Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 235: Glorious Years (5)

Zhao Xuri raised his head and smiled: "Boss, just pretend, I guess you really have to go all out and score seven or eight must be no problem. Our guards can't do anything to you, unless you commit a foul, but you can still pay for the foul. There was a direct free-kick."

Xiao Li looked at Wang Ai, and Wang Ai laughed unconvincingly.

Whether Xiao Li can become Zhao Xuri's wife is still uncertain, and even if he becomes a wife, it is still uncertain whether it can be kept secret. There are many secrets and more tacit understanding between Wang Ai and Zhao Xuri. At least some of the things that are inhumane to each other will never be said to outsiders. After more than ten years, there must be hundreds of people in and out of this national team, but those who can still be friends in the end must know what they know in their hearts and what they say.

"Are you still running with this year's Golden Globes?"

After eating, Xiao Li, a fashion designer, took Xu Qinglian to see her work, leaving Wang Ai and Zhao Xuri to chat in the small screening room of the villa.

"Yeah." Wang Ai replied, "Gather your character."

Zhao Xuri laughed: "Gather your character? Do you still have this? Last season, your triple crown was not enough? Are you going to play the World Club Cup next month? Are you sure to win?"

Wang Ai shook his head: "A steady win is not enough. I came to the Bundesliga for two years. You can't imagine that in a traditional white world, I, a Chinese, are the champions."

Zhao Xuri nodded deeply: "In these years abroad... I can understand that it is because of your grievance for the boss."

Wang Ai laughed: "I don't actually suffer from a long-term perspective."

Seeing Zhao Xuri's confused face, Wang Ai had to explain further: "Although I have suffered a little loss right now, my career is only a small part of my life. After I retire, this history will be brought out and repeated. Then The little loss I am suffering now will bring me a lifetime of sympathy and the benefits of being sympathetic."

Zhao Xuri suddenly said: "Ah! To put it that way, Sneijder can also benefit for life? We people can too? The 2010 World Cup champion, we are only you in the 23-man list."

Wang Ai shook his head: "Sneijder can't, you have a chance."

Zhao Xuri took out an ice cream and waved it: "Why? If you don't understand, I will fight with you!"

Wang Ai took the ice cream and ripped open the package and took a bite: "First, your achievements in football are enough to be remembered for a long time. Even after you retired 20 or 30 years later, people still remember it, and only then will your grievances have a chance to be discovered. , was 'rehabilitated'. Second, the platform you rely on must be on the rise, and your platform will use you as an example in the future to tell the platform's own grievances and uphold the platform's own justice. "

Zhao Xuri frowned while pinching another ice cream: "I understand the first one, but the second one is a bit vague. Boss, don't say it so mysteriously, can you make it clearer? I don't study philosophy."

The small spoon in Wang Ai's hand was flying, and he said succinctly: "China."

"Ah~" Zhao Xuri patted his thigh: "Understood, we in China have also suffered a lot of grievances. In the future, if you retire, China will do it. Justice must be done. If your justice is done, then a lot of justice for the country will also be obtained. Zhang? Ah, eh boss, are you so optimistic about China's future?"

Wang Ai tilted his head and looked at Zhao Xuri, without saying a word, Zhao Xuri was staring at him with a guilty conscience: "Hey boss, how long has it been since I listened to you in class last time?"

Wang Ai thought for a while and nodded: "Yes, I think I have given you enough in the past."

Zhao Xuri shook his head: "The past only solved the problems of the past, and now there are problems of the present."

Hearing this, Wang Ai nodded with relief: "I still plan to become a teacher at the National People's Congress in the future. If it's like you just now, I wouldn't dare to go. I've been teaching for many years and I won't leave it."

Zhao Xuri snorted, and a light called cunning flashed in his eyes.

Wang Ai nodded at him: "The trend of public opinion belongs to soft power, right?"


"Soft power is subordinate to hard power, right? After all, if you want to uphold justice with your mouth, you must protect it with justice with your fists, right?"


"The economic development is fast, the military strength is fast, the military strength is strong, the hard power is strong, right?"


"Then think about China's GDP and the US, Europe, and Japan's GDP, which is growing faster?"

"But what about corruption and division?"

"If you have time to read the history books, similar problems existed in the former British Empire, the Soviet Union and the United States."

"But the Soviet Union disintegrated, and the United States and the United Kingdom have multi-party systems, which can check and balance each other." Zhao Xuri said seriously: "How to check and balance the one-party system? Your own knife can't cut your own, right?"

Wang Ai pondered for a while: "The party and the party can be checked and balanced, but can't there be checks and balances within the party? Do you think the two-party internal election in the US general election is a kind of intra-party checks and balances?"

Zhao Xuri thought for a while: "What about ours?"

Wang Ai also thought about it: "Have you heard the word "repression of rebels?" Although it has been expanded in history and many good people have been killed by mistake, the original intention of eradicating rebels is correct. So as long as it is guaranteed not to be enlarged and legalized , isn't this a mechanism of internal checks and balances?"

Zhao Xuri exhaled: "Understood."

Wang Ai continued: "There are two kinds of corruption, one is the corruption in the bones, and the other is the staged corruption. What is the corruption in the bones? The exploitation is legalized, and the capitalist country has legalized the corrupt system of plundering the fruits of others' labor. , so the corruption in the United States and Europe is in the bones. And what is the corruption in China? It is in the stage of transition from a planned economy to a market economy, when the two social management systems change, there will inevitably be many loopholes and people who exploit loopholes. We and Europe and the United States Corruption in China is of different nature and at different levels. Of course, it does not mean that our corruption is not dangerous, and if we do not stop it, it will also destroy the party and the country, but our corruption can be solved. Europe and the United States have achieved a strict system on the surface, but if there is a problem at the root of the strict system, it can only solve the superficial problem, but not the fundamental problem. For example, the revolving door, have you heard of it?”


"It is that senior officials in the United States will alternate between officials and businessmen, coming in and out like a revolving door. For example, the last Treasury Secretary Paulson used to be the head of Goldman Sachs, a private bank. You said he became Treasury Secretary, right? What will his old club's attitude be? He can reasonably, legally, fairly and openly formulate a financial policy that is most beneficial to his old club, so that everyone has nothing to say. Then he can serve in some foundations after retirement. The chairman of the board of directors of some institutions, the independent director of some institutions, this kind of position that only takes money and does not work. You see, there is no fault in the law, but you know this is wrong, right?"

"Is this what you mean by legalizing corruption?"

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