Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 143: The King of Efficiency, the Son of Destiny, and the Limits of Mankind (3)

Since the first shot by the English media, revealing the tacit understanding of three people, three teams, three clubs, and three media groups, and the private offense and defense, the world "woke up like a dream": the Bundesliga’s 40-year record was broken and It has increased to 43, with 4 games left; La Liga last year's record has been tied in both, and there are 6 games left!

Nowadays, the top three superstars in the world football are playing at the same time without greeting. On the surface, they seem to be fighting side by side, raising the limits of their respective leagues together. But if you think about it a little bit more, you can find that these are three super fierce. The performance of the competition can even be named "The First Super Giant War"!

In the past, there was only one "super giant" in the world of football at the same time. At the peak of Ronaldo, Zidane and Figo can only be regarded as superstars. When Ronaldinho was in his prime, Henry and Lampard could only be regarded as superstars. Before Maradona retired, Platini and the Dutch Three Musketeers could only be regarded as superstars. Because the reality is that there is no real match for them on the field, and they are slightly inferior in all aspects.

But now it’s different. It is probably the arrival of the Internet era that has magnified the global influence of the five major leagues and expanded their commercial footprint. The brand’s own capacity for the "Five Major Leagues" has increased. At the same time, the free flow of players, giant football and other factors have complicated effects. Next, there was a situation where three super giants were side by side.

Not only do they have the same performance on the court, their off-court life is also the same, their commercial value is also the same, their willpower is the same, and even their career peaks are very similar to the long period.

Wang Ai has entered the peak period with his personal direct free kick skills in 2002. Up to ten years, his children have been advancing and rising; Messi has been regarded as the core of the team building by Barcelona since his debut, and he has obtained coaches and management. , Players are protected layer by layer, in an extremely stable team environment and become more brilliant; and Ronaldo always makes personal technical and tactical adjustments time-shifted to maintain peak state.

The so-called "No two days, no two people, no two masters", not only the three of them, but almost all of them, are not adapted to the situation where the three super giants are side by side. As a result, when the three players made their efforts at the same time this year, breaking the La Liga and Bundesliga records one after another, and possibly improving the overall football world, the whole football world was shocked.

This is a reality beyond traditional understanding, forcing all parties to re-examine the reality of today's football, figure out the rules of today's football, and take a cautious look at the prospects of the three super giants. Just after the 30th round of the Bundesliga and the 32nd round of La Liga, sports newspapers from various countries have successively led to an explosion of sales. Before Chelsea, Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid, and Bayern Munich are left in the Champions League and are about to start the fight, focus on the three superstars, from the mediocre or no longer worthy of concern for league goals, Analyzed another fierce battlefield!

European golden boots have never been so valuable! It was originally the "golden boot" of the golden boots of major leagues, but because the rules were not perfect in the early years, they were often taken away by some low-level league golden boots, so they never got the status of the "golden boot king" they should have.

This year is different. The real Golden Boots of the five major leagues are still record-breaking Golden Boots.

Just as the media in Europe and even around the world were discussing the situation, Jamie, who felt the situation was tense, took the initiative to fly to Munich with Schlappner and negotiated with Wang Ai and Huang Xin about the current situation: Do you accept various interview requests? What caliber did you accept to speak? Is it to speak arrogantly or continue to maintain a tacit understanding? If you don’t attack others, will others attack you? What did the sponsor say? Will the club support you?

"Don't talk about the offensiveness of the three of us, and score so many goals without attacking performance?" Wang Aisiliang repeatedly said: "But Messi is a shy person. He is a cruel but gentle person, so he is not big. He may take the initiative to attack me. As for Ronaldo, his current main opponent is Messi. Whether it is La Liga or the two awards at the end of the year, it is not me, so he basically will not take the initiative to attack me."

Speaking of this, Huang Xin interrupted: "In fact, even if they actively attack you, it doesn't affect anything. You only need to keep a low profile and continue to score goals in the league. After all, you speak with your feet."

When Jamie heard this, he pushed his glasses: "Then I will draw up a written interview answer? You take a look?"

"Okay." Wang Ai nodded: "We have to endure these two years. When these two years have passed, it will be fine for me to come back."

Jamie smiled when he heard it: "Accumulate some good feelings, and lose two consecutive years of awards with a performance that is not weaker than them, and you will get sympathy points."

"Doctor, there is no big problem on the sponsor side." Schrappner said: "But I suggest that you must win. If the struggle of the three of you is not revealed by the media, then your respective business landscapes are still stable. , But after it is revealed, there are some intersections of the three kingdoms, which may be shaken. Whoever is strong will follow who, especially you, doctor, you are the king of efficiency."

"Yes." Wang Ai nodded in agreement: "I am the king of efficiency, this is my symbol, label, image. Messi is the son of destiny, with the amazing talent of today, is a football wizard. Ronaldo is...Yes …His label used to be hard work, but compared to me and Messi’s symbols, he is weaker, but he can still maintain the status of a superstar, which shows that it is more than hard work..."

Just as he said, Huang Xin’s defender Yang Jun came over and quietly put a "Marca" in front of everyone. Everyone looked down and suddenly smiled. Schlappner shook his head: "The limit of humanity? This is the limit. That's right."

Jamie closed his eyes and thought: "Doctor, you are technically efficient, Messi is a gorgeous vision, and Ronaldo is being promoted this time...unyielding will? Good! Since talent and efficiency are not comparable to you, you are better than the people. Okay, after all, your efficiency and Messi’s talent are untraceable. Only Ronaldo’s efforts and will can be replicated by ordinary people, and I feel that they can be replicated."

Everyone was speechless for a while, and Huang Xin said quietly: "This is not something that can be figured out for a while, Ronaldo's team should have been planned for a long time, and even linked to his not attending the award ceremony."

"How do you say?" Wang Ai asked curiously.

"At that time, we analyzed that Ronaldo would create his rebellious image and unique character in order to distinguish him from the two of you. Now it seems that the Portuguese may have risen to the level of will, as Jamie said, unyielding will, this It not only commanded his character, but also commanded his diligence, but also received widespread sympathy. After all, you and Messi are not like people on earth."

In the laughter of everyone, Schlappner stood up: "Well, it seems this is a long war."

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