Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 188: Wang Ai is here (8)

"How about the opening ceremony?" As soon as he returned to Cobham's house, when Wang Ai was about to go out to practice at night, Xu Qinglian called.

Wang Ai, who is holding the ball, basically didn't think much about it: "It's definitely better than what I watched on TV, wide-angle lens. Some details may not be very clear, but the details that TV can show are still not as many as the eyes can see."

There was silence on the phone for a while: "Are you telling me this is the price I left you?"

"What?" Wang Ai asked blankly, bending over to tie his shoelaces, holding the phone in his head.

"I studied in London for three years, and I was still with you." Xu Qinglian cried extremely exaggeratedly on the phone: "As soon as I came to travel, I just packed a lot of work for me, even the opening ceremony. Don’t take me. Don’t take me, just show it off to me."

"Huh?" Wang Ai reacted and said quickly: "Actually, it's not that pretty. They are all foreign songs and don't understand English..."

"Do you think I don't understand English?"

"Ah no, I mean, many things are from England's own history, I don't know..."

"I am a Doctor of History."

"..." Wang Ai was silent for a while and suddenly broke out: "What if I didn't take you? Are you biting me?"

"You should buy me a ticket, woohoo."

"Isn't there anymore? Don't talk about you, Brother Zhao and the others are waiting for me outside the stadium, I tell you, I have been naked all these years, and I can't stand it anymore."

"Are you okay?"

"What can it be? If I want to run, how many can catch up with me? Who can kill me if the ones that can catch up with me?"

"...You still show off to me! You are not sad at all, you lied to me to be sympathetic!"

"...Okay, I'm going to work out now."

"You exercise with me... Why didn't you answer the phone just now?"

Wang Ai was stunned for a while to keep up with Xu Qinglian's rhythm: "The phone was turned off, and I only remembered it when I got home."

"Why do you shut it down properly? Did you find your girlfriend?"

"Don't talk nonsense, the leader met me just now and asked me a lot of things, can I turn it on?"

"Oh, then you go and exercise, some work matters will be discussed with you later."

"Okay... are you okay?"

"What can I do?"

"Then you... suddenly change your style, I'm a bit uncomfortable."

"Hee hee, TV series are performed like this, don't you think there is something missing if I don't show it to you?"

"No! Listening to this for a while, I'm pretending to be Venus. If you want to be like this every day, I must die."

"Well, that's fine, go ahead."

Wang Ai went out for a lap inexplicably with a forehead, and Xu Qinglian put down her mobile phone and rushed to the two sisters on the phone: "Look, this is a man. Impatient, he wants to turn too much, he just listens to the back and forgets the front, listens to the front and forgets the back, listens to the middle and forgets both sides. Anyway, it's just a mess."

"Is this the legendary steel straight man?" Tang Mudan said with a grin.

"Practicing sports, who would rather take it straight?" Xu Qinglian shrugged, "Anyway, this kind of man can only listen to the content, not the emotions. No matter how much condiments you add, he will just grab you and throw it away. The few vegetable leaves in here study what you mean, and the more you care about you, the more you can’t pull it out. Believe it or not that my man’s head has been fully activated just now, and even thinks of philosophy?"

Liu Dingxiang smiled and fell on the sofa. Xu Qinglian walked over and sat between the two of them. She casually put her legs on the coffee table full of materials in front of her, no matter what she kicked off. Leaning on the sofa: "I and her have known each other for more than ten years. Except for the past three years, he has only understood that at the end, so don’t expect your future men to look like our sisters. You know what you mean. Ding Xiang, the guy Zhao Ge looked gentle, but I think they only have a different division of work. In fact, they are similar and generally the same, otherwise they would not have been able to work together for so many years."

"Yes." Liu Dingxiang didn't know what the funny thing was thinking of, and laughed for a while: "It seems that I will have to learn from you in the future and try to go straight. I used to feel that I also went straight. In the past few years..."

Xu Qinglian patted Liu Dingxiang on the shoulder: "Being a leader, it is inevitable that you have to know language arts, but at home, especially when you choose such a terrible and reliable man. Once I asked him why you don’t have much Speaking, he looked at me like an idiot at the time. Why did he say two sentences after one sentence? Look, this is what they think. In their opinion, you are turning a corner in your speech and it is a waste of him. It’s a waste of time and a waste of his brain. He has played several games with that time."

"Does the doctor do the same? I think this is the idea of ​​ordinary men." Tang Mudan said curiously.

"The doctor is more dead." Xu Qinglian desperately wanted to live: "The more things in his mind, the more **** he will be. Others can find a way out if they can't find it for ten minutes, but if his brain doesn't come out for a day, he has to put it aside. Work hard. I don’t know if he’s tired or not. Anyway, I’m tired and sweaty, so I’m afraid his brain will blow up with white smoke."

"So, you can only get along with him like this?" Tang Mudan asked.

"One is that I originally had this character, and the other was indeed forced by him. If you don't follow his method, he will abuse himself. Do you always feel distressed? You still can't persuade him."

"Doctor listens to you?" Tang Mudan was also confused.

Xu Qinglian slapped Tang Mudan's head with a hatred of iron and steel, "I used my own method to make him more entangled? I used his method, isn't that the way it is now?"

Tang Mudan clutched his head and looked at Liu Dingxiang, and said sympathetically, "It's troublesome, isn't it?"

Liu Dingxiang smiled without saying a word, and Xu Qinglian sighed: "In fact, if you are not like a doctor, you don't have to wrong yourself too much, but if a man is too capable, he will inevitably have to give in. Fortunately, such a man generally has no flowers. Mind, except for work is you."

Liu Dingxiang and Tang Mudan changed their eyes silently, and the keen Xu Qinglian pulled the two into their arms: "I know what you think, but I tell you, this is my choice. I used to be afraid of getting married. , I wish someone would marry him, I don’t have to take any responsibility for following him. Later, especially in the past three years, I gradually understood that I can’t hold him back.”

"If he is just a star, I am sure that he loves me the most, and I believe I can hold it." Xu Qinglian said in a dazed voice: "But, how can I hold on to the sole heir of such a big enterprise? You know. How many matchmakers are there every year between Uncle Wang and Aunt Ai? Who can find them to be matchmakers?"

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