Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 110: Why scream and walk slowly (10)

Wang Ai, who didn’t know he was being calculated, was still actively seeking to score goals on the court. Kaiserslautern had planned to rely on intensive defense to delay time, but Wang Ai was crushed by Wang Ai's outstanding personal ability, and then became a bit uncomfortable. Know what to do.

The league’s format determines that losing one is the same as losing ten, especially for teams that are determined to stay in the league. So, after hesitating for a few minutes, Kaiser decided to give it a go, but with Kaiser’s current staffing, they could barely pass Bayern’s midfield. On the contrary, the reduction in backcourt personnel made Bayern’s attack more threatening.

In 15 minutes, Muller's cross was first obtained by the opponent's goalkeeper. In 18 minutes, Wang Ai scored the ball and was intercepted. In 23 minutes, Alaba took a free kick and missed the goal. In 30 minutes, Cross took a free kick and sent it to the goal area. The strangler made a header in the first place.

Half an hour, the third kick-off.

Kaiser was a bit stupid, and also a bit stunned. Then the big moves became more and he finally became a yellow card in the 40th minute of the first half before calming down a little, and then in stoppage time in the first half. , Ribery crossed diagonally, Wang Ai was moving from the center to catch it, and finally at the corner of the penalty area, with his speed advantage, he won a chance to take the foot, facing Ribery's pass and volleyed to change the score. It became 4:0.

The woolen hats on the stands became steamy, and for the fourth time, they raised their arms for the wonderful performance of the players.

Everyone returned to the locker room happily, Robben grabbed Wang Ai's neck: "Doctor, can you explain to me why you made a total of three shots in the first half but got a hat trick?"

"Really? There is still this matter? Did you remember wrong?" Wang Ai pretended to be stupid.

"Mario, Mario, did you count them too? He is a competitor of your golden boots." Robben picked up the matter.

Gomez shook his head: "I'm not, don't talk nonsense, as long as the team wins, it's the same who gets the golden boots. But, Doctor, you really made three shots and three hits."

"Jesus loves me, I am a good Samaritan." Wang Ai pretended to be religious.

My teammates were not good at joking about this religious issue, but I couldn’t get through. Wang Ai had no choice but to spread his hands with a grin: “The two opponents at the beginning were a bit slack and the chances were good. Later, the opponent focused on me. I didn’t have much chance. Thomas got in and distracted the opponent, and then in stoppage time they probably wanted to take a break, and then the opportunity came again, that's it."

As he said, Heynckes walked into the locker room: "Doctor, you have to pay attention to the opponent's defensive actions in the second half. They should hate you very much. I might replace you halfway."

Wang Ai accepted this reason. At the beginning of the second half, the ball was passed after the center circle. Ribery and Muller took turns to attack the opponent's gate. In 55 minutes, when Robben had warmed up and walked to the sidelines, Bayern Got a direct free kick from 32 meters to the right.

Bayern’s direct free kicks are usually taken by Alaba, Kroos, Van Bitten and others. Although Ribery, Robben, and Muller sometimes play one, their footwork is not as good as the first two. Gradually The default is that they are the penalty shooter. In addition to Wang Ai, it is well known that he is the best player in free kicks, but in Bayern he is often not on the court. And today he is here, and Alaba and Cross have both played, so at this opportunity that should have been replaced, everyone coaxed him to have a "dying farewell".

Robben also yelled from outside the sideline: "Four in four!"

Tens of thousands of fans who stood watching the ball kept their eyes on Wang Ai, hoping that he could create a miracle that was not big or small. Wang Ai calmly observed the relative position of the goal and the wall. The goalkeeper He’s standing and paying attention, and then he withdrew diagonally to take seven or eight steps, and after the referee’s whistle, he made a run-up.

The football sees the human wall as nothing, and the high and floating arc quickly slid to the finish line. It was too late for the goalkeeper to make a save after being shaken.

The teammates rushed to Wang Ai at the same time, and the stands were in full swing. Only Wang Ai felt something wrong in his heart. It seemed that the goalkeeper was a little too prepared.

Wang Ai was still thinking about this problem until he was replaced and sat on the bench. It seems that he had carefully studied the video of his free kick. The four ways I am good at are Carlos style, Junior Juninho style, his own stone ball and Beckham style. The first three Wang Ai basically stand behind the straight line of football and goal, only The Beckham type must be offset to both sides by a large angle.

Over time, the goalkeeper knows what kind of play he wants to choose as soon as he looks at Wang Ai's position. If it weren't for the speed of the ball, it would be really dangerous.

It seems to be adjusted in the future. The Beckham style has to be used, because compared to the other three, although the large arc is very technically difficult, it is also easy to master, while the Carlos style and the little Juninho style are not. The certainty is too high, and the cost of own stone **** is too high.

As for how to adjust, Wang Ai had already considered it clearly at the end of the game. In addition to continuing to increase his strength, speed up, and reduce the goalkeeper reaction time, he must also pay attention to the position. Think about it in the corner or even in the middle, otherwise you will be touched.

Wang Ai’s serious expression on the bench didn’t attract much attention, except for a few occasions when the Germans had a serious expression on the bench. Only Li Jun, who was more familiar with him, noticed that he was still thinking about free kicks during dinner at night. Technology, I couldn't help but shake my head: "If I didn't know you were serious, I would think it was too fake. You have a super high shooting rate of 40%, and you still wonder? Are you going to turn football into a missile?"

"It's not as fast as a missile." Wang Ai was still analyzing his other technologies in his mind, so he was a little plain.

"Damn! Have you really thought about it?" Li Jun was shocked: "I told you that it was deadly, not to mention a football, even if you fly a hair and hit someone on the body at a speed of thousands of kilometers, you have to hit someone. Dead, you will be suspended for doing this."

"Ballistic missiles can’t work, that’s too fast." Wang Ai still thoughtlessly said: "The fastest time I played was in Cobham. I kicked a stone ball and surpassed 300. It was probably a cruise missile. Half."

"Really?" Li Jun was frightened: "Did you really kick out the tomahawk with your foot?"

"Football won't explode, it's still soft." Wang Ai recalled at this moment: "What you just said is wrong. Even if the hair flies at the speed of a missile, because it is too light and has insufficient kinetic energy, it will not be so lethal. The same goes for football. It is very common to hit someone for about 200 kilometers, and I haven't seen anyone killed."

"Professional football is too dangerous."

"It's not dangerous, you'll know if you try."

"I don't want to try!"

"No, you want to try!"

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