Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 157: Another sunny day (7)

After listening to Wang Ai’s purpose and requirements for the visit, the person in charge said that we would study with Cuba and then inform you. He comforted Wang Ai that Cuba’s external environment has improved significantly in the past two years, and the US President *** is interested. To improve the relationship between the two countries, the Pope has just visited Havana some time ago, so China is not a big problem.

Leaving the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Ai went to the Foreign Affairs Department of the Football Association and said it again. The cadres of the Foreign Affairs Department took Wang Ai to the Foreign Affairs Department of the General Administration of Sports to report. Because the overseas visits at the various government offices are under the supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs agrees, the General Administration of Sports and the Football Association will just report.

In fact, if it weren't for Cuba to be so sensitive, it wouldn't have been so troublesome to change to other countries. But the two socialist countries were originally different in the international arena, and Wang Ai is an alternative among the alternatives. It's hard not to let people think about his every move.

A few days ago, on the night of the Champions League final, the G8 leaders meeting was held in Camp David, USA. Hollande, Cameron, Merkel and others all watched the live broadcast of the game. In the end, of course, Cameron was downcast and Merkel smiled. The White House spokesperson replied the next day and repeated Merkel's words: "If it's not for the time, I really want to give them awards on the spot."

So of course, Wang Ai, who was only in overtime but used two unexpected assists to help the team win, will inevitably become a talk. The fierce battle between him and two other superstars this season will certainly not turn a blind eye to the leaders of these major powers.

Moreover, Wang Ai has met the Queen of England, former Prime Minister Brown, former German Chancellor Schroeder, and Merkel, although they have not met directly, but Leoni is still one of the iconic figures of the sports and cultural cooperation between the two countries, and also accompanied Merck. He has visited China many times.

A few days later, when Wang Ai arrived in Hefei to train with his teammates, he received a call from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, saying that the Cuban side warmly welcomes Wang Ai's visit. He only needs to propose the time and content of the visit and the other party will arrange all of them.

After Wang Ai asked the comrades of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to thank the Cuban side on his behalf, he said that he would propose the specific purpose and time of the visit in the near future.

There are no major events this summer. Right now are the two games on June 3 and June 9, as well as the never-ending business work. The rest of the time is at your disposal. Of course, the Bundesliga kicks off early. On August 13, the Bundesliga champion Bayern and the German Cup champion Dortmund will have the pre-season warm-up match-the German Super Cup. This means that most of the Bundesliga teams will gather in mid-August, and then the Bundesliga will begin in a dozen days.

Only more than one month was left for Wang Ai to freely control.

It is natural to get together in Hefei with the teammates who have not seen each other for a long time. Although everyone is in Europe, we don't meet much, especially in large gatherings.

"Boss, I'm also in Germany, would you still bring me German specialties?" Zhao Xuri tore open the vacuum packaging of the Munich barbecue and spit out while eating: "Why is it still like a kid."

"In the eyes of parents, they will always be children." Wang Ai sharply counterattacked.

This time, the teammates who are sharing Wang Ai's gift are unwilling to eat, this cheap allows you to take advantage of it, and it also brings upgrades!

If Wang Ai brought gifts to everyone in the early years to supplement everyone, now it has become a tradition for everyone, an introduction to the good times. Although everyone is not bad for money, no one brought gifts to Wang Ai, and one after another acquiesced that he continued to "compensate" everyone's status.

Lao Gao is the cornerstone of the 84 nations and Wang Ai is the leader of the 84 nations. These two cores are unwavering to maintain the foundation that carries everyone's hope, honor, achievement, and income. Especially in the difficult stage when the veterans leave and the newcomers can't keep up.

On June 1st International Children's Day, the national team attended the Young Pioneers event organized by the local team in Hefei. A bunch of shaved young pioneers mingled among the children, expressing sincerely that I am still young and that I am still the flower bone of the motherland!

Also on the same day, the Oman team arrived in Hefei and went to the Hefei Olympic Center the next day for venue adaptation. This huge stadium of 60,000 people, this newly built one-year stadium also ushered in the biggest sports teams and athletes. As a representative of the national team, Wang Ai also accepted an interview with Anhui TV Station after coming to Hefei, and expressed praise for the stadium's facilities.

Two days later, the stadium was full of cheers. After the coaching change, the national team showed its best form in front of domestic fans. Not only did the main players perform well, but the substitutes also performed very well...

Under the action of the players, the sports channel and other reporters who broadcasted the game naturally discovered the "New World", and they praised the high guidance and command as a god!

Wang Ai scored two goals in the first half, and then Hefei fans started booing. Because before the game, the sports channel counted that Wang Ai’s national team has scored 97 goals in the official game when making the forecast, and expressed optimism that he can break the 100 in Hefei.

Therefore, when Wang Ai scored a long-range shot in the 33rd minute and increased the number of goals he scored for the national team to 99, the sound of "breaking a hundred" in the stands began to become more regular, and gradually formed "You don't break a hundred, I will make a whole." "Death to you" momentum!

During the intermission, the Hefei leader came down to discuss with the national team, saying that we shouldn't interfere with your national team's work, but you listen to the outside voice? Can you consider giving a response to the enthusiastic Hefei fans? A comfort?

So Wang Ai, who was planning to play halftime, temporarily worked for another 20 minutes. When he scored the fifth goal of the game through a direct free kick in the 19th minute of the second half, his third goal was his personal goal. After the 100th national team scored, the audience stood up to applaud him, and the applause lasted for three minutes!

This is a historic moment!

For Chinese fans, Europe is too far away, the five major leagues are too professional and seem to be too strenuous, especially for many ordinary fans, the Bundesliga historical record is far less powerful than the national team's scoring 100%. When the sports channel made the forecast before the game, I deliberately took out the data of the Chinese national team’s historical total goals list. The second place on this list is Bai Guanghai with 82, but he is already 34 and has basically withdrawn from the national team. , So this is his highest score. There are only 42 in the third, 28 in the fourth, and there are only 10 in the next till the tenth. Many fans who usually don't watch football and occasionally join in the fun know how great Wang Ai Pobai is through the commentary of the sports channel.

After breaking the Hundreds Queen, Wang Ai wanted to play but couldn't go on. The normal atmosphere of the game was messed up. It just so happened that Lao Gao was also worried that the fans were too enthusiastic, so he replaced him. But even after the game, the fans still don't want to go. The next time Wang Ai comes to Hefei to play football, I don't know the year of the monkey.

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