Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 196: I smile to the sky from the side knife (6)

The next morning, the whole team went to Regenburg to prepare for the evening game. Naturally, Wang Ai didn't have much time to carefully read the various newspapers and televisions how to comment on Ronaldo's statement yesterday. When I want to come, Messi must have received the news at this time. But in terms of Little Flea's character, he basically doesn't respond with his mouth, but his father is hard to say.

The night’s game went smoothly. Bayern easily defeated their opponents 4:1. Wang Ai really didn’t get the playing time. Last season’s main striker substitute Pizarro scored a goal. New striker Mandzukic scored two goals, a strong opponent to Bayern fans. Declare his strength.

Gomez and Wang Ai sat on the bench side by side with a relaxed look. As competitors in the same position, they naturally would not turn a blind eye to challengers. Mandzukic has never scored more than 20 goals in the league in 9 years of his debut. Naturally, there is no pressure on Gomez, who has more than 26 goals in two consecutive seasons. Wang Ai put it aside after watching his game highlights. The Croatian striker is diligent, but has limited talent and average abilities in all aspects but not outstanding enough. Even if headers and grab points are good, overall efficiency , Appreciation and oneself are far from each other.

While watching the Olympics in London, Wang Ai noticed that there were reports in German newspapers that Gomez had applied for a transfer to the club this summer but was eventually retained. The condition is said to guarantee his main position. This is probably Heynckes’s The original intention of compulsory change to hit 442.

But no matter what others think, Wang Ai, who has a 55-goal history record of 37.5% over Ged Muller, is sitting in the position of a Bundesliga shooter. He only needs to be himself. In the entire Bundesliga, there is no one who can compete with him.

Except for the gentle big man around him who can occasionally give him some pressure, Huntelaar and Lewandid are not in his eyes at this time, he only cares about the two guys on the Iberian Peninsula.

Back at home in Munich in the evening, Wang Ai had time to read today’s newspapers carefully. Sure enough, Ronaldo’s speech was spread everywhere yesterday. It is generally believed that this was because he did not enter the first game at the beginning of the new season. In the case of the ball, take the initiative to issue an invitation letter to the other two super giants for the "second super giant war".

Quite generous and confident.

The various media naturally praised him so much that Messi, who scored two goals yesterday, fell into a disadvantage on the page. The TV commentary is also similar. Wang Ai is sitting in front of the computer in the master bedroom and browsing the analysis of commentators from various TV stations that Xu Qinglian has collected for him this day. Apart from the many game scenes, the caliber is almost the same as that of the newspaper.

Of course, many commentators named Wang Ai, just like returning to Munich Airport tonight and being blocked by reporters.

Wang Ai instinctively felt that this matter might not be that simple. Although Cristiano Ronaldo is a little more generous than Messi, he is not so generous. According to Wang Ai's understanding of him, his declarative statement can only happen when he is leading. After all, it hurts whether it is white or yellow.

The puzzling Wang Asso put it aside, intending to see what Messi’s side would say tomorrow. After finishing the night training, he went upstairs to look for the girl to play with. Unfortunately, Huang Xin still went to bed early and still stubbornly avoided being caught. With the terrible situation of the two students beating, Wang Ai was not too strong, so he could only go back to the master bedroom to toss Xu Qinglian over and over.

The University of Munich has not yet started. Last semester, Wang Ai's courses are all qualified regardless of the high or low scores. So the next morning, he carefully analyzed the evaluations of various newspapers in the study, and halfway through, he called other people to analyze with him.

The highlight of today’s newspaper is the response of Messi’s father. This beloved youth coach has largely played the role of Messi’s spokesperson. On the one hand, his son will continue to maintain the image of "I am a good person" and win all parties. His appreciation, on the one hand, also makes opponents dare not be too presumptuous.

"My son also puts the honor of the team in the first place, but he accidentally broke other people's records in the process!"

The editor of the "Daily Sports" described the manner in which Messi's father said these words as "angry."

"Ah..." Xu Qinglian, who was also reading the newspaper, raised her head: "He was actually implying that Messi visited and used his personal scoring data last season and didn't help the team win the championship?"

Wang Ai nodded: "I've only just recollected it now. That's what I mean, should I say, he can't just say anything."

Huang Xin, who was still looking at the computer, turned her head and said, "The Lion said that he still abetted you and Messi a little bit."

Wang Ai and Xu Qinglian rushed over to watch the screen, they saw in the chat group, Tubingen Shanbao said: "Last season the European Golden Boot was a Ph.D. Silver Boot was Messi. He was only third. He still couldn't follow at the last moment. In terms of scoring ability, the doctor is the most comprehensive, and he has almost never scored. Messi can score as long as he concentrates and basically wants to score. Only Ronaldo always depends on direct free kicks and penalty kicks to chase. For you, as long as the opponent is defensively in place, he sometimes can’t overcome the problem of being unable to get in. So he takes the initiative to provoke this topic, you and Messi only need to notice, even if you dislike him for the first time, but just calm down and think. The prospect of this competition provoked by him and the media will eventually inevitably regard the other party as the number one opponent, not him."

Seeing Wang Ai and Xu Qinglian suddenly, Huang Xin cracked his hands and typed: "That is, he's fighting the fire? Let Messi fight with the doctor? Can he stay out of the matter?"

"Yes." Tubingen Mountain Gun continued to speak: "Last season's postdoctoral work force, the two of them finally frustrated their joint conspiracy. Among them, Messi should be the hardest hit, and he must not be convinced. If you start the new season, you will. Fighting, it is very likely that Messi will reduce his contribution to the team's collective honor, so that Cristiano Ronaldo's Real Madrid can benefit. And it is impossible for the doctor to give up the super positioning of the "most efficient", as long as Messi does not retreat, you He will fight to the end, he can stay out of the matter, and use the image of taking into account the overall situation to stabilize his super giant status, and even reverse this year's Golden Globe Award."

Wang Ai sighed and patted the armrest of the chair. Xu Qinglian sighed, "Are you fighting to this extent? You can count so many casual words?"

Huang Xin smiled: "The gains and losses of tens of millions of euros a year are enough to invite the most professional people to help design. Besides, Mendes can't get 20% of his salary for nothing. Doctor, what do you think?"

Wang Aishu sighed: "I think this guy is really in place. The lion is right. I can't let the efficiency attribute."

"Do you think Messi will be fooled? Isn't it good for him to guard his talent?" Xu Qinglian interjected.

Wang Ai smiled and looked at Xu Qinglian: "C Ronaldo now dare not want to attack, I also dare not want the winner to take it all, but Messi can think about it."

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