Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 99: So the sword is deep (9)

The leaders in a good mood, accompanied by the main leaders of the province and the main leaders of the Sports Bureau and Football Association, inspected the Chaoyue Sports and Liaoning Football Bases, and cordially visited dozens of football teenagers in the winter training here. In addition to the preparation of leaders at all levels, the entire beyond sports is ignorant.

Wang Ai took the time to spread his hands with Mai Chao and the others who were watching him. The leader wouldn't let me say what should I do? Just now on the plane, Wang Ai wanted to call here, but was stopped by the leader: "I don't like welcoming and sending, let alone the red carpet. It was originally a job. It depends on the real situation."

The leader refused, and Wang Ai did not dare, almost hanging his heart from Beijing to Shenyang.

Fortunately, everything is functioning normally. Although I don't know that the leader is coming, the matter of Yan Shiduo's coming is not kept secret. He is the deputy director of the General Administration of Sports, a deputy ministerial cadre, and he has to behave well.

At noon, the leader had a meal in the Liaozu Canteen, and asked with interest about various ingredients and food supply. After a short break in the afternoon, I went to other departments beyond sports to investigate and discuss. In the evening, led a group of people to the Liaoning Stadium and sat on the sidelines to watch the 25th round of the CBA 2011-2012 regular season match between Liaoning Basketball and Guangsha.

After the game, the leaders cordially received the players from both sides on the sidelines and shook hands with them. So that when he finally left, when he waved goodbye to the fans in the stands, the applause in the Liaoning Stadium was endless and prolonged.

Going out and getting on the car, the leader glanced in the direction of the gymnasium: "A piece of hot land, come to Xiao Wanger and shake hands again, it's time to say goodbye."

"You don't... uh..."

The leader smiled and explained: "We will have a meeting when we return to Beijing in the evening, and we will see you again when we have a chance."

A group of Chaoyue Sports stood beside the main leaders of the province and waved to the car going away until they were out of sight. Then, Chaoyue Sports and his party routinely sent the main leaders of the province into the car, still watching and waving until they were out of sight.

"Let's go, let's go back overnight to study how to implement the leadership's instructions." Wang Ai turned around and said to Mai Chao, Shen Xiangfu and others: "Don't go overnight, don't think about the future, do it immediately."

Back to the Liaoning Football Headquarters, in the large conference room, the heads of all departments of Transcendence Sports were all present, and Wang Ai sat on the center of the rostrum without hesitation: "The leaders spent a whole day with us today, and they will pay back when they return to Beijing in the evening. There are meetings to be held, this is our ardent expectation, comrades!"

As soon as Wang Ai's words came to this, I don't know who was the first to applaud, and Wang Ai was taken aback. Fortunately, Mai Chao next to him explained in a low voice: "The leader came today. Everyone was too surprised and didn't react. Only then did they feel excited."

Wang Ai nodded knowingly, and when the applause subsided, he continued: "Our past work has been affirmed by the superiors, but don’t be proud of it. You have to see that we still have a lot to improve and perfect. Of course, I don’t want your departments to immediately Make great efforts to do superficial skills. Instead, while learning the speech of the Communist Party, implement the leadership instructions and implement the leadership will, and further think and improve in the existing plan. What do we use to reward the country when we engage in sports? Two, One is to make professional achievements and the other is to develop national fitness. The focus of today's inspection is Liao Shao, what is Liao Shao? One is to provide talents for professional teams, the other is to expand the influence of football and promote national fitness. Moreover, Liao Shao is young Training means that it’s not a place where you can get results right away, understand everyone?"

Seeing that everyone in the audience still didn't understand, Mai Chao coughed and added: "This means that the leaders have expectations of us, but we don't require us to get results right away. Everyone can still follow the steps."

Seeing everyone's suddenness, Wang Ai continued: "The leader's speech today is a tall building. Although they are not doing this, they have different positions and different perspectives. Everyone must carefully understand and study. After the Chinese New Year, the heads of all departments will give me a hand in hand. A plan for learning experience and how to implement the leadership's instructions next."

Speaking of this, Wang Ai raised her voice and said: "Don't let the secretary write, don't use Mandarin idioms, this is not linked to your work performance, what I want is your true experience and true thoughts!"

Seeing some elders looking embarrassed, Wang Ai said unhappily: "I don't ask you to make a long story. There is no limit to more, but a few hundred words are fine. I want you to be truthful and truthful! Do you understand?"

The meeting room became quiet, and Wang Ai scowled and glanced around: "Beyond Sports has some achievements in these years. I think you are a little proud and complacent. You get beaten, what are you doing? The leader laughs and hehe doesn't mean you are good at everything. It's too late to wait for the leader to be stern!"

Mai Chao solemnly said: "Yes, the leader is here today to praise and spur. Everyone should see that our achievements have been recognized by the leaders in the past. This is a commendation for us. But at the same time, it would be enough if only a phone call was praised. Now, being able to come in person is to hope that we can do better, and we all have to realize it. As Xiao Wanger said just now, we don’t need to get results right away, but don’t we have any areas of improvement? Isn’t it our mental outlook? Is it cultural learning? Is it interacting with fans? Is it doing public welfare activities? Is it perfect to improve our management mechanism, reduce costs, and increase productivity?"

After Mai Chao finished speaking, Wang Ai pondered: "In the next year, I will send Mr. Lei back. Everyone should use this leadership inspection as an opportunity to promote our work in all aspects. Listen well, I don’t want to fake it. , Virtual, real."

Immediately, Wang Ai announced the adjournment of the meeting, and then in the cafeteria Wang Ai, Mai Chao and Shen Xiangfu had a specific discussion while having a meal. During the meal, Old Shen also asked Wang Ai if he had made some of the aphorisms and golden sentences in the leader’s speech today. Slogans hung in eye-catching places, one to remind everyone, and the other to show support?

Wang Ai thought for a while and shook his head: "Wait for my instructions, everyone is not familiar with this work style. If we are too public, it may be counterproductive."

Mai Chao and Shen Xiangfu glanced at each other and nodded at the same time. They discussed for a while, and finally Wang Ai said: "I will go back to Beijing tomorrow to talk to Mr. Lei. You also think about how to make good use of this opportunity to improve our Work. By the way, you don’t care about Lao Mai, you are far from home. After a year of working in Liaoning, you may not be able to go back to your hometown once. I will not invite you. Shen instructs you to come home during the Chinese New Year. Well 29, you know me As soon as the Spring Festival is over, you have to go back to Europe. You may not be able to be at home in the third and fourth grades. Let's talk about the AFC two days in advance."

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