Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 275: Sagittarius Heart (5)

After lunch, Wang Ai sent a car to take the reporter and his party to the airport.

Sitting in the quiet backyard in the early spring afternoon, Wang Ai looked a little lazy, and Xu Qinglian sitting next to Wang Ai was also a little lazy. She was holding a beautiful little female cat that wiwi had brought back from outside. She had just gone through the formalities for adoption of stray animals and had been vaccinated. The little female cat was a little wilted, not like waving her claws with people when she first came. Of course, it may be because of her murderous aura and homosexual repulsion, this guy who has been named Lili is extraordinarily well-behaved in Xu Qinglian's arms.

Xu Qinglian, who had already read all the materials handed over by her superiors, had a rare day off today and met with reporters with Wang Ai, while Huang Xin and Leoni were hiding on the third floor and did not show up. Wang Ai did not formally introduce Xu Qinglian, so that people at the level of reporters could know her existence, and she would not disclose it to the outside world casually. It was another partial "public announcement" of Wang Ai's marriage situation. As for Huang Xin and Leoni, after coming back from the Chinese New Year at the consulate last time, they felt that this situation should be avoided as much as possible in the future. Everyone appeared at the same time in a more relaxed atmosphere of each other. Normal things are seen. Even if people at a certain level know about it, they shouldn't be too arrogant.

Wang Ai was squinting and enjoying the sunshine. Hearing Huang Xin's footsteps, he pointed lazily at the chair beside him. A few seconds later, he smelled the good smell of Huang Xin's body.

"You seem to be relaxed?" Huang Xin's voice made Xu Qinglian on the other side open her eyes.

"Well." Wang Ai still closed his eyes: "I feel a lot relieved when I spit out a block."

"But you didn't talk to us too much, we are not as good as outsiders?" Xu Qinglian put one arm between the armrest and her chin, looking at her man with a scientific look.

"It's an internal loop with you. I give back as much as I say. It's an external loop with reporters. Don't you think I need to explain my life to the fans and my superiors?" The posture became that the upper body leaned towards Huang Xin, closed his eyes and tried hard, and finally leaned against Huang Xin's shoulder, finally comfortable.

"Do you need this kind of explanation to your superiors? Your superiors didn't ask you, right?" Xu Qinglian said suddenly curiously, "It's a bit strange to say, the Football Association didn't ask you, you are in charge of the unit."

"I asked, I went to the Football Association during the winter break, and Director Wei asked me face to face. It's just that it wasn't now, and after Messi equalized such a wave, it became a big mess." Wang Ai opened his eyes and glanced at Xu Qinglian One glance, then closed again: "For me, superior is not a specific term, but a broad concept. You can count how many ministries I have dealt with. They all care about me and have a certain working relationship with me. But it’s not right.”

"This summer must be hotter than the whole summer." Huang Xin took a photo of Wang Ai to prevent him from pressing him too hard: "This is a clear breaking point, a huge news can be expected. Your non-regular superiors , you may have to prepare in advance, and whether you are invited to attend an event or promote something in your name, you have to keep up with the rhythm."

"Breaking the record for two consecutive years, and it's still unbelievable for two people to break it together. This is really crazy... Eh, why are you always staring at me?" Xu Qinglian rolled her eyes.

"I miss you, how long has it been since I heard you sing?"

"Missing me? Thinking of my feet facing me? Thinking of me leaning against Huang Xin?"

Wang Ai snorted triumphantly, and rubbed against Huang Xin's shoulder again: "One is in my heart but is out of reach, and one is gentle and amiable and just messing around. How do you choose me?"

Before Xu Qinglian could think of a good word, Huang Xin said, "I just can't beat you."

Wang Ai turned back: " me brother."

Huang Xin gave Wang Ai a stern look, but under Wang Ai's gaze, he pondered the consequences of being stubborn, and still let out a low voice reluctantly.

Huang Xin has been subdued by Wang Ai these days. Ever since she was unable to restrain herself, she has been out of control. It was Wang Ai who was so arrogant and arrogant. Front, back, up, down, left, right, left, right... It stands to reason that with Huang Xin's gentle temperament, Wang Ai should not have been so sexual. But she is older than Wang Ai, and she has also been Wang Ai's tutor, so Wang Ai packs up her added value that cannot be erased or forgotten, and has to taste her surrender again and again.

Therefore, there is no way for Huang Xin to be restrained. Besides, she still resists Xu Qinglian joining in her heart, not to mention that Wang Ai has been thinking about one dozen three. In this way, from the mental to the physical, Huang Xin lost completely... I can't accept it, I can't do it.

Also, no matter what Huang Xin says, he still treats Wang Ai as his younger brother and loves him. Looking at him being forced by his opponent to spin with all his strength day by day, I was reluctant to let it go, and I recognized the things that were too much for him. Recognize it, he's used to it.

"Love your concubine and destroy your wife." Xu Qinglian smiled and made a fuss.

"Yeah!" Wang Ai suddenly stood up and pulled Huang Xin up: "Let's go, I'll spoil one for her to see."

"Hey, this day."

"What happened during the day? Usually I can't start until 11 o'clock in the evening, and I have to go to bed early. It's rare to have a rest and not have a good time?" Wang Ai couldn't help but drag Huang Xin into the house.

Huang Xin was extremely helpless. Sometimes she really hoped that there were no guards and assistants at home, so she could at least have a splash with Wang Ai, but it was precisely because of these outsiders that Wang Ai took advantage of her thin-skinned weakness to blackmail her. For example, now, she can't really argue with Wang Ai, and she has to let Wang Ai let go and walk upstairs pretending to be willing.

Xu Qinglian was pretending to be angry, and suddenly noticed that Wang Ai glanced back at her and blinked with a smile... Her mind filled with all kinds of data suddenly became flexible, Xu Qinglian put down Lili and got up to follow. When Huang Xin was hugged into the master bedroom by Wang Ai and was kissed fiercely on the waist by Environmental Protection, she noticed Xu Qinglian who was snickering at the door.

"It's over!" Huang Xin's heart flickered: "After persisting for more than seven months, it was arranged by this pair of cubs."

The form of the war changed from Wang Ai Xu Qinglian's two-on-one, gradually evolved into Wang Ai Xu Qinglian's one-on-one, and finally inevitably became Wang Ai's one-vs-two.

"As a super shooter." Wang Ai was proud of the two defeated generals who had buried their faces in the pillows and slumped into mud: "You tell me, where did I shoot from? Top left corner, bottom left corner? Top right corner, Bottom right corner?"

In the constant slaps, Huang Xin, who had called out countless times that her brother had forgotten her shyness, just wanted to rest, but Xu Qinglian still turned her head stubbornly: "Let's die... uh!"

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