Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 284: Fight, don't stop (4)

"Intelligence department?" Huang Xin asked and suddenly smiled: "Li Jun should be very interested."

"I remember that Northern Light Industry has a department called the Planning Section?" Xu Qinglian asked curiously, "When I formed the Light of Milan, I received investigation data from this department that was transferred from my family. Is it in charge of intelligence?"

"Well, it's mainly business intelligence." Wang Ai said, and seeing that Xu Qinglian didn't understand much, he explained: "Generally speaking, the intelligence agencies established by enterprises mainly investigate three directions, one is policy, market, industry, and law. The direction, you can understand it as the general environment, the second is the situation of competitors, competitors, and the other is the investigation of the company itself. Our papermaking industry basically has no competitors, so there are not many competitive intelligence investigations, mainly macro aspects. "

Xu Qinglian snorted: "When you asked Lao Fan to take Li Jun to investigate me, was it the third aspect?"

"How did you know? I almost forgot about it." Wang Ai said in surprise.

"How could I not know, it's such a big deal for me." Xu Qinglian smiled: "Aunt Ai told me when I came back."

Wang Ai sighed: "Well, but it's not using the internal investigation of the company. Lao Fan is strictly speaking as the security director of our family. What he has is the safety information of these people in our family. It's just that your affairs didn't involve your safety at that time. That's why he didn't notice the power on his side. After the incident happened, he temporarily mobilized part of it..."

"Didn't you say Li Jun went to my hometown to check?" Xu Qinglian said unexpectedly.

Wang Ai laughed: "Do you really think Lao Fan will let a criminal investigation enthusiast be responsible for such a big thing? He is a clear line, oh, the unknown line is not counted, just let him experience it. Before he went, Lao Fan put the The situation is almost the same, but it's true that Li Jun is doing well."

"What are you going to investigate in the sports field?"

"What Huang Xin said just now reminded me that the whole market has been changed so much by me and Messi, and the benefits are too huge." Wang Ai shook his head repeatedly: "This is completely different from before. My son, even if it wasn't static before, the growth wasn't that fast. And even if the growth was fast, it wasn't very close to me, it wasn't very close, at least it wasn't like it is now. I'm injured tomorrow, and when it's over, everyone's focus will be gone."

Huang Xin nodded and agreed: "Such a huge increase in interests will inevitably bring about huge calculations and impulses. We really need our own intelligence department to obtain accurate data to evaluate and measure. It can be detected, resolved, and avoided. Dangerous, you can also observe, study, and get benefits.”

"Transfer?" Xu Qinglian asked after thinking about it.

Huang Xin nodded with a smile: "Yes, there are more detailed incremental data driven by doctors. We can not only discuss this with future clubs, but also with the Football Association and the Football Federation."

"Hey, do you think the two of them have their own intelligence department?" Xu Qinglian asked and suddenly laughed: "I'm also stupid, how can they have such power? Even if they do, they are more professional agents who entrust professional agents. The statistics of the business survey agency, and what we want, are not the same level, are they?"

Wang Ai nodded: "They are similar to me before, mainly relying on small teams, experience and even interpersonal relationships to explore. But from now on, I hope to have a professional team, a scientific team. Hey, you said that I want to The word "science" has been scolded so much, but I myself am not scientific enough, but also empirical. If it wasn't for Huang Xin's sudden mention of this data problem, I would not have thought of it."

"Who would have thought of it?" Huang Xin smiled and comforted Wang Ai: "If you are their kind of family with no background, even if you think about it, you won't be able to set up. Even if you have enough money, there is nowhere to find someone."

Xu Qinglian pondered for a while: "If it is jointly established by Chaoyue and CY, it may not only benefit doctors, but other Chinese players, especially our contracted players, can get better conditions with the help of more detailed and accurate data. Scientific decision-making throughout the company.”

Huang Xin nodded when he heard the sound, and looked at the young wife with relief, Wang Ai breathed a sigh of relief: "When Leoni comes back in the evening, let's discuss together and see how to form it, I mean to start at the same time on both sides, From the original head office and brokerage company, we will recruit people and horses, and start with the study of the general environment. The European side focuses on public information, and the Chinese side focuses on information analysis and refinement. Well, let’s talk about the business, let’s talk about the business.”

Huang Xin and Xu Qinglian looked at each other: Are there any serious things to say? Immediately, he saw the hehe hehe on Wang Ai's face.

In the evening, Wang Ai returned to the Tübingen Youth Club refreshed. As soon as he entered the restaurant door, he saw that the brothers were full of friends. Almost all of them came. Ma Dong coaxed: "The super shooter is here, applaud!"

Everyone was making a fuss, and when everyone went to the swimming pool after dinner, Lao Gao called Wang Ai outside: "What do you think of Renri's report?"

Wang Ai walked with Lao Gao with his hands behind his back: "Take me as an adult, alas."

"Why are you still sighing?"

"It's not as convenient as it used to be. I was the one who got into trouble in the past. The organization and the superiors can take care of it a little bit, and the beating can be lightened, but it won't work in the future, my lord, ah, ah, ah, ah..."

As much as Wang Ai sighed, Lao Gao laughed as much. When Wang Ai was finally out of breath, he said, "You can finally appreciate my hard work over the years."

Wang Ai nodded: "Yes, since 1999, you have been regarded as an adult."

"Well." Lao Gao also walked with his hands behind his back and bowed his head: "You have to grow up, you can still do it, you were young when you debuted, plus the public image is really good, the people are willing to tolerate, the superiors and the organization naturally do not In other words, even if some people don't like you, they can't go against public opinion. Can you do it later... Who asked you to do such a big thing? "

"What's the big deal? Isn't it just two more?"

Lao Gao snorted: "Don't show off to me, I admit it, I will admit it even if I die, you can beat me five when it comes to scoring goals, okay?"

Wang Ai shook his head: "Not more."

Lao Gao gave Wang Ai a slap in the face and gave Wang Ai a slap in the neck. After the fight, he looked at his hand and said, "Oh shit, I've been wanting to beat you all these years, but I haven't been able to find a chance."

Wang Ai turned his head and looked at Lao Gao strangely: "I said Lao Gao boss, don't you beat me when I was a child, you beat me when I was 192, 26, and you were 47?"

Lao Gao curled his lips contemptuously: "You dare to hit me?"

Wang Ai thought for a while, then shook his head decisively: "If I fought back when I was a child, we would be half and half responsible. Now that I am an adult, it is 100%."

Lao Gao nodded with satisfaction: "Hey, that's the truth."

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