Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 126: From Muller to Muller (6)

"Don't worry!" Leoni worked hard for the man in the stands.

In the dressing room, Wang Ai, who was silent with a towel on his head, also comforted himself in his heart not to worry. The last move that let Li Jun watch TV to report the situation at any time attracted the attention of his teammates. Robben kindly reminded Wang Ai: Don't let everyone think that your attention is no longer on the team.

And Wang Ai also felt that it was enjoyable to do so, but it would make his heart more anxious. Therefore, Li Jun was not allowed to watch TV at all in this game. Before the game, he did not inquire about the performance and state of the two opponents in the Iberian Peninsula. Everything will be discussed after the end of the game.

Having been a king for many years, he was suddenly attacked by his opponents, but also by two opponents. Wang Ai's anxiety was not only on the real level but also on the psychological level.

Heynckes made a comment, but Wang Ai basically didn't listen, and was still making psychological adjustments: My throne was also taken from others, not inherited. So, it is nothing more than to lower your stance and turn yourself into a competitor.

15 minutes was short. After hearing the knock on the door, everyone stood up. When passing by Heynckes, he took a picture of Wang Ai, so Wang Ai stayed until the end.

"Don't forget what you said to reporters on the sidelines after the last league game." The old coach looked like a torch: "What you said is only meaningful when the team chased the record inadvertently created by the victory."

Wang Ai took a deep breath and nodded.

Unexpectedly, the old man did not let go of him, but increased his strength and slapped him again: "The opponent is not strong, and the defense given to you by the opponent is not strong. Your body is stiff. Smile, as usual, relax. ."

"Enjoy the game!" Heynckes emphatically explained.

"OK!" Wang Ai took a deep breath, then walked out of the player tunnel with his head held high.

It's easier said than done. Although Wang Ai is a person who can adjust his mentality, his anxiety for many days is not so easy to get rid of, especially when the support provided by his teammates is not in place, he will desperately suppress his unhappiness.

In this way, after half an hour slowly, Wang Ai really entered the state. At this time the score has become 2:0, and Robben's volley succeeded because Wang Ai attracted too much attention.

In the 78th minute of the game, Wang Ai, who had returned to the game physically and mentally, got a cross from Lahm, a chance!

Wang Ai opened his eyes wide, raised his arms, and strode forward. And the opponent is like a big enemy, still a strong and one-spirited configuration forced to come!

The distance to the goal is 40 meters, and the distance between the three of them is 5 meters and 8 meters. Faced with the blockade of this pair many times, Wang Ai finally thought of a way this time. When he suddenly picked up his feet while running, the football flew towards. More than 10 meters away, the arc is very high!

It's not a shot, but a pass, a pass to yourself in a few seconds!

It doesn't matter if the teammates support is not in place, I will play two roles!

The burly man in front of him turned around with a bitter face, and consciously or unconsciously crossed his shoulders to Wang Ai's side, while Wang Ai rammed his shoulder without saying a word. The two large deltoids collided with the support of the upper arm bones. Wang Ai ran head-on, and the opponent turned around. Wang Ai just shook for a while and still got the chance to go straight forward, while the opponent staggered two steps and fell on the spot.

The referee did not say!

The dexterous defender has turned around and ran below the football drop point. He intentionally or unintentionally opened his arms to protect himself, but actually blocked the edge. But this time, Wang Ai is still very determined and directly uses his body to swing away with the help of the momentum. After getting the first point with the opponent's arm, he pushed his chest forward and forced it forward under the opponent's pull.

It's like a bicycle hooked up to a tractor. When the bicycle tries to brake the tractor with its poor brake pads, it goes without saying that the tractor doesn't even feel it!

The goalkeeper attacked, Wang Ai kicked and hit the empty goal behind the goalkeeper!

The Bayern fans were cheering, and the simple scoreboard in their hands became "39"!

The goalkeeper Ai was very tough, and he knew it by looking at the two defenders who were still lying on the ground. He almost broke through the defense line in an unreasonable German chariot posture, and sent the shells into the opponent's fortress fiercely.

Facing the two "old men" Robben and Muller, Wang Ai hugged them happily and waved his hand like Ram who was smiling not far away.

The background of football has always been barbaric and passionate, which cannot be changed no matter how much it is modified. Pure gentrification will kill fans, by the way, the league, and football. Such a male goal made Wang Ai feel very enjoyable.

Two Raul's shots are not as good as a Shevchenko's burst shot. The kind of unnecessary violence just reflects the lack of utilitarianism and pure enough football aesthetics.

Wang Ai, who vented out of depression outside the field, finally recovered Wang Ai’s bravery in the last few minutes of the game. He repeatedly made threats in the penalty area, and finally received Robben’s precision in the 89th minute of the game. He made a cross and pushed the score to 4:0 with a strong header!

Also directed the Bayern fans in the stands to turn the scoreboard in their hands to the "40" page!

Ordinary fans don’t know the brutal competition between the best three in football in the world, nor do they know what their three foundations are. Of course, they don’t know that Wang Ai has put his sight on "50", and he is just conservative. Estimated. They only know that another great record of the Bundesliga, another great record of "Müller", is about to end!

That is the most powerful and well-known "Müller": Ged Mueller, 40 goals created in the 7172 season!

This week and the last seven days of this month, the "Samaria/Doctor" first scored 7 goals in a single game on the 24th, surpassing Dieter Muller's great record 35 years ago, and then tied on the 31st. The great record of Ged Muller 40 years ago!

Scored 10 goals in two games, this accumulation also broke many records.

Although as the reporter interviewed last time said, from Wang Ai to the Bundesliga, people are expecting him to break the dusty record for too long like in the Premier League and Serie A, and give the Bundesliga some new flashes. But it was unexpected that he could come so quickly. After all, he played most of the games as a substitute in the first half. At that time, people had put their hopes on the next season, thinking that he would need to run in with Bayern for a season. Release it completely.

This is also the reason why German television did not award him the best goal of last year.

If these two records are about to be broken, the entire Bundesliga did not expect it, then this game can still complete a hat-trick despite the full burst of playing and the busy week of this week, that is, the Bayern club and the coaching staff can still complete the hat-trick. Unexpectedly.

The evidence is that as Bayern’s famous player, the last record holder, and still maintains close contact with Bayern, Ged Muller did not appear in the stands today.

Although he has expressed his optimism about the Chinese to write his record to new heights.

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