Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 273: Sagittarius Heart (3)

"It seems that when you talked about the development of Chinese football before, you didn't mention spiritual things?" The reporter pushed his glasses: "You talk more about scientific training, or the material level. What are you? Did you realize this spiritual issue at the time? Or do you think the time is ripe to talk about this issue?"

"I also realized it slowly." Wang Ai said with a trace of memory: "I paid attention to the spiritual or ideological issues very early. I talked about the mobilization method of the Chinese team before and after the 2002 World Cup. Too old-fashioned, it is not appropriate to increase mental pressure desperately, it should be to reduce pressure before the game. But I didn't realize at the time that our thinking and working methods and orientation were not compatible with the professional league itself, nor did I realize that Western culture had an impact on the professional league. Where are the deep-seated influences?"

"So, this is the reason why you didn't score many goals in the early days? Even the direct free-kick you made famous in the world ten years ago, and the invention of the stone ball, you are still not the first taker in Inter Milan and Bayern. s reason?"

"Haha, yes." Wang Ai laughed: "No matter how much I understand the spiritual core of professional leagues, I am still Chinese after all, so sometimes it still affects my choices and subconscious choices, no matter what I do for this The choice of how many reasons are provided is ultimately a Chinese-style thinking and reason. Fortunately, my basic ability ensures that even if I don’t release it to the fullest, I can meet the team’s needs.”

"To put it this way... I remember in the early years when you were in Deportivo you scored five goals in a Champions League group stage because the team was behind by a big score. So is it understandable that only when the opponent gives When you create a lot of pressure, can you temporarily, within the scope of the professional league, get rid of the Chinese way of thinking and change to the Western way of thinking, so as to help you create greater achievements?"

"Uh..." Wang Ai thought for a while: "It's right to say that, does pressure make people progress? There are both material progress and spiritual progress, including my current understanding of the shooter's will and spiritual qualities. But This kind of change is only partial, even a ball of Western-style thinking wrapped in a Chinese-style thinking. Because I am a native Chinese, Chinese culture is something engraved in my blood, a comprehensive thing, even It can be said that my whole person, from body to soul, is Chinese."

The reporter smiled and said, "For foreigners to serve China?"

"Hey!" Wang Ai slapped his hand: "That's what it means, that's the situation."

After laughing, Wang Ai continued: "Actually, China is not without a fishing and hunting culture, it is just not the main body. Chinese athletes are not without this kind of thinking similar to Westerners. Although I have not studied this topic carefully, successful athletes There must be more people than ordinary people. The big system of competitive sports is actually a screening system. Coaches will take into account the will and quality of athletes. "

"But in a multi-ethnic, multi-regional country, this kind of spiritual quality is inappropriate outside the field of play. Therefore, culture and morality, especially morality, are needed, right?"

Wang Ai looked at the reporter carefully with a smile on his lips: "You have seen my training experience."

"Of course, masterpieces must be read, especially those of us sports journalists. If you don't read them, you will be incompetent."

"Hey!" Wang Ai cupped her hands: "Naughty, nagging."

"You're too modest, oh, you...haha."

After the laughter, Wang Ai stood up and took the water bottle for Continuation. After sitting down, he rested for a while before saying: "Morality, such as martial arts morality, is to help those of us whose physical abilities are different from ordinary people and whose mentality is different from ordinary people. A mold for a gentle return to society. Stuff our bodies covered with thorns in, press them, wrap them up, and send them back to normal society, so as to save us troubles and disasters. I think this is a kind of occupational conflict, The social reconciliation mechanism of thinking conflicts. It is similar to the core of my Chinese thinking and the outer layer of Western thinking.”

"But you chose to participate in the National Games in a very tough way to respond to criticism, which doesn't seem to be in line with your beautiful vision."

"Ha, ha ha." Wang Ai laughed.

"I'm a little bit..." After laughing, Wang Ai rubbed his forehead: "I'm a little bit, a little bit arrogant, at least a little bit on this matter... Even after I quarreled with them Sign up again. Anyway, please apologize on my behalf. I am young and sometimes a bit willful in doing things. I am eager to prove my point of view, I have found something wrong, and I am eager to change it. "

The reporter nodded frequently with a smile, and Wang Ai scratched his face: "Let's put it this way, I'm not malicious, I'm just a little self-willed, probably because the motherland and the people are so kind to me, if you want me to just reach out, you won't give it. I cry like this childishness. Besides, as a Chinese athlete, it’s a pity that I haven’t participated in the National Games. This time is also a dream trip.”

"Will you participate in the future?"

"Depending on the situation, it is difficult for us professional players." Wang Ai thought: "According to my understanding, the National Games is actually an Olympic Games in China, which emphasizes the purity of sports. And our professional players also Professional boxers, including professional boxers, are in conflict with the Olympic spirit. Although the Olympic Games are also undergoing reforms, and the National Games is not static, it is still in a dynamic situation. The superiors generally do not require us to participate. Of course, we are welcome to participate.”

The reporter looked down at the interview outline: "Let's go back to the beginning. I asked why you were able to reopen the gap when you were once tied by Messi. What you just talked about was the spirit and will. There is a point of view that a professional league was born in the West and is deeply influenced by Western thinking. There is also the issue of the professionalism of the shooter. So, what about the specific aspects? When you are tied by Messi, what do you have in terms of specific measures? Are you ready?"

Without waiting for Wang Ai to answer, the reporter smiled and made a gesture: "What you said just now is all about the Dao level, I, and of course my readers, must have understood it, so what about the art level? What kind of work have you done? To support your pursuit? Is it convenient to disclose?"

Wang Ai heard the sound and laughed for a while: "You are a reporter from our state news agency, even if I didn't receive a clear request from my superiors for this interview, I still regard it as a national mission, so I will know everything, but please There is a certain amount of screening when reporting.”

The reporter nodded when he heard the sound: "Of course, I did not act personally. After this report is finalized, there will be some undisclosed parts."

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