Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 291: The bright moon at sea coexists with tides (1)

No matter how glamorous UEFA is, it is still essentially a save game! In terms of picking inside and outside, and arguing, it is definitely the most professional in the world! After all, the biggest game is football, and the biggest game is in Europe! Seeing that the money booked by various bosses is about to fly, and seeing that the battle of the Golden Boot cannot be synchronized with the climax of the various competitions at the end of the season, how can UEFA remain indifferent?

Do you two want to fight? no!

You two clubs want to bypass the strongest opponent and advance to the final? no!

UEFA put Wang Ai, Messi, Bayern and Barcelona in an octagonal cage through the two hands raised by the French. For Wang Ai and Messi, this battle is not only the node of the Golden Boot battle, but also has a major impact on the Golden Globe Awards at the end of the year.

If the current situation does not appear in the three combinations in the semifinals, then Wang Ai and Messi will most likely join forces to enter the finals, so even if they lose, they can maintain the hope of winning the Golden Globe Award. At least the fans have hope, Sponsors have something to say. And if they are blocked from the final, especially after the two face-to-face contests, the losing side can fight for the European Golden Boot.

If Wang Ai loses the Champions League, the European Golden Boot is the only hope for winning the Golden Globe at the end of the year.

If Messi loses the Champions League, the European Golden Boot is also what he can rely on to keep the Ballon d'Or until the end of the year.

The super-giant is as beautiful as it is, and the super-giant is as dangerous. If the Golden Globe Awards are announced half a year in advance, the damage to the business landscape will be huge, especially those competing between super giants and those that are purely zero-sum games.

Just like Cristiano Ronaldo this season, after losing the competitiveness of the European Golden Boot, although he still maintains a super-giant status and a business empire that other stars look up to, it has been swallowed up by the other two super-giants. commercial site.

The commercial competition between Messi and Wang Ai is still at the stage of stalemate, and their respective bases are still quite solid. But now with UEFA's move, the two of them were stabbed like exhausted crickets. UEFA held their ears and yelled: Did I tell you to stop?

hit! Blow your head off!

After the scene at the lottery ceremony, Wang Ai, who felt dangerous, had an urgent consultation with his family. According to the assessment of Huang Xin and others, Wang Ai's core base in the business map is about one-third strong, that is, the part that won't run unless Wang Ai is angry. According to Wang Ai's total advertising revenue of 330 million euros last year, it is about 140 million or so, concentrated in China and Asia. In addition, 100 million people belong to the periphery of the base area. Under normal circumstances, they will not run, but they will also be lured to a certain extent. The last 90 million belonged to the guerrilla zone, about half of which bordered with ordinary stars, and the other half bordered with super giants. These advertisers did not rely deeply on the personal image endowments of the stars, and they were relatively pure grass. , whichever side the wind is hard to fall to which side.

Leoni believes that the situation of Messi and Ronaldo is similar, and there are three areas in the business map: inside, inside and outside. On the whole, it will change with the size of the super-giant results. Generally speaking, the inner ring is very stable. Even if you lose the Champions League or the Golden Boot, you can keep it, but the middle ring will be threatened, and the loss of the outer ring will be even greater. big.

A supergiant may still be a supergiant, but there will be a difference between a strong supergiant and a weak supergiant.

Messi's real income last year was about 230 million euros, and Ronaldo's real income was about 200 million euros. According to this data, whether Messi and Wang Ai can keep their fans and sponsors hopeful for the Golden Globe Awards at the end of the year will result in a revenue change of at least ten million euros.

Such a large sum of money, not to mention Messi and Ronaldo from ordinary families, even Wang Ai can't take it lightly.

However, Wang Ai's current situation is the best. After losing the Champions League, he basically locked the European Golden Boot and locked the victory of the Golden Boot battle, which made his business empire in a state of "keeping peace and winning", nothing more than Make peace. Messi is slightly better. The competition for the golden boot has enlarged the plate of the five major leagues. Of course, he, the superstar, has also benefited a lot. If the Champions League is won and the European Golden Boot is won again, then there is no doubt that he will jump to the super giant. first. If the Champions League wins and the Golden Boot loses, the enlarged growth of the broader market can be retained, but it cannot infringe on Wang Ai's business map. If both lose, then not only will the benefits of the growth of the broader market be spit out, but also lead to damage to the outer ring.

As for Ronaldo, he has now retreated and resisted in the inner ring. The middle ring has fallen for the most part, and the outer ring has been swallowed by the other two super giants except for retaining the advantages of ordinary stars.

Of course, Ronaldo is not without hope. What if he wins the Champions League? Then, in one fell swoop, the Central Ring will be recovered and the Outer Ring will be opened. And what if Messi doesn't want to fight or the injury has been bad? The data between Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi is only 17. With 9 La Liga games remaining, Cristiano Ronaldo feels that if he wants to go crazy, he has a chance. Even if you don't madly chase a little closer, you will push the enemies that are approaching your inner ring farther away.

As Wang Ai and Consul General Wang said, the competition among the three super giants is competition, and competition is actually a symbiosis. The enlargement of the market makes the competition between the three people not a pure zero-sum game. Now UEFA's move puts the three super giants, especially Wang Ai and Messi, in a scene where a showdown must be made.

Wang Ai is of course dissatisfied with this kind of manipulation. He and Messi are not life-and-death enemies. Even when the two were fighting fiercely, at least Messi himself never insulted Wang Ai, and even Messi's team did not. By what means. When both of them were tired and wanted to take a break, UEFA suddenly jumped out to warm up, disrupting Wang Ai's plan to "raise pirates with self-respect": of course it's not good to lose, but it's not good to win too much. good.

But Wang Ai can't do anything about it. Even private protests are useless. One of UEFA's lottery draws is metaphysics. Let alone a star, what about the club? Wang Ai clearly saw the frustrated slap on the forehead of Barcelona President Laporta on TV, Rummenigge's eyes widened, and then what? These high-ranking bosses, no matter how much they complain in their hearts, they still accept it with a graceful appearance.

This is the rule. As a supergiant with the strongest foundation, Wang Ai cannot move against the trend, but can only follow the trend.

But how?

The family discussed in the middle of the night without discussing a clear and effective solution. In the end, Leoni gave up: "Stop talking, go to sleep! It's okay to lose the Champions League. The European Golden Boot is what the public cares most about this year. The Ballon d’Or at the end of the year can’t be run. It’s okay if they both win, the big deal is that you can find a chance to praise them two more next season.”

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