Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 175: Fly and Fly (5)

After being soaked by Leo Ni to the end, Wang Ai still didn't agree.

The rotation of cadres is one of the major reforms of the family enterprise, and it has a solid theoretical and practical basis. On a larger scale, this is a further expansion of the Ansteel Constitution's idea of ​​"cadres should be in workshops and workers should be cadres". It does not undergo job rotation and is unfamiliar to other systems. So what should I do if there are problems in other systems in the future? Can't Wang Ai go?

Having crossed thousands of rivers and mountains with them, Wang Ai is not afraid that they have abilities, the more abilities the better.

Wang Ai hates the kind of incompetent sweethearts. Women who have the ability don't care about, sighing and crying. The ones he chooses can be called big women. Even Huang Xin and Shi Wenjun, who were originally little women, have been trained by him.

Under such circumstances, even if he was reluctant in his heart, but still did not agree. In the end, Leo Ni used the rare method of a little woman to act coquettishly and ignore people. Wang Ai said before going to bed and going to bed: "At least during my winter break. Season and summer, you have to go to different systems to exercise."

When Wang Ai woke up the next morning to reflect on this matter, he found out that he had been fooled. He was in the league for nine months in a year and three months in the offseason. Originally, the rotation of cadres was done by adults, but this time, three-quarters were directly surrendered!

After being slapped a few times by Wang Ai, Leoni left triumphantly. Unexpectedly, Xu Qinglian also asked Wang Ai for leave this day. When Wang Ai went home at noon and rested for lunch, she deliberately sat next to him and took Wang Ai’s hand: "Can you say hello to Haier, I want to go? Investigate and learn about their business management."

"Don't you have information at home?" Wang Ai said strangely: "Zhang's books, articles, speeches, and Haier's business management research papers, I remember that they are quite complete?"

"Yeah, but I still want to see it with my own eyes and feel it myself." Xu Qinglian looked at Wang Ai's profile: "You can tell me something for me."

Wang Ai casually picked Xu Qinglian's chin: "I suddenly remembered that it has been ten days since I came back from DQ. I haven't punished you yet? Are you going to run?"

"No, hehe." Xu Qinglian put her chin on Wang Ai's hand and smiled at Wang Ai with big eyes. Her round jaw rubbed Wang Ai's palm, making it itchy.

"I'll tell you, wherever you go, I can't forget this, unless you play with me again and disappear!"

"Yeah, I know." Xu Qinglian got close and kissed, then put her arms around Wang Ai's arms and looked up: "Whenever you want to clean up, do it every day. I promise not to get angry or run away. ,Ok?"

Wang Ai squinted, suddenly lowered his head and leaned close to Xu Qinglian's ear and said a few words in a low voice. Xu Qinglian's face turned red at once: "That, that, so embarrassing..."

"They gave it to me, so you are the only one left." Wang Ai said hehe, "Everything is in my shape!"

Being forced by Wang Ai to see nowhere to escape, Xu Qinglian was suddenly frustrated: "Isn't it all you fiddle with every time?"

"You mean I just come directly, don't ask you, right?"

Xu Qinglian bit her lower lip and looked at Wang Ai, feeling a bit wronged. Wang Ai was satisfied: "Why do you have to go in person? I'll call you if it's clear."

Feeling the touch of the man on her shoulder, Xu Qinglian's mood gradually calmed down: "I have been very rewarded in DQ for the past three years. The first few months were really at a loss. Many times I caught my hand and I was dragged by Peony, but gradually I don’t want that much anymore. The workers are kind, enthusiastic, and the working atmosphere is positive. They are very attractive, especially for me, a person who was raised in a golden nest since I was a child. The space between the world and the earth is so vast, the grassroots that I usually can't see are really comfortable except for the less money. Later, I overcome even the less money. Many female colleagues have no skin care products at all, and their skin is still very good. I think our company’s management thinking is really good. After I joined the trade union, I have contacted employees of several other companies. Their spirit is completely different from ours. We insisted on the lifetime employment system over the years, which made our workers feel at ease. I am looking forward to it. Both work and life have formed a high degree of trust and dependence on this system."

Wang Ai listened quietly, and the two hadn't fully communicated about the three years since they came back. Wang Ai didn't want to touch it anymore, Xu Qinglian didn't have time.

"I can stay for three years, not purely to avoid you and hide things, at least for the next one and a half years, I really like the simple and pure working atmosphere, and the life without any troubles." Xu Qinglian With memories and reminiscences in his eyes: "Speaking of which, when I heard you came, I was a little bit reluctant to leave."

"I can understand your feelings. It's a bit like my life in the country. It's simple, pure, optimistic, positive, progressive, and united, right?"

"Yes, yes." Xu Qinglian was happy.

"If you have a chance, you can go back and see them. I support you." Wang Ai touched Xu Qinglian's head pityingly: "That was three years after all, from your 21 to 24 years old... Oh, when I say this, I will do it again. I'm angry, I haven't played with me every day in such a good time!"

"Hee hee, I will give it to you in the future." Xu Qinglian arched her head and arched Wang Ai: "I think my choice at the time was the right one. If I stay by your side forcibly, maybe I am schizophrenic now. I just went to DQ. At that time, I always look in a daze. Thanks to Peony, I have been looking at me. By the way, what do you plan for her in the future?"

"I will pay Liu Dingxiang's three-year salary, and let her choose the position of the same level." Wang Ai looked at Xu Qinglian: "I have unparalleled gratitude to her, and my respect for her is unparalleled. If at first I suspected that she was burning cold. Stove, but after three years of trials, you are still with you when you are infinitely far away from me. This is friendship and loyalty. Although such a person cannot be said that there is no possibility of deterioration in the future, but at the moment, it is Humanity that shines like gold."

Speaking of this, Wang Ai grabbed Xu Qinglian's hand: "With this kind of behavior, I can rest assured of what she does."

"I feel she is heartless, hehe." Xu Qinglian laughed: "What if she wants to stay by my side?"

"Whatever her, our four major systems, eight major groups, and seventy-seven branches are all in place." Wang Ai waved his hand: "I have been detained by friendship for three years, and she should be relaxed and relaxed. You are free. Ask her what she wants, wants to play, wants to go, and wants to do. As long as I can do it, I will nod her head. She gave me a dream come true, and I will make her Santa Claus. "

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