Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 231: Glorious Years (1)

"You, you..." Wang Ai looked at the three heroic hairs in front of him: "Should we worship the boss next?"

Leoni stopped her laughter, turned around and threw her hands at Huang Xin, and said gruffly: "My Taoyuan, the flowers are blooming!"

Xu Qinglian also bowed to the two with a solemn look: "The three of us should be brothers and work together!"

Huang Xin rolled his eyes and cupped his hands casually: "Second brother, third brother, me, haha..."

The three of them laughed together, and Wang Ai waved anxiously: "What about me? What about me?"

Huang Xin pointed at Wang Ai and said, "White Dragon Horse!"

"Come on!"

Xu Qinglian smiled and said, "But you are not as handsome as Zhao Yun!"

Leoni squinted and looked at it, and suddenly hehe smiled: "Zhang Ba Snake Spear Gun!"

Wang Ai was ridiculed to the point of being autistic, and despite the big changes in the three images, her eyes were still bright, and the woman with red lips and white teeth didn't say a word, no matter how intimidated she was, and finally made Xu Qinglian anxious: "A gentleman should keep his word! If you don't say it today, We won't believe what you say in the future!"

Wang Ai sneered: "I guess it was you who pushed me. I told you sooner or later, what's the hurry?"

Huang Xin sat in the chair and sighed: "I told Leoni that some things cannot be broken."

Leoni replied: "Long hair is not only the image but also the psychology. It not only changes the image but also the behavior. If you want to give positive feedback today... Anyway, I think it's okay, Huang Xin has gathered up the courage."

"That's right." Xu Qinglian suppressed her smile: "Wang Sheng called Dad when he entered the door just now!"

Wang Ai laughed out, seeing Huang Xin a little embarrassed, stretched out his hand to pull Huang Xin over, and waved to the other two, on Wang Ai's sofa bed, Huang Xin sat on Wang Ai's lap, Wang Ai She put her left hand around Xu Qinglian, her fingertips resting on Huang Xin's shoulder, and her right hand wrapped around Leoni's shoulder, whispering: "I originally wanted to have the opportunity to gather the four of you and talk about it, you really want to listen now. Answer?"

This time, the three of them were a little embarrassed. After getting along for many years, everyone knows that this family is good no matter what, there is only one thing, it must be fair, otherwise, no one will be healed if the vinegar jar is overturned. If what the three of them conjectured was true, something so miraculous happened to Wang Ai, and Shi Wenjun, who was far away from bj, couldn't know it right away, and he was virtually excluded. This was a landmine.

Not to mention Shi Wenjun, who was not very minded, even Huang Xin and Leoni couldn't stand it, so Xu Qinglian didn't care much, and that was before. This time, the big beauty has also become more clingy, so she has no time to give Wang Ai a "good look".

In the silence, Xu Qinglian said: "Winter break, winter break at the latest, we must listen to your answer with our own ears! Huang Xin and Leoni, this time they are very determined, they know what you have to say. The matter must be very big, and this way is not forcing you, but to show your determination."

Wang Ai exhaled a breath, leaned forward and kissed Huang Xin's face, then nodded after kissing: "Okay, it's the winter break, then the three of you will go back to China with me and find a chance. Bring the little beauty, and I will tell you my deepest secrets. But I still have to say one thing now, I am not an alien, I am a normal person, my affairs can still be explained scientifically, and I am still an atheist."

Leoni thought for a while and nodded: "I remember you said before that atheism is not a denial of supernatural phenomena and supernatural life, but a theoretical tool to combat the exploiting classes and legitimize exploitation in the name of God, right?"

"Yes." Wang Ai looked at Leoni, then at Huang Xin and Xu Qinglian: "Actually, I've been thinking about when to tell you that we can't hide from you if we've been together forever, and I don't want to hide anything from you... ...let's sleep together tonight?"

As soon as Wang Ai said a word, he obviously felt several people's bodies stiffen. Wang Ai immediately followed: "This is my last condition. I just remembered it, and I will make up the condition later!"

Huang Xin snorted and laughed, "Unfortunately, it's not convenient for me today."

Leoni laughed: "It's a coincidence, I'm not convenient today."

Wang Ai stared at the two of them: "You did it on purpose, didn't you? Choose today on purpose? How long have you both slept together?"

Leonie giggled: "It's because we always sleep together that we are synchronized. By the way, haven't you always wanted to clean up the beauty? She planned and instigated everything today, you clean up her, Ke Jin tidy."

Xu Qinglian shuddered, glared at Leoni, and then looked at Wang Ai: "I also..."

"I don't believe that there is a 1.5% chance that I can meet!" Wang Ai said viciously.

Huang Xin stood up from Wang Ai's lap: "Take care of her well, I called Yang Jun and they laughed all the way, and their son laughed when they got home."

Xu Qinglian twisted her body to run, but was stopped by Leoni and held by Wang Ai. Huang Xin and the two walked to the door: "Qinglian, you have been in seclusion for more than a month, don't become a monk."

The two left, the room was quiet, Wang Ai's arm around Xu Qinglian became tighter and tighter, and Xu Qinglian gradually leaned on Wang Ai's shoulder: "Am I asking for trouble?"

Wang Ai picked up Xu Qinglian's face and said with a smile, "I didn't eat it, how do you know it's bitter?"

Xu Qinglian's face became hot, and she couldn't help lowering her head: "It's all hairy, doesn't it look like a man?"

Wang Ai's hand covered Xu Qinglian's head: "I saw all three of you today. It turns out that if a woman is feminine enough, she can defeat the male symbol. Your eyebrows, eyes, charm... even neutral. It doesn't count."

"Maybe it has something to do with makeup." Xu Qinglian put her head on Wang Ai's head.

"You still wear makeup? Don't I remember that you rarely wear makeup? You don't wear any makeup when you go out."

"It's still melted a little, a little bit." Xu Qinglian smiled sweetly, and suddenly sighed, her goose-yellow dress was wrinkled today.

While Xu Qinglian was waiting for the next step, she suddenly found a man looking at her suspiciously: "I always feel like you lied to me? When I brought you back from Daqing a few months ago, I really wanted to, I have the urge to take care of you, so why am I losing this idea now?"

Xu Qinglian opened her eyes in a guilty conscience: "I don't know? Do you feel bad for me?"

Before she finished speaking, Xu Qinglian knew that she had said the wrong thing. She shouldn't have said the word "distressed".

"Haha!" Wang Ai stood up and pointed in front of him: "Kneel down."

Xu Qinglian bit her lip, knelt down and raised her head to please, with her hands behind her back: "You can take care of me, as long as you want, you can take care of me every day."

Wang Ai scratched his face: "I have to go to training..."

After speaking, he fled to the door, and turned back angrily: "You waited for me to come back!"

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