Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 210: Big pen like rafter painted red makeup (10)

Leo Ni has long been impatient with the baby. In the past ten months, Shi Wenjun was helping her, so this time she simply entrusted the child to Shi Wenjun, with the beautiful name: cultivating sibling relationships since childhood. ! Shi Wenjun liked Wang Zhonghua quite a bit, so he agreed.

After more than ten hours of flying, the plane entered the territory of Germany. It was early in the morning in Munich. The city where the sun was shining on the trees has a unique exotic flavor. Even Leo Ni can see it.

"Homesick?" Wang Ai washed her face and came back to tease her.

"No, I finally came out." Leo Ni shook her head: "I have to see the tiger in a moment. Did she really have short hair? Oh, Huang Xin does, so she won't post photos."

"Do you want to have fun?"

"Hey." Leo Ni suddenly felt melancholy: "Speaking of which I am also a Master of Philosophy from the University of Tübingen, but I have not had any academic achievements over the years."

"Aren't you going to rest in the next few years? Just use this stage to summarize it." Wang Ai arched the lion with his shoulders: "Our family doesn't rely on this for food, right? You can study whatever you want to study, I think This can calm down and truly achieve the realm of academic freedom."

"That's what I said." The lion turned around happily: "Eh, the hometown you just mentioned is Dietford? Actually, I don't think much about that home. When I was young, I depended on my brother, and my brother was me. The only family member, wherever he goes is home."

Half an hour later, the group returned to the Samaritan Manor and found that they were preparing to eat breakfast as soon as they entered the door. Seeing Leo Ni's eyebrows and a mouse walked into the room with a suffocated smile, Xu Qinglian bowed her head when she approached, but she was stunned by the lion.

"Hurry up, I still have to eat." Xu Qinglian lowered her head and sighed: "Next time I won't cut the height, everyone wants to touch it."

Huang Xin smiled and said, "Our family is equal, so Xueshi Xu can be a trafficker or pawn."

Leoni raised her hands and pressed her round, hairy head, rubbing her admiration: "It's really fun."

"If it's fun, do you cut it too?" Xu Qinglian leaned back and avoided: "When the time comes, our sisters will become brothers!"

"Can do it?" Leoni stroked her golden brown braid and fascinated.

"Eat and eat." Huang Xin interrupted quickly, and the lion was going to give himself a three-year holiday, which was about to let himself go. But if you don't stop her, when she finishes cutting, the brothers will have to take aim at Huang Xin. Then the family will become Hengshan faction!

"Oh." Leo Ni responded, and when Xu Qinglian was about to take her seat, she suddenly leaned forward, and gave her a kiss: "I have missed you for the past three years. I have always wanted to find you, but they all Don't let me go."

Huang Xin let out a heavy sigh, and Lei Aoni and Xu Qinglian, who were about to speak, just suddenly turned their heads together, and their gazes automatically passed Wang Ai. Li Jun was agitated and pointed to his eyes: "I'm short-sighted!"

Then, Zhao Dan, who was in a state of invisibility, couldn't come out without trembling cleverly, and raised his head: "Huh?"

Then there was the golden element of honesty. This Inner Mongolian man looked around and looked around: "What am I, what am I?"

Su Shi reminded in a low voice: "According to the guarding discipline, don't listen to what shouldn't be heard, don't watch what shouldn't be seen, and forget immediately after hearing it."

"Oh, yes, yes." Gold Element nodded like garlic.

"Let's eat, it will be cold for a while." Huang Xin interrupted to end the farce.

After breakfast, Leo Ni went upstairs to chat with Xu Qinglian. As the first two people around Wang Ai to make their debut, they are also two people who are extremely agreeable in character. They have more common languages ​​than anyone, even more than Wang Ai. After Xu Qinglian returned on June 30, although the two sides went to Cuba together, they were both busy with various tasks. After coming back, Leo Ni immediately returned to Liaoning to preside over the technical cooperation work. Xu Qinglian went to Qingdao for an inspection, and then Wang Ai took Xu Qinglian to London. Until now, the two did not get the opportunity to speak well.

I was caught this time, just as Leo Ni was also curious about Xu Qinglian's academic work for sacrificing a beautiful hair.

When Wang Ai came back at noon, the two of them were still sitting in the study and had a serious discussion, flipping through the book or looking at the computer screen from time to time. Seeing that they were so serious, Wang Ai didn’t say anything about Heynckes’ conversation with him in the morning. Son, just went downstairs and talked briefly with Huang Xin.

Now Bayern has four centers, Wang Ai, Gomez, Mandzukic, and Pizarro, and only one center is needed for each game. Of these four, Wang Ai naturally said that Gomez's average goal per game is also impeccable, and Mandzukic's average of 0.5 goals per game is actually not low, even Pizarro is basically this data. Obviously, Bayern has too many centers, and they are all strong.

This season Bayern will still be the third line. If the main force is used too hard at the beginning of the season, the main players will not be able to hold it at the end of the season, and the substitutes will not be able to keep up, so it must be rotated... This is Heinke The most painful comprehension of coaching Bayern in recent years.

When Wang Ai was halfway through, the lion and tiger went downstairs together and listened. Leoni asked, "Well, can you come tomorrow? If you can't, I won't go. It happened to be interesting to discuss the paper with the tiger at home."

"Joseph asked me to focus on the Champions League six days later and promised to let me play casually." Wang Ai smiled.

Leonie curled her lips: "No wonder you didn't renew the contract with Bayern."

King Ai did not have the chance to play on the second day of the game. Bayern also defeated the visiting Mainz by a score of 3:1. In fact, Wang Ai was also relieved. He was very busy during this time, and he was not finished yet.

On Sunday morning, Wang Ai was in the newly opened "Second Study Room" on the third floor of his home to make up for himself. Shi Wenjun sent a crying emoticon: "I can't choose."

The name of this precious girl has been seen back and forth for several days, and Wang Ai has no choice but to answer: "Then what should I do?"

"Let Qinglian decide, she has the most idea, and her name is the same as mine."

When I talked about it at lunch, Xu Qinglian was bound to read the names of the two candidates: "The style is the same, no wonder you can't pick it out, and it doesn't match our actual situation. It's shallow."

As everyone listened, Xu Qinglian looked at Huang Xin and Lei Oni and smiled: "We don’t like red outfits and we are armed. It's so easy for a girl to come here. Let’s reconcile and call it red outfits. Well, but don’t let people think of us. It was twisted deliberately, so change a word, change the outfit of the equipment to the makeup of the dressing."

"Wang Hongzhuang?" Wang Ai nodded with a taste: "Red dressing, this has a good meaning!"

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