Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 186: Wang Ai is here (6)

In the backyard of Moratti's house, a few people were enjoying the evening breeze, while enjoying a seafood meal, while chatting about the history of fighting side by side. Today Zanetti still stays at Inter Milan and is known as the "perpetual captain". Moratti has let go and returned to his family as a tycoon, while Wang Ai is heading to Bayern Munich, north of the Alps. Either side is a friendly breakup, so The friendship is the same as before.

Until late at night, Wang Ai drove back to his former residence in the small town of Appiano. After he left, this house was left to Liu Dingxiang, so it was much better than Cobham's house.

When he walked into the living room, he found that Sanhua Juding was still immersed in work. The guilty Wang Ai put down the gift Moratti gave him and wanted to join the work, but Xu Qinglian refused and asked him to go to work out. Waited more than an hour later when Wang Ai came back before he was allowed to join.

The total transaction volume of more than 3 billion euros a year, including the Northeast Light's team of nearly 2,000 employees, has to make strategic adjustments and make great strides. The work from strategic goals to strategic plans is quite heavy, even if Wang Ai personally participates Going in, only 5% of the total plan was completed on the same day.

"Well, it's late at night." Wang Ai was really sleepy, looked at his watch and persuaded: "I'll talk about it tomorrow."

"But, the lion is about to go online." Xu Qinglian pointed to the chat group on the laptop who re-launched under the stage name "Yingkou Haiyuezi" after she returned.

"Leave a message for her, tell us about our plans and ideas in the group, and see if other people have any ideas, and wait until tomorrow morning for you to touch them." Wang Ai touched Xu Qinglian's head: "I know you will work when you return. Enthusiasm is high, but work and rest must be combined."

"Okay." Xu Qinglian also stood up: "Dingxiang, Peony, you guys have a rest, I finished 5% in half a day today, not too slow, it will be faster and faster in the future."

The other two flowers also put down their copy, and went upstairs to the corner of the second floor. Wang Ai walked to the bedroom on the third floor with Xu Qinglian.

"Tomorrow morning you remember to talk to Dingxiang. Italy is still the root of our company. According to the past, it is a weak area of ​​the capitalist alliance. It is unlikely that there will be any political conflicts with China in the future. We must step up our efforts."

Xu Qinglian, who was sitting in the bathtub face to face with Wang Ai, opened her eyes: "Moratti told you today?"

"Yeah." Wang Ai stood up with a splash of water and stepped out of the bathtub to sprinkle the flowers: "Many of Italy's specialty products overlap with neighboring countries. After our business expanded, some interests were damaged."

Xu Qinglian played with the bubbles on the water subconsciously: "But if special policies are given, it will definitely attract dissatisfaction from specialty producers in other countries... We still have to use development methods to solve the problem. I think there is still a lot of potential in the domestic market that has not been tapped. Oni’s side accelerates the development of the Northeast Light, as soon as possible while digging out Chinese specialties, while using this as a channel to expand our influence across the country as soon as possible. As long as the denominator is large, the absolute number of molecules will not shrink."

"Okay." Wang Ai, who closed his eyes and looked at the current, had nothing to do: "Anyway, you have studied. We have reached agreement in all aspects over the years. You will take this step sooner or later if I don't participate. When the situation comes, you must take this step. It’s time for one step. It’s time to do something in China. Even if it can’t exceed the market share of Taobao and, at least it should remain in the top three. When other shopping websites will come up in the future, including Pinduoduo, which is strongly supported by our future investment, After the formation of a separatist regime, we are stable."

"But you said that this business will eventually form a monopoly by the giants."

"Yes." Wang Ai began to apply shower gel on his body: "According to the general law of capitalist development, this is definitely the case, but you must not forget that we are a socialist country, and to a certain extent, it will be more resolutely opposed than capitalist countries. Monopoly. It’s just that there will be such a tendency before this moment. What we want to prevent is to be thrown away and far away in the process of this hurricane advance."

"I'm relieved to say that. I thought you were going to fight Taobao to the end." Xu Qinglian looked up and down at the man's body, which is more toned than a human sculpture.

"Not really, don’t forget, our family still has shares in Ali. The two sides are just normal business competition, but it seems very serious at the level of Lilac, but neither we nor Ali have made strategic moves against each other. , It’s just two giants rubbing and colliding with each other.” Wang Ai turned his head and noticed Xu Qinglian’s interesting gaze, waved a string of drops of water: “Come out, the water is going to be cold, don’t catch a cold.”

"Oh." Xu Qinglian folded her legs and stood up from the foam, her beautiful figure floating in the air.

When I walked to the shower, the foam was quickly washed down and gathered on the floor drain. The shiny body turned to Wang Ai's direction: "Wipe my back?"

Wang Ai turned his head and said indifferently: "No matter!"

Xu Qinglian was not angry either, took a towel around her head, walked to Wang Ai who was wiping her body with a large towel and preparing to go out, and suddenly grasped: "No? Is this not? You lied, Pinocchio!"

Wang Ai shuddered all over and glared at Xu Qinglian: "Don't make trouble, you are very tired, I just want it and can't toss you today."

Xu Qinglian said twice, "Eh, do you think Pinocchio is a good nickname?"

"What a shit!" Wang Ai rolled his eyes and hand gestures: "Although the trend of expansion and contraction is similar, Pinocchio is just a peanut in normal times."

"Then what do you think is good?" Xu Qinglian continued to focus on analysis and comparison.

"Donkey...well, you want to die!" Wang Ai was furious.

Xu Qinglian smiled, and even though Wang Ai grabbed the big towel and slapped her roughly, she was picked up and thrown on the bed: "I will go back to discuss this question with Little Meirener, whether it’s Pinocchio or better? Good donkey."

Wang Ai bowed his head in frustration, pressing his forehead against Xu Qinglian's forehead: "You don't need to care about me. I lay down for a while and fell asleep."

"No." Xu Qinglian raised Wang Ai's face, pointed to her head, and said seriously: "Too much work today and too many things in my heart, I am afraid of insomnia."

Wang Ai looked at Xu Qinglian's face: "...Are you using me as a sleeping pill?"

"Yes." Xu Qinglian smiled, her legs clamped in the quilt: "Medicine, medicine!"

After several rains, Wang Ai looked at Xu Qinglian, who was already asleep in his arms, shook his head and finally tightened the blanket. The last thought in his mind before going to bed was: After returning, Xu Qinglian really accepted herself as she said. , No more awkward feeling before.

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