Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 296: The bright moon at sea coexists with tides (6)

"Hey, hey, how do you form a team for the agreed free battle?" Wang Ai danced and resisted.

"Have we formed a team?" Xu Qinglian grabbed Wang Ai's arm: "Because you played so well, we decided to kill you first, is there a problem?"

"That's right!" Huang Xin grabbed Wang Ai's other arm: "You go in."

"No, it was agreed that the three of you lost and got into the table, didn't tell me." Wang Ai was still struggling with Leoni's head pressed.

Unpredictably caught at the key point, and in the rush, I don't know who's the little black hand, Wang Ai's buttocks shrank back, just right, go in!

"Hmph, there is no contract spirit." Wang Ai curled up under the table and protested firmly.

"The premise of the spirit of the contract is fairness." Leoni, who was in charge of blocking the door, kicked in the foot: "Only our obligations but not our rights are called unequal contracts. Is there a problem with breach of contract?"

Leoni smugly bent down and glanced in, Wang Ai was completely silent, and heard the three women above happily re-opening the game, Wang Ai was angry when she heard it, and it was actually playing on the computer !

Fortunately, Huang Xin still hurt him after all. Halfway through the game, he handed a glass of water in. Wang Ai snorted and took a sip, and spit out with a sigh, chili water!

After more than ten minutes, the three women finally cheered and destroyed a ruthless computer. Leoni probed and found Wang Ai sitting cross-legged under the table with one hand on his chin: "What do you think?"

Wang Ai looked up with a sage's loneliness: "Life is always full of surprises like this."

After being released, Wang Ai resolutely revised the "drilling table clause" and decisively rejected all punishment clauses.

A few people played until the evening to end today's online battle, not to mention Wang Ai, even Leoni, who was not under a lot of work pressure, was very happy. It doesn't matter whether the game is fun or not, the important thing is that a few people didn't wantonly waste the afternoon on anything serious.

After dinner, Huang Xin suggested to just go out and play. Taking advantage of the dark sky at night and the good spring, the whole family agreed. Wang Ai put on a little makeup and walked out with the crowd. Walking northwest from the house, less than two kilometers away is the famous Isar River that runs through the north and south, and almost all the parks are on both sides of the river bank.

Many Munich citizens come here with their children on spring nights. Wang Ai and his party quickly found an unoccupied place to sit and watch the sunset, the river, and chat casually. Speaking of which, Wang Ai has been in Munich for more than a year and a half. He has only visited several famous parks during business activities, and he has never been here for leisure and relaxation.

In this respect, Wang Ai is not as good as Wang Sheng, and he was brought here by Huang Xin. It's just that he is too young to remember in the future.

It wasn't until nine o'clock in the evening, when the weather was getting colder, that everyone got up and went home. When they got home, the guards were on duty and sleeping. Wang Ai went to the third floor to open a computer, and pulled Huang Xin, Leoni, and Xu Qinglian to sit on the sofa and watch a movie together.

The women were attracted by the plot, but Wang Ai slipped away, and no one else noticed until the movie was over.

"What bad thing do you think?" Xu Qinglian stabbed Wang Ai in the ribs.

Wang Ai put his arms around her shoulders and put his arms around Leoni's waist. He sighed, "Life is complete."

Just as Huang Xin came back from the toilet, he glanced at this: "If the little beauty is here, what do you think she will say?"

Wang Ai thought for a while, then nodded: "Rotten!"

Huang Xin laughed and prepared to go around to Leoni to watch the next one, and suddenly asked Wang Ai to stretch out his arms around his waist and pull it into his arms.

"Hey, why do you always attack suddenly?" Huang Xin patted Wang Ai's arm: "If you're scared, you can cure me."

"Because the two of them won't be afraid, it's boring to be frightened." Wang Ai decisively played a hooligan.

"Don't make trouble, you should go to sleep after watching one more." Huang Xin didn't struggle, just sat in Wang Ai's arms.

Soon the plot of the movie attracted the attention of the three women. When the movie was finally finished, the three noticed that Wang Ai had fallen asleep.

"I said, your hands are so honest." Huang Xin got up and straightened her clothes: "I can't hold it down normally, do you call him?"

"Ask me?" Xu Qinglian pointed at herself: "Oh, stop shouting, let's take a bath first, and come back to see if he wakes up."

When the women came back from the bath, they found that Wang Ai was still awake, so they had to push him.

Wang Ai opened her eyes with a sigh, looked up and saw the wall clock on the wall, struggling to get up: "I haven't trained yet."

"Don't practice today?" Xu Qinglian discussed with Wang Ai, "It's already past 12 o'clock, you're pretty tired."

Huang Xin also advised: "You have to change your physical and mental state, and the rhythm is a little chaotic in the end. I think he is fine today. If you want to continue training, you can only delay your recovery time."

Leoni also agreed: "Why don't you rest for three days."

Wang Ai responded in a daze, got up and walked to the big bed, pulled the quilt away, took off his clothes and went inside, and he didn't care who slept here today, he just wanted to sleep.

This night, he slept until noon the next day. The sleeping Wang Ai was paralyzed and lay down for a while. After struggling between being tired and hungry, he finally decided to... go to sleep!

After sleeping for another two hours, Wang Ai was finally woken up by hunger. After getting up, he found his thermos cup on the bedside table. No matter who made it, he was alive after eating more than ten dumplings. When I went out to see the women, Li Jun said that he went to the mall together.

This made Wang Ai begin to rebuke deeply: Am I being too **** myself, so that women are also constrained invisibly?

No, I want to go shopping too!

Two hours later, Wang Ai sat down at the dining table at home, surrounded by Huang Xin, who kept scolding him: "What's your identity to go to the mall? That's it, there was a two-hour autograph session, and we were all caught up in it. ."

Xu Qinglian pulled Huang Xin to sit down, and gave Wang Ai a large piece of sauce elbow: "I just don't know if the club will have an idea. You are asking for leave to recuperate."

"There are also sponsors." Leoni was very unhappy at the moment because she helped Wang Ai maintain order at the autograph session, and she didn't know who had stolen it.

Seeing Wang Aiguang lowered his head to eat and didn't speak, Huang Xin turned his anger at Yan Zhu: "Brother Yan, you don't care if he doesn't understand?"

Yan Zhu honestly admitted his mistake: "I was negligent, thinking that the makeup was good, but I forgot that he was too tall, so a child recognized him."

After the depressing dinner, Wang Ai went upstairs to watch a movie with the women, and stood up suddenly at nine o'clock: "I'm going out for training."

Xu Qinglian was surprised: "Didn't I let you rest for three days?"

Wang Ai shook his head: "I'm a cheap bone."

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