Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 202: Big pen like rafter painted red makeup (2)

Wang Ai, who was in a hearty mood, returned home and ate with his guards and assistants. The others had eaten them, and they were specially reserved for them. Speaking of this signature book, everyone still sighs frequently, who said that Germans are inflexible in their brains? The Italians and British people in the past never thought of this trick!

After the meal, Wang Ai went upstairs to pack up his luggage. Huang Xin was inconvenient with the children, so he would not return home this time. Xu Qinglian thought she could not think of returning home, so Wang Ai planned to go back by herself. After pushing the door and entering the master bedroom, he found that Huang Xin was not at home. He probably took the child for a walk in the plantation. Wang Ai didn’t care about it. He put his daily necessities, change of clothes, passport, ID card and some fragmentary banknotes in Finally put two pairs of training shoes and two pairs of competition shoes in the suitcase.

After finishing the arrangement, Wang Ai still worried about Xu Qinglian, walked gently to the door of the study, and after hearing the most frightening murmur, he opened the door gently, and then she was dumbfounded.

I saw in the room on the single sofa where Wang Ai and Xu Qinglian were used to sitting. At this moment, they were leaning on a handsome and majestic guy. If they weren't facing the door, Wang Ai's fists would be squeezed. .

Wang Ai prefers short and medium hair, cool and capable girls, and dislikes particularly long hair. He always feels that they are not modern women, and they are not women who can bear the rhythm of modern life, but he did not like it to be so short and short. , Short to the degree of masculinity.

Facing the shocked man with his face changed drastically, Xu Qinglian's sluggish gaze became more vivid, and then she shook her head helplessly and protested to the big hand that was constantly rubbing on top of her head: "I just feel too hot... why are you all coming to touch me?" "

"No." Wang Ai said calmly: "I just washed my hands."

Xu Qinglian chuckled, and stretched out her hand to push Wang Ai's hand. Wang Ai suddenly noticed her weakness, and was suddenly shocked to squat down and look directly at Xu Qinglian's eyes, who was lazily sitting on the sofa. Those eyes looked extremely under her short hair. Bright, extremely oppressive when not smiling, but when smiling, it is like a lilac blooming with gentle eyes: "Have you eaten dinner? How much did you eat?"

"I've eaten...well, I don't want to eat that much." Xu Qinglian smiled embarrassedly.

"Did you drink the milk?" Wang Ai grabbed Xu Qinglian's hands and placed them in his palms.

"It's kind of, kind of disgusting." Xu Qinglian pursed her mouth: "I drank water, I was 110 catties, and I was okay with a weight loss of 10 catties and 8 catties. I just lost weight. You always say that I have a big butt, haha."

Wang Ai took a deep breath, lowered his head and placed his forehead on the backs of Xu Qinglian's jade hands. It took a long time before he looked up: "Qinglian, you know me, I support you..."

Seeing a burst of unnoticeable sadness in Xu Qinglian's eyes, Wang Ai hurriedly stopped, took another deep breath, unconsciously rubbed Xu Qinglian's leaner hands with his hands, before turning his head to think about it, and then continued: "That , Can you tell me something? How about it?"

Seeing Xu Qinglian's brows frowned slightly, Wang Ai folded his hands and wrapped Xu Qinglian's hands in his palms: "Don't underestimate my academic ability. I have written a few high-quality papers every year, okay? Let's talk about your management thinking. I instilled it to you. Even if you think you’re telling me, I won’t make any major contributions to you, but at least I can understand what you say? Isn’t it true that the teaching is good? In the process you taught me, maybe you Will there be new insights?"

Xu Qinglian followed the man's gaze slightly, and Wang Ai stood up and turned around in a circle: "The study is still too small and too awkward. Don't you think the amount of oxygen is insufficient?"

"Go out for a walk, dear." Wang Ai looked at Xu Qinglian's eyes sincerely: "The moonlight is just right tonight and the autumn breeze is refreshing. Let's walk on the moon and vomit a block, how about?"

"Then I will put on a dress." Xu Qinglian was still half-coaxed and half-persuaded by Wang Ai to pull up, casually took a Wang Ai's orange coat of Bayern, and walked down as if she was brewing where to start.

Going downstairs and passing the kitchen, Wang Ai quickly stepped in and took two sandwiches and two bottles of mineral water that were guarded at night, and put them in his large pants pockets. If nothing happened, he said to Jun Yang: "I will go out to talk about academic issues with Qinglian, you Talk to Huang Xin."

Yang Jun said, looking at the backs of the two of them, pursing their lips: I know that you are always tit-for-tat. This is all right, this hairstyle is really two buddies.

However, girls are really charming.

Yang Jun touched his head, wondering if he would have this short hair once? Why can a man stay, but a woman can't stay? Who stipulated that a woman must have fluttering hair and be gentle and amiable?

The moon has risen in the sky on July 17, and the faint moonlight and faint street lights merge together, splashing on the road of the plantation, forming a layer of shining cocoon, Xu Qinglian walking beside Wang Ai in his clothes Su Shi, who was walking about ten meters ahead, Zhang Guang, Tang Mudan, and Yang Li who were walking about seven or eight meters behind him, slowly said, "I want to create an existing abstract. Analysis also has practical guidance."

Wang Ai looked sideways at Xu Qinglian's face, saw that she was still frowning and lowered her head and whispered softly, "Dao Te Ching?"

Xu Qinglian finally smiled: "Well, I only wanted to build an improved and integrated management system at first, and then found that various details conflicted with each other, so I took a step up and planned to develop a management system model, but after removing the various When I suddenly thought of the conflicting details, why should I remove them? They all have a practical basis. My subjective deletion will inevitably cause the final model to reduce its adaptability. So what is the meaning of the model?"

"Yeah." Wang Ai thought with his back, and entered the state: "The breadth of the sample determines the coverage of the conclusion."

"Yeah." Xu Qinglian said happily: "Only by understanding these conflicting details and different specific management systems at a higher level, can the model accommodate the successful management systems under these different systems, so that there is a universal Appropriate and pertinent. So there is a theoretical part, which must be done and must be."

Wang Ai nodded: "A complete new theory must not only have hypotheses or only norms. It must be a combination of the two, integrated, consistent, and self-contained."

"That's it." Xu Qinglian subconsciously took Wang Ai's arm and shook it: "Do you think Lao Tzu, who was more than 2,000 years ago, was also looking at the spring in the small study window after reading the book. Go, flowers bloom and fall and realize this problem?"

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