Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 264: More blowing down, stars like rain (4)

Just when the fan lineup composed of many superstars was about to change the stage to watch La Liga, Wang Ai ran to the stands of the Bayern fans who came from the expedition, raised his arms diagonally, swayed his upper body, and swayed the "big tree dance" that had been standardized with the help of many professionals. "Take it out.

After Wang Ai scored four goals in the last game, he even forgot about it. Kang Si, who was far away in northeast China, was so unhappy that he made a special call to condemn it. So before this game, Wang Ai specially instructed Li Jun to remind himself.

After watching this fun, the superstars changed channels one after another, and in the suffocating and tense struggle, this little tidbit was really difficult to arouse their interest. However, the reaction of ordinary fans is another matter. Many people's memories that are about to disappear are activated, and they realize that this may be Wang Ai, a supergiant who has been famous for many years. He really has his own unique celebration.

Signing Hans's thickened notepad on the sidelines, Wang Ai waved to the fans in the stands and returned to the locker room. He quickly took a shower, changed clothes and took out a small TV to watch the game. It was not until Heynckes attended the post-match press conference and brought everyone back to the hotel that Wang Aicai raised his head to ask Heyncks for leave. He was asked by Gao Lin to rest at Gao Lin's house tonight.

Heynckes happily granted leave, and Wang Ai took the small TV all the way to the car that Gao Lin came to pick up.

What made Wang Ai so involved is not only because of Messi's game, but also because Messi's performance today was very excited at the beginning, and probably because of the week's rest adjustment, which made his desire to shoot especially strong.

Gao Lin also knew what the current situation the boss was facing, so he quietly turned on the big TV in the living room. Wang Ai, who was attracted by the sound, just smiled at Gao Lin, and then sat relaxed on the sofa with his eyes fixed.

Just after nine o'clock in the evening, the game between Barcelona and Osasuna ended. Looking at Messi who was excitedly interacting with the fans in the stands, Wang Ai sighed, turned his head and asked, "Have you made dinner tonight?"

Gao Lin opened his mouth and nodded: "It's ready!"

Wang Ai smiled and got up and put his arms around Gao Lin's shoulder: "Thank you, brother."

"Boss, it's not easy for you, we all know it." Gao Lin put his arms around Wang Ai's shoulders and walked towards the restaurant: "If you meet such an opponent, I'm afraid no one can withstand it except you."

Sitting at the dining table, Wang Ai watched Gao Lin take food from the oven and microwave, and finally took the watermelon juice that Gao Lin handed over, and looked at Gao Lin: "This is my own business after all."

Gao Lin smiled and had a cup of tea with Wang Ai: "It's not just about you, you are our boss, every time you improve a little, those of us who follow the trend can move forward a little faster. You are helping us all expand upside potential."

Wang Ai laughed for a while, but was also hungry and devoured half full before sighing: "I used to think that our buddies are all good, playing together, training, competitions, everything is good. Until recently, I I found that everyone has grown up and will care about people. Seeing that I encountered difficulties, they tried their best to help me, this feeling..."

Looking at Wang Ai who shook his head and sighed, Gao Lin smiled honestly: "In the past, you helped us, but it takes a long time for good buddies to help each other. As you said, we have also grown up, and you spared no effort in supporting and pulling. We should have thought of today."

Wang Ai nodded deeply and raised his cup: "Come on, respect for friendship!"

Listening to the reverberating light music, tasting delicious food, and chatting and laughing with good friends, the depression in Wang Ai's heart gradually dissipated. Seeing that Wang Ai was in a good mood, the two were chatting in the living room after the meal, and Gao Lin took the initiative to mention the super-giant war that is sweeping Europe. As a rotating center for a middle and lower Bundesliga team, there are many things he is not very clear about .

After this round of 3:4 exchange, the gap between Wang Ai and Messi was shortened to 3. In addition, in the game between Real Madrid and Getafe at noon, Ronaldo, who was unwilling to be lonely, also completed a hat-trick, making the After this round, the European Golden Boot comparison has become 46:43:30!

Although Ronaldo forcibly added drama, at least no one will seriously discuss the possibility of him catching up now, and the focus is still on the battle between Wang Ai and Messi. Messi will still have two more games than Wang Ai, and 3 goals...has broken the psychological defense of Wang Ai's supporters. In the evening when Wang Ai and Gao Lin sat in the living room chatting and were about to go out for training, the TV station broadcast the news that the Swiss bookmaker adjusted the odds.

The next morning when Wang Ai was having breakfast at Gao Lin’s house, he looked through various newspapers. Sure enough, yesterday’s battle made a lot of headlines. Gazzetta dello Sport placed the two photos of Wang Ai and Messi yesterday against each other. West's photo has a "4" written diagonally above it, Wang Ai's side is a "3", and the small print below lists the comparison of the European Golden Boot list. The Times published an article that should have been prepared for a long time: "The Future of Supergiant War". Most of the Spanish and German media have a certain bias, with the exception of the media in England, France, and Italy, which remain neutral. But no matter which newspaper, they all admit that as the little fleas speed up their pursuit, the outcome of this war is turning against the Chinese.

Gao Lin, who smeared butter and jam on the bread, looked at Wang Ai who was laying down the newspaper and drinking milk and said cautiously, "Boss, are you all right?"

Wang Ai put down the cup and wiped his mouth: "Some time ago, the domestic newspapers scolded me so much, do you see that I am afraid?"

After finishing speaking, Wang Ai picked up a slice of bread, sandwiched an omelette and ham, and took a bite. He said vaguely: "In terms of willpower in adversity, we are no worse than him if we pull it out by ourselves."

Gao Lin thought for a while and nodded: "Really, although he was not in good health when he was a child, he finally fought through persistence, but which of our Chinese teams is not? What was the result of the Chinese team in the past, and what is the result now? Haha!"

On the opposite side, Wang Ai grinned and didn't speak, but occasionally the light on his teeth appeared extremely sharp in the sunlight of the German morning in the middle of winter.

Saying goodbye to good brothers, Wang Ai, Li Jun, Yan Zhu, Liu Liang, and Jin Xun came back to Munich together. They were blocked by reporters as soon as they left the airport. When asked about his views on the prospect of this competition, Wang Ai first denied that he had any intentions. Competing with Messi on the European Golden Boot list: "This is a topic made by your reporters and editors. You see, whether it's Messi or me, when did we say that there was such a thing? We are just different. It's just trying to help the team win in different leagues and different games and just enjoying the joy of football."

Then faced with the reporter's question "Who will win?" Wang Ai shook his head: "I don't know, but..."

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