Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 179: Fly and fly (9)

At 5:30 in the morning, the sky was dark, and Wang Ai took Xu Qinglian's hand and went out to the airport. Yingkou Airport is still waiting for the State Council’s approval, so the two need to land in Dalian first, and then take a rented van to Yingkou.

The few passengers on the plane greeted Wang Ai one after another, and some even asked him why he didn't go to the Olympics. Wang Ai chuckled and coped with "I will be the audience".

"You have to go for the next session?" Xu Qinglian, who made people retreat three feet subconsciously even with a smile, seemed to be in a good mood. After sitting down, she asked in a low voice in Wang Ai's ear.

"Should it be?" Wang Ai grabbed Xu Qinglian's hand: "Actually, I blamed me. I have always told the leader not to raise the appetite of the fans too much. The leader listened to it. In fact, the Asian Youth Asian Games in recent years The meeting is not good, and there should be a football association official who let go anonymously, but individual fans are still not giving up, so there was such a ruthless wave at the Olympics."

"What kind of wind?" Xu Qinglian asked curiously.

"What else can it be?" Wang Ai took a breath and leaned on the chair: "If you have never entered the World Youth Championship or the World Youth Championship since you were a child, you can still expect them to enter the World Cup when they are adults? You improve and others also improve, don't you?"

"Well, why do you want to be anonymous?" Xu Qinglian then asked curiously.

"Are you stupid?" Wang Ai turned his head and glanced at his fiancée: "What did the officials of the Football Association say? Tell everyone that I am not optimistic about these children? The media, including sports channels, can't tell, otherwise no one will watch the game. "

"Oh." Xu Qinglian adjusted the angle of the seat, and also helped Wang Ai adjust it: "The next Olympic Games will be the Rio Olympics, right?"

"Yeah." Wang Ai helped Xu Qinglian pull the blanket: "After this wave of society, I should have calmed down. I guess the next Olympic team will definitely call me, or else I won't be invited to be a spectator."

"Is it a comfort to the fans?"

"Couldn't it?"

Two hours later, the two were awakened by Tang Mudan, and the Dalian Zhoushuizi Airport arrived.

Outside the airport, everyone got into the van driven by Zhao Dan, who had arrived early, and drove towards Yingkou. At ten o'clock in the morning, they arrived at a slightly desolate cemetery outside Yingkou.

Two hours later, in the private room of a seafood buffet in Yingkou, Wang Ai poured a pot of shrimps, crabs, sea oysters, etc. into a stainless steel pot with clear water, and then took off his hat, mask, and sunglasses. , Carefully sat beside Xu Qinglian who was still bowing her head.

"Have some snack first?"

Xu Qinglian shook her head.

Wang Ai honestly waited for the seafood to be cooked, then put out the fire, took out the shrimp, peeled the shell, and handed it to her.

Xu Qinglian dug a sea oyster and handed it to Wang Ai: "I didn't expect it to last so long."

Wang Ai said distressedly: "Your throat is dumb."

Tears from the corners of Xu Qinglian's eyes welled up again, she hurriedly lowered her head and wiped it with a tissue, before she smiled: "Maybe I've been thinking about it for too long. Okay, I'm fine. I'm really fine. I'll be fine from now on."

Seeing that Wang Ai was still worried, Xu Qinglian picked up a crab, untied it skillfully, and handed it to Wang Ai: "The season is not up, let's just eat it."

After a while, Wang Ai saw that Xu Qinglian was really well, so he ate and said, "You look a lot like your mother."


Wang Ai nodded: "Brows and eyes are eighth similar, especially in temperament. I can feel that your mother is also as stubborn, persistent and self-conscious as you. Although it's just a black and white photo, the momentum is like meeting a real person. Same."

"Yeah." Xu Qinglian recalled: "When I was a child, I didn't understand why my grandma cried when she saw me. Only now..."

"...Is the old man still there?"

"Still...but I don't want to see her now, so that she won't worry about me." After that, Xu Qinglian turned to look at Wang Ai: "I want to marry you and have a child, and wait a few years to see her together. , So she can come out."

Wang Ai hesitated: "How is the old man's health?"

"Well, I won't worry if I don't go."

Wang Ai smiled and shook his head: "Are you really all right?"

"It's okay, I vomited up all morning." Xu Qinglian laughed at herself: "I told her what I was holding in my heart these years. I also told her that I was better than her. Not only did I find a man who is countless times stronger than her. , I have come out. I will not die, and I will never die, no matter what happens again."

Speaking of this, Xu Qinglian looked at Wang Ai: "In the past three years, it was almost dead, but it didn't happen after all."

Wang Ai sighed and touched Xu Qinglian's hand: "I'm not as good as your dad in some aspects, and I didn't help."

"Your existence is the greatest help." Xu Qinglian smiled: "Without you, I would have been over, since I was young. Without the lion, Huang Xin and others, I would not be able to get out now. Without you, I would have been able to raise me since I was young. Being by my side, letting go again at critical moments, keeping you in my heart, I may not be able to survive the past three years. Every time I want to die, I can’t bear to think of you, and I think of you every time I want to leave. , I can't bear to think of you."

Wang Ai let out a long sigh: "Born to be a couple."

Xu Qinglian looked at Wang Ai, and watched as she suddenly moved up and took the initiative to kiss Wang Ai's mouth.

Then... Wang Ai pushed Xu Qinglian away with a dying look: "It's over, I have a psychological shadow, and I won't dare to kiss you anymore. You really are Yingkou sea oysters!"

Xu Qinglian, who was stunned and reacted, was embarrassed and waved her fist: "I finally took the initiative!"

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Ai and Xu Qinglian came to the restaurant lined up by the old Xu family. Today, Lao Xu took leave to clean up a large table of food, waiting for his disobedient daughter and unorthodox son-in-law.

Xu Qinglian's younger brother Xu Letian has grown into a young man and will have the college entrance examination next year. I was very respectful to my sister who I rarely met, and I was even more curious about my brother-in-law who I always see on TV, and pestered Wang Ai to ask a lot of questions.

"It doesn't matter." Lao Xu and Wang Ai had a drink: "If you really want to do it with your popularity, I am afraid it will be a national sensation, even if it is private and not public, the news itself is enough. This is not like you. To win glory for the country, the bigger the better, a mishandling of this kind of thing can easily arouse resentment."

Wang Ai nodded deeply: "We also took these factors into consideration, so let this matter pass as plainly as possible. Anyway, Qinglian and I don't care."

Old Xu looked at his daughter, and the daughter smiled calmly. The expression made Old Xu in a daze. He knew what the young couple did in the morning, but he couldn't ask publicly in front of Su Xian. Besides, he didn't want to ask.

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