave Li Jun, Zhao Dan, Liu Liang, and Zhang Guang a half-month holiday, and asked them to take 8 next month. I came back before, because Wang Ai is going to Zurich to attend the FIFA awards ceremony. When Wang Ai comes back, they can go on holiday until after the Spring Festival. During Wang Ai's attendance at various activities, the Beijing resident Yan Zhu was in charge, and he was going to inspect and inspect the two new guards today.

Similarly, Huang Xin, Leo Ni, and Shi Wenjun also gave their guards a vacation, but Kang Si's two Romanian female guards were not released, and there was nowhere to go. Compared to poor and chaotic Romania, both Germany and China are much better.

When people were almost gone, the Wang Ai family sat down and chatted. Although the usual communication will be through various methods, including phone calls, looking at documents, etc., this family is considered to be entrepreneurs. Therefore, the first thing to talk about after meeting must be related companies, such as those that are inconvenient to say on the phone, or say unclear.

Wang Bin and Ai Xiaoqing mainly like Wang Ai’s oral notification of some of the content that was not mentioned in the corporate briefings of the five major corporate systems in the family, including some policy information, personnel changes, etc., and some more relaxed, such as the Minister of Discipline Department of Northern Light Industry Bao Ligao's son gave birth to twins, so he will come over this year for New Year greetings and the like.

After talking about this, it took more than an hour, and then I started to talk about family matters and children’s matters. In fact, Wang Sheng has been curious about Wang Zhonghua for a long time. Unfortunately, this creature called "brother" has been sleeping. This time, when he finally talked about them, Wang Sheng went down to the ground and staggered to reach his brother's stroller, and probed. Looking inward, Xiao Fatty patted his brother's face with trembling hands.

Wang Zhonghua opened his eyes and cried out, Huang Xin hurriedly got up and grabbed his son, but was caught halfway by Wang Ai: "Let them interact with each other. It's okay. By the way, hurry up and take photos. This is historical. One scene. Our boss and second child met for the first time."

Wang Bin and Ai Xiaoqing couldn't say anything, Leo Ni applauded and cheered, as if it was not her son who was making the cry. Kang Si picked up the phone and snapped several pictures, then turned on the digital camera by the way, and took photos with the little brothers.

Wang Zhonghua cried a few times in the stroller, and found that his mother was not here, and the guy standing outside the stroller seemed to have nothing malicious, and he chuckled there instead. As a result, Wang Sheng smiled and Wang Zhonghua also forgot to cry and grinned.

"Is my son stupid?" Leonie pointed to the stroller.

"I will tell my son when he grows up." Wang Ai threatened Leo Ni, and then rushed to Huang Xin: "Look, adults should not be mixed with children's affairs, as long as education is good and not bullying. , Adults don’t care about how they interact."

"Only you know a lot!" No one else said anything, Ai Xiaoqing couldn't help it, patted his son's head, walked over and picked up the two grandchildren, kiss this, see which one, can't let it go.

Wang Bin couldn't help it anymore, and walked over to tease the two children. Wang Sheng can still remember his grandparents, which makes them very happy. In fact, it is not how good the children's memory is, but that they both have to video with their grandson every other week. It is hard to forget!

Shi Wenjun in the crowd watched the family's warm interaction very deeply, with happiness on his face. In another ten months, she and her children will also be part of this interaction.

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