Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 286: Fight, don't stop (6)

"Be modest and prudent, guard against arrogance and rashness, be modest and prudent, guard against arrogance and rashness!" Lao Gao pressed Wang Ai's shoulder and said twice, "I would rather make people think that you are a little hypocritical than make people feel arrogant when you are proud of yourself. Except for a little fault in your life, there is nothing in your past that dissatisfied the country, and it is exemplary in every aspect. It is hard to say before the new century, but among all the athletes after the new century, you are one of the best, even It’s okay to say that you are number one. But the more you are like this, the more worried the leaders are that you will not be able to finish well from the beginning, and the more you are like this, the more like white soap.”

"I understand." Wang Ai lowered his head with his hands behind his back, and walked forward despite being held by Lao Gao's shoulders: "How great is the positive value of a person like me, once degenerate, rotten, and deteriorated, the harm will be so great I understand that I will also take care of the things in life and make sure not to cause trouble for the country."

Lao Gao responded: "This time I went back to Germany without children, so I'm quite smart."

"Huh?" Wang Ai was surprised.

"Huh?" Old Gao was surprised: "...Unintentional?"

Wang Ai scratched his face: "The two boys had a good time. I wanted to take one away and the other was reluctant, so I left them all."

Lao Gao pointed at Wang Ai with his hand: "...Well, it's a straight hit."

Wang Ai understood in an instant, and nodded again and again: "I will arrange it."

Lao Gao shook his head: "Anyway, you can deal with it yourself, this kind of thing... I don't have any experience to teach you, anyway, you and your children will study together, think about it carefully, and have to be complete and deal with it. Just be at ease. Just wait, the media storm is coming, and the storm will be as strong as you push it on the pitch.”

Wang Ai pouted: "As soon as summer arrives, I will go back to China and retreat to Sijiu City. I don't believe that there is anyone who can jump out of my house among the Chaoyang masses and Haidian netizens."

Lao Gao smiled and said, "It's also a solution. Anyway, if you want to, the country will definitely be more willing. In fact, the superior wants you to only have the news in the stadium. Okay, let's go back to make it clear. It's time for training and competition. , everyone is relieved to win Jordan and wait for the Confederations Cup in the summer."

The days with the little friends always pass quickly, even if I am tired and swaying every day, but you still push me, I kick you and giggling endlessly. A week later, everyone flew to Jordan to play the fifth game of the 2014 World Cup Asian qualifiers. The Chinese team, who played all the main players, easily won the game, 5:0, with a strong attack and an orderly defense. According to China In the words of the reporter, "the whole game is under the control of the Chinese team".

Wang Ai naturally started, and naturally scored goals, but not many. He played hard and scored only one goal in the second half. He was even replaced by Dong Fangzhuo in the 70th minute of the game.

After the game, Lao Gao instructed Wang Ai for a while, and Senior Sister also instructed Wang Ai for a while before letting Wang Ai get out. Many international players returned to Europe, and the national team coaching staff returned to BJ. The assistant coaches shifted their focus to the Confederations Cup when the national team had actually entered the World Cup finals, while Lao Gao went to the Football Association and the General Administration of Sport to return to the leaders.

After returning home, Wang Ai and his family recounted Lao Gao's words, and Huang Xin first expressed his affirmation: "In terms of honor, the state can no longer give you anything, and it has given everything that can and should be given, and has given it more than once. If you are an athlete of the People's Liberation Army, I am afraid that you have given several first-class merits, but I am actually afraid for you sometimes."

"What's wrong?" Wang Ai was surprised.

Huang Xin shook his head: "Your contribution is not small, but the country has not treated you badly. Not to mention, you have to protect the commander position of Gao Gui, right? Qinglian's Milan Light has an import and export policy, giving Right? You want to push the national free stadium, push it? You want to do the Women's Football League and the Liaoning Young League, right? Even if you want to write an article to swear, except for deleting it, you didn't stop you from posting it, right? If there is a National Games, you can go to it if you want. Those things that are difficult for others to go to the sky will become when you are not in a good mood, and even if you don't feel anything, do you think I can not be afraid? "

Wang Ai grimaced and grinned: "But all I do are things that are good for the country."

Huang Xin laughed: "There are many things that are beneficial to the country, and there is no priority, first come first, then come first? Why do you want to do everything you want to go smoothly and achieve what you want?"

Leoni took over the conversation: "I don't think it's that serious. The pursuit of a doctor meets the needs of the country and promotes the effectiveness of certain aspects of work, so of course the country must support the ideal of a doctor, and there is no essential conflict between the two. From the point of view of management, when an employee develops certain aspects of work ability, even if it does not completely and completely coincide with the goals of the organization, the organization should adjust the priority of goals from a practical point of view to further liberate and activate him. , let him bring a greater contribution to the organization.”

Xu Qinglian looked left and right at the two "little concubines" who had different opinions, and said twice: "This time I stand on the lion, Huang Xin, I am against you."

Huang Xin smiled and shook his head: "Maybe my background is too low, I always feel a little afraid of these things right now. We only feel the country's love now, but what about the country's hate? Love and hate are two sides of one body, yin and yang are opposites, I just hope that the doctor, oh, and of course us, all of us, don't be fooled by the sweet love of the country... er, spoiled, and always be alert to how deep the love is, how deep the hate is. Right now we enjoy How much sweetness, once we do it wrong, we may have to taste as much bitterness, or even double the bitterness, who made us eat too many sweets and too long."

Huang Xin said these words, including Leoni also became serious.

Wang Ai rubbed her face with her hands: "The power of a country is never just sweet, the country itself is a violent machine. Generally speaking, the love of a country is not easy to feel. For example, a peaceful and stable living environment will make people accustomed to it. Knowing is precious. But the hatred of the country can always be felt, the kind of illegal and criminal. Like me, in fact, I felt it only after Huang Xin said it, it is not easy to be like me. "

"So, I've decided!" Wang Ai suddenly shouted like a psychotic: "I'll be dumb for a while in the future! I'll be responsible for playing football and nothing else, Huang Xin."

Huang Xin was stunned by Wang Ai's sudden roar, and subconsciously replied: "Here."

"Until the Confederations Cup, you are my foreign affairs director! You are responsible for all my words and deeds outside the stadium, you can do what you say. Lao Gao is right, I would rather make people feel that I am hypocritical than It makes people think I'm arrogant, this is the direction!"

Huang Xin nodded: "Okay, and you keep your voice down."

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