Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 206: A large brush with red makeup like a rafter (6)

Wang Ai took a deep breath and slowly smiled: "Most of you should know that when I was at Inter Milan, my annual salary was 12 million euros after tax, which means I earn more than 300,000 yuan a day. I use some of them. One-sixtieth, buying gifts for a friend who hasn’t seen each other for a long time, is this beyond common sense? I went to the high-instructor’s home to have a meal and bring one-fifteenth of my daily salary with gifts. Is it beyond common sense? If you pay monthly Three thousand, you see that your old classmate gave a gift of less than two yuan, and you brought a gift of six yuan when you went to the master’s house for dinner. Is this beyond common sense? Oh, is it considered stingy beyond common sense?"

The crowd roared with laughter.

At this moment, a mobile phone was handed over by Li Jun. It was Li Jun's sudden thought. Wang Ai took it and read it: "The crime of bribery is to seek illegitimate gain... Improper interests."

Some reporters have to continue to ask, Wang Ai waved his hand: "Okay, ask some serious questions, just let people watch jokes."

"Do you think legal issues are a joke?" The female reporter on the periphery was reluctant.

Wang Ai raised his face: "Legal issues are naturally not a joke. The joke is that you have to prove your innocence as a non-involved person after the relevant judicial procedures are completed by virtue of your identity as a reporter. The joke is that you questioned how World Footballer became a national. It’s bribery. The joke is that you have never questioned Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Zidane, Figo, Cannavaro, Kaka, Messi, Ronaldo, but you’ve come to question the achievements that are not lower than them. I."

Wang Ai originally wanted to chase after him, but he stopped when he saw Duan Xuan in the crowd blinking at him. Pleasure is fun, but it will inevitably expand.

"Reporter Duan, do you have anything you want to ask?" Wang Ai solemnly nodded Duan Xuan's name, and didn't intend to ignore those who were ignorant.

"What do you think of the Iraq team and the next game? What do you think of the Iraqi team captain's statement a few days ago?"

"Uh, what did the captain of the Iraqi team say a few days ago? I'm sorry I don't know yet. This period of time has been in high-density games."

"The captain of the Iraqi team said that they have found a way to deal with the Chinese team."

"Oh." Wang Ai nodded: "First of all, it is not easy for the Iraqi team to form a strong national team when the country is in turmoil. It shows that these athletes are very fighting spirit. I admire them. Secondly, about In the next game, I have confidence in the victory of the Chinese team. Finally, with regard to the way to deal with the Chinese team, I think that each of our opponents is looking for and has gained some gains after researching, but in the end, we still have to come through the game. Test. I welcome our opponents, especially the Asian teams' research on us and their own progress. Only strong opponents can have wonderful games and our own progress."

"Then do you have anything to say about the defeat of the men's and women's football teams in this Olympics?" Duan Xuan seized the opportunity and asked again.

Wang Ai glanced at Duan Xuan suspiciously, and suddenly remembered that his interview video in Munich has not yet been broadcast, so he settled: "Of course it is a pity, I have also seen a lot of discussions and conclusions in the football world... In fact, it is very big. Most events will have ups and downs in performance. This is a normal phenomenon in a sense. Although we are unwilling, we still have to look at it rationally. When we won the World Cup, many Spanish fans were very sad and we were heading towards On the way to the championship, many opponents' fans are also sad. This is the cruelty of competitive sports. It is often a small number of people who laugh at the end. We can only look at it normally. What I want to tell you now is that the national team has never stopped improving. Everyone has never stopped working hard, and the foundation of Chinese football is being consolidated day by day, and the overall trend is still upward."

At this time, Su Maozhen and Fan Zhiyi came from the side at the same time. Su Maozhen turned around with Wang Ai's shoulders. Fan Zhiyi separated the crowd: "Little Wang has just arrived, and there is still a lot of work to do. Let's stop here today. "

When Su Maozhen, who has a very good public image, talked to the grumpy Fan Zhiyi, the reporters decided to accept it. The camera of many TV stations can not be too much. Rubbing the edges and crossing the boundary, Wang Ai doesn't matter if he isn't picky. It really made Wang Ai annoyed, even if he just showed an unpleasant expression in front of the camera, then Wang Ai's fans can still do what other fans can do.

Pretty much, at least reporters who plan to eat this bowl of rice often know that enough is enough.

Leaving the noisy doorway and walking into the quiet base, Wang Ai took a deep breath, Su Maozhen shook Wang Ai's shoulder amusedly: "What? Arguing with the king? Do you have times when you are afraid?"

Wang Ai chuckled, "People say it's awesome. If I don't know it, I will lose hundreds of millions of endorsement fees."

Su Maozhen turned his head to look at Fan Zhiyi, and pointed his finger at Wang Ai's face: "Why do I listen to this kid showing off to me? Isn't it?"

Fan Zhiyi grabbed the trolley case in Wang Ai's hand, opened it, reached out and took it out, shook his head vigorously while putting it in his pocket: "Absolutely not!"

Su Maozhen took a small cake from Fan Zhiyi: "It's really not!"

The disturbances outside did not have much impact on the interior of the base. People like Su Maozhen and Fan Zhiyi have experienced more embarrassing moments. Today's things are really flirtatious.

From the moment Wang Ai walked into Xianghe Base, the gate of the base has not yet been opened. In 2012, when Chinese football was unfavorable for many years, the top ten men's football match was a good opportunity to sweep away the haze. The superiors are waiting, the fans are looking forward to it, and even the media are looking forward to it, so despite facing an Iraqi team that is far worse than a few years ago, Lao Gao still takes the players to prepare seriously.

Li Jun, Zhang Guang and Su Shi entered the Xianghe base at the same time. Zhang Guang and Su Shi were considered as security personnel temporarily hired by the national team. They had to be hired anyway. Two were not enough, and Li Jun could only let Wang Ai pay for board and lodging. Anyway, the other people are not as much as Wang Ai alone. It's really impossible to follow without an assistant.

Wang Ai can leave other things alone, but Shi Wenjun can worry about giving birth. He is with the first two children, and Wenjun can't make an exception at that time, otherwise Shi Wenjun would have been a little bit depressed before giving birth, and he could easily think about it, unless he meets with the national team.

Then there is really no way.

The expected delivery date is around September 8, but it has not been born. The national team set off for Hefei, AH on September 9. When there is no movement, Wang Ai is dead. Fortunately, I call every day, and the little beauty is not too much. think.

In the evening two days later, in the unanimous shouts of tens of thousands of Hefei fans, the national team cheered up and defeated the visiting Iraqi team with a score of 4:1, thus winning four of the top ten matches in eight games. It is possible to qualify half a year early.

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