Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 249: The reverse of the Tianhe (9)

Bayern held a celebration event in Yokohama that night, inviting Bayern fans in Japan, and of course many Wang Ai fans who signed up. Everyone was happy. Early the next morning, Bayern set off from Tokyo and returned to Germany to prepare for the final battle of the first half, while Wang Ai went to the embassy in Japan to participate in the event.

The first activity that Wang Ai started immediately after arriving in the morning was to visit the Confucius Institute jointly established by Nihon Institute of Technology University and bj University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and have a discussion with teachers and students. The embassy thought very well, and asked Wang Ai to talk about Chinese culture. After all, although you are a doctor from two European universities, you are also a master from Renmin University, but from the actual effect, especially when the question-and-answer session begins, It turned into a star chase.

The embassy did not hesitate to see that "the broad masses of the people" liked this. In the most difficult stage of the relationship between the two countries in the first few years, the only field of exchange between the two countries was the football field, which bucked the trend and reached a special foreign aid system for the China-Japan-Korea League. And Wang Ai is one of the leaders.

Since football has actually become one of the important channels for friendly exchanges between the people of the two countries, asking Wang Ai, a person with unparalleled fame in Japan, to talk about football is tantamount to talking about the friendship between the two countries. dew.

At the last moment of the event, under the strong invitation of the organizer and the instigation of the embassy, ​​Wang Ai got up and performed a ball on the stage. But because it was impromptu, everyone made a mistake when they were busy. Specifically, the staff took a football to the stage, and the fans at the scene also took a football. Another football fell, but Wang Ai subconsciously picked it up with his foot, and then accidentally turned into two footballs at the same time.

The cheers continued in the auditorium, one wave after another, and Wang Aiwan's rise in the middle also demonstrated a clip of one above his head and one below his feet. Thanks to Wang Ai's recovery of the blindfolded ball technique, he can achieve the blind top without looking at his feet.

At the end of the event, Wang Ai signed two soccer **** and took pictures with teachers and students.

In the afternoon, Wang Ai was arranged by the embassy to visit a few Chinese-funded enterprises, because the embassy "cunningly" included the Japanese branch of Northern Paper in the mid-term period, which made Li Jun, who was in charge of communication, speechless: My family Wang Er had similar activities The appearance fee of 5 million can't be beat, and you are enough to call people for nothing.

Wang Ai doesn't care, anyway, the bad guy is Li Jun's little eye. My eyes with thick eyebrows and big eyes are good people. If you don't believe me, look at my sincere eyes!

After returning to the embassy for a meal in the evening, Wang Ai went to TV Asahi for an exclusive interview.

The topic naturally started with football, and then talked about Wang Ai's last visit to Nakajima Miyuki, and then the host suddenly asked a question outside the interview outline: "China's gdp surpassed Japan two years ago, what will happen in the future? "

Wang Ai was stunned and replied casually, "Isn't this the historical norm?"

Wang Ai noticed that the Chinese embassy staff immediately went to the program team to communicate, and simply picked up the cup and drank water and waited. After a while, the communication was completed, and with the support of Wang Ai's assistant Li Jun, the Chinese embassy obtained the right to edit the show afterwards, and the interview continued.

"If I speak from the perspective of politics, economy, culture, and even the distribution of economic industries, it may be as controversial as many views." Wang Ai said calmly after the program restarted: "But I'm engaged in philosophy. , I prefer to observe from a philosophical point of view. History may be the best material, China is so big, once China develops steadily, it will inevitably surpass Japan economically, and it is abnormal for Japan to lead China in modern times.”

The host who was warned did not dare to say nonsense any more: "Please Wang Jun explain the fall of modern China in more detail."

Wang Ai nodded: "From a philosophical point of view, modern China is faced with a long historical task of transitioning from a feudal society to a capitalist and socialist society. The Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the forces in China's civil war, whose political propositions are all used to replace the superstructure of feudal society, are also contradictory and irreconcilable, so they can only prove their respective propositions through practice. Finally, after decades of verification , the Communist Party and socialism are recognized by the Chinese people, China's situation is like the return of the Three Kingdoms to Jin, and the historical process of reunification and national rejuvenation has begun. Then when this process begins, it is inevitable that China will become the center of East Asia again, and it has been repeated in history. Many times."

"You mean..." The host pondered and wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh: "The 37 years from 1912 to 1949, the 37 years that China fought countless wars, just to innovate philosophy?"

"From a philosophical point of view, this is the case." Wang Ai continued indifferently: "The Qing Empire carried out the Westernization Movement, which finally proved that it is impossible not to innovate the superstructure, but how to innovate the superstructure? In what direction? Everyone? Each has its own proposition, and in the end it can only be proved through practice which philosophical system is superior and more suitable.”

"Then why did China and Japan choose different paths, and why did Japan revive first?"

"Because Japan is small." Wang Ai looked at the host with strange eyes, and immediately made the host feel that his IQ was attacked: "If Japan is a ship of 100 tons, China is a ship of 10,000 tons. By the time Japan had completed the turn, China's anchor had not yet been lowered."

"What about the future of the two countries?" The host then asked: "As you said, Japan is a small boat, so it turns fast, starts fast, and is fast, so why is China catching up?"

"Because the big ship has enough stamina." Wang Ai smiled and said: "Can a 100-ton ship complete the circumnavigation? Unless your captain is named Luffy, and there is a navigator named Nami."

After laughing in the live broadcast room, the host suddenly asked with a smile on his face: "Is this why Japan lost 20 years? So, will China invade Japan in the future?"

Wang Ai also asked with a smile: "Please tell me, what is there to invade in Japan? Land? Japan's land is very difficult to support the Japanese themselves, and a large amount of food is imported every year."

"Maybe it's technology?"

"Which is the higher cost of launching a war to **** technology or the cost of developing these technologies? Look at history, which war of aggression was to plunder science and technology?"

"Maybe it's culture?"

"Haha, are you sure?" Wang Ai laughed: "I really hope that there will be artists like Miyuki Nakajima, Ayumi Hamasaki, Haruki Murakami, Akira Toriyama, and Eiichiro Oda in China, but taking them away will only be enough. Let them wither like flowers that leave the land, why bother?"

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