Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 129: From Muller to Muller (9)

During the dinner, Duan Xuan paid more attention to Bayern's gossip. Wang Ai promised to take him to the Bayern headquarters tomorrow. If you don't bring a camera, you can watch it. Zhang Lu is an insider. He asked more concerned about how many goals he could score in the league and the Champions League.

Wang Ai's answer is simple and straightforward: How much money can be earned.

Zhang Lu gave a thumbs up, and Wang Ai nodded hehe, leaving Duan Xuan and Lin Long who were bystanders at a loss for a while, wondering what dumb riddle they both played.

On the second day, Duan Xuan was overwhelmed with addiction. From the training ground to the honor room, from the restaurant to the gym, as long as he wanted to go, Wang Ai led him. And as long as Wang Ai wants to go, it will be unimpeded. Zhang Lu went to Heynckes for a brief chat, and stayed at Wang Ai's house for three days while filming.

On April 7, at 3 pm German time and 9 pm China time, the 29th round of the Bundesliga 1112 season is about to be staged. In this game, Heynckes put Wang Ai on the front midfielder, with Gome in front. Robben and Ribery are on the left and right, taking into account Wang Ai's goal and the team's goal. With 5 points ahead of Dortmund, try to get the championship as early as possible in order to prepare for the Champions League and German Cup finals more calmly.

Because Wang Ai is likely to break the 40-year-old record belonging to the bomber Ged Muller in this game, all parties, including the Bundesliga and Bayern officials, have made careful preparations: the game will be broadcast nationwide and a large number of celebrities. Stars appeared in the stands, a large room was arranged for the press conference after the game, and even a special dinner party was arranged. .

The day before the game, Bayern’s former chairman Beiken Bauer specially came to the training ground to meet Wang Ai: “We have been looking forward to this day since you came to Munich, but we didn’t expect it to be so fast, so you don’t need to worry about anything. , There are clubs to support you, you just need to realize that exciting moment and keep this honor in Munich."

On the day of the match, several new and old stars of the Chinese star football team also rushed to Munich and appeared in the pre-match warm-up of the duo of Duan Xuan and Zhang Lu. For example, the former Manchester United fan Tian Zhen wore a newly bought one. The Bayern jersey also showed the number 20 behind it. Tenor Mo Warren even sang a short opera in German in front of the camera.

In short, in this ordinary season and ordinary event, with the help of the promotion of the sports channel and the many fans that Wang Ai has accumulated over the years, this game has reached a well-known level in China.

On a sunny afternoon, wearing a No. 20 red jersey, Wang Ai and his teammates appeared on the turf of the Allianz Stadium in turn. As soon as his figure appeared, the pitch of TV commentary from various countries went up.

At 3:30, the game officially started.

Unlike the extraordinarily excited spectators, Wang Ai played very steadily in this game. He and Heynckes reached a consensus on this point: his state was not quite right for most of the last game, so this game would rather be slow. Come down.

Heynckes’s consideration is that sooner or later, you can break this record. There are 5 games left. What's the hurry? What Wang Ai considers is that if he truly breaks through this record, he will be able to relax in half.

On the contrary, other teammates have a strong desire for performance. They trust him more than Wang Ai himself to break the record, so active performance in such a game destined to be recorded in history will also be recorded in history. Maybe the stars themselves are arrogant and don't want to do this, but their agent is very calm.

Stars are also stars, stars are all Vanity Fair, there are only more and less hot things, there is no existence and nothing.

Less than a minute after the opening, Gomez scored the first goal.

This ball was created by Ribery's penetration breakthrough, and the reason why Ribery's penetration breakthrough was easy is because the mid-lane Gomez's queen Ai attracted a lot of attention from the Augsburg defense system in the synchronized follow-up.

Wang Ai ran over to hug Gomez easily, and their smiling faces also broke some media rumors about their discord. After the kick-off, Augsburg vigorously counterattacked, Bayern's backcourt was a bit unstable, and Wang Ai retreated deeper on the one hand to assist the long-lost Piggy defense on the one hand, and on the other hand to organize the offensive patiently.

For a time, the two sides were evenly matched from the scene, and Augsburg planned several threats.

In the 20th minute of the game, Bayern counterattacked, Robben took the ball from the flank and moved forward at high speed. Wang Ai in the middle and Ribéry on the left both connected at high speed, and then included Gomez, who had been prepared in front of the middle, in a moment. It was a 4-on-3 situation.

It's a pity that Robben's final cross was blocked, and the corner kick that followed was too far forward and was shot out of the penalty area by the goalkeeper. Timoshchuk, who got the ball from the outside, shot high.

Conversely, Augsburg launched a fast break, and the South Korean Goo Zizhe pierced Bayern's defense with a low ball from the corner of the penalty area, turning the score into a 1:1 tie.

Wang Ai returned to the half-court with a calm expression and waited for the kick-off, while the people in the stands became a little anxious. The Chinese guests who ran all the way whispered: "You won't lose, right? That's a record break and it's a bit ugly. "

At the same time in Wang Ai’s house in Dongcheng District, Beijing, Lei Oni, Shi Wenjun, and Kang Si, who had already investigated enough information from Liaoning and were returning home to sort out and prepare to report to the China Disabled Persons’ Federation, all sat in the living room watching the game, Ai Xiaoqing held Wang Zhonghua and pointed at the TV: "That big man is your father."

Wang Zhonghua bounced a few times in his grandma's arms: "Dad, Dad."

Then put her hand into her mouth, Leonie warned from the side: "Dad is not delicious."

Ai Xiaoqing gave Leo Ni a white look: "Hold it for you."

"Don't hold me, pee on me." Leoni turned her head.

"Don't pee on me, hurry up!"

Leo Ni took her son reluctantly, which is strange. Wang Zhonghua was not honest in his grandmother's arms, and remained motionless in his mother's arms. Shi Wenjun looked amused: "From now on, my child will be under your control."

"I'll forget you kill you." Leoni adjusted her son's sitting posture: "Can you come in? I'm worried."

"Sure." Kang Si said cheerfully: "The doctor is very good at this position."

"Apart from the referee in the front court, is there anything he is not good at?" Shi Wenjun asked with a smile.

With that said, the situation on the scene changed, Bayern organized an attack steadily, this time Ribery's penetration was blocked, and he knocked across the middle. Wang Ai carried the opponent player on his shoulder, and the ball was picked with his left foot, and the football went over the heads of the two men. Fell to the right.

Wang Ai, who had been prepared for a long time, broke through the defense of the opponent's midfielder in one fell swoop, and the front shot suddenly opened.

Amidst hundreds of thousands of excited heartbeats, Wang Ai calmly took the ball two steps forward, and then volleyed his left foot vigorously!

With a loud bang, the football penetrated the upper left corner of the goal.

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