Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 298: The bright moon at sea grows with tides (8)

Lao Bai is pure nonsense. He never sees Wang Ai thinking about it, and he is also far away from the thoughts of top-level competitions such as the five major leagues. Of course, Wang Ai is not used to him. Likewise, Liao Shao's children and Liao women's girls didn't get any chance, and they didn't come to join in the fun either.

This season's Champions League semi-finals have completely turned into a grand carnival and a football version of the "Super Bowl". It is not of great value to those players who are eager to improve their competitive ability through high-intensity and high-level games, and it is easy for them to be too ambitious.

As the popularity of the joint push from all walks of life is gradually boiling, the time finally came to the early morning of April 22, and the Barcelona team came to Munich under the much-anticipated. As soon as I left the airport, I was surrounded by reporters, and endless questions were thrown at these Spaniards who came from afar, and the focus was naturally on the comeback Messi.

At the same time, Wang Ai went to school with a schoolbag seriously!

Lao Tzu studies science! Don't bother me about football!

Even the professor who taught Wang Ai looked at him with strange eyes, forcing him to temporarily explain in class: "I think the class can help me disperse the pressure."

Because Wang Ai got into the quiet Munich University, the reporters had nowhere to look for him, so they had to harass Barcelona and other Bayern players from afar. At noon, Wang Ai went home for lunch, took a short rest, and then returned to the club to officially cancel his leave and prepare to participate in the war.

A day later, Wang Ai and the whole team ate a nutritious meal at the club, boarded the bus and crossed the city to the Allianz Arena accompanied by many fans and vehicles. The starting lists of both sides were released later.

Bayern side: center Wang Ai, winger Robben, Ribery, midfielder Muller, midfielder Xiaozhu, Martinez, centerback Boateng, Dante, fullback Alaba, Lahm, goalkeeper Neuer.

Barcelona side: striker Pedro, Messi, winger Iniesta, Sanchez, midfielder Xavi, midfielder Busquets, central defender Pique, Baltra, fullback Alves, Alba, goalkeeper Valdes .

The lineup of the two sides is consistent with what the outside world expected, showing that there are no surprises on both sides, and the upcoming game will be a head-to-head contest.

I don’t know if it’s good or bad. On the morning of the 23rd, there was a heavy rain in Munich. It was still pattering in the afternoon, and it didn’t stop completely until the evening. This made the turf of the Allianz Stadium look extraordinarily green, even though there was water underneath. During the warm-up, Wang Ai felt amused when he saw the frowning faces of the Barcelona players. He had the heart to ask Heynckes if he had asked the Meteorological Bureau to take action.

At the end of the warm-up, Wang Ai deliberately looked up at the stands today. There were people everywhere. Wang Ai tried his best to look up to the top, but he could still see shadowy figures. !

The five guests invited by Wang Ai's five tickets arrived yesterday, and they must be in the crowd now. Leoni was near the high-level stands of Bayern, Xu Qinglian and Huang Xin sat in the middle of the wives, but Wang Ai had no time to look at them.

This afternoon, Heynckes specifically said: "You are familiar with Barcelona's style of play, and I hope you can play a role at critical moments."

Wang Ai understood, the old coach was about to tell you to go up to clean up Harvey. Wang Ai didn't agree with his mouth, but he agreed in his heart. It really came to a critical moment, that is to say, Harvey really made frequent threats. Of course, he couldn't stand by and watch, but he could never say that I would defend.

At 8:40 p.m., the two sides lined up in the player tunnel, and then one person filed out with a small ball boy and lined up facing the main stand. After the simple ceremony, Barcelona in the sea blue jersey turned around collectively, led by captain Harvey and walked in front of the home team in turn.

The tallest Wang Ai naturally stood among the Bayern players, next to Neuer, who was one centimeter taller than him. When Xavi turned around and came over, Wang Ai was still joking with Neuer, and then heard Harvey and La Mu shook hands and gave Alaba a high five, before Wang Ai turned his head and waited.

The big-eyed Harvey showed no expression, and he gave Wang Ai a high-five. deal with...

There is no friendship, so naturally there is nothing to say, Wang Ai absent-mindedly high-fives one by one, until the Barcelona team is more than halfway through, and the No. 10 player comes to him.

Wang Ai could clearly hear Neuer breathing down next to him, the noise in the stands was reduced by an order of magnitude, and the flashing lights appeared in the stands as if the LEDs were blurred. The most intense of course were the reporters under the stands and outside the stadium. camera in hand.

"Hi, Leo!" Wang Ai raised his hand with a smile.

"Hello, Wang!" Messi also raised his hand with a smile.

The palms clapped together, Wang Ai tilted his head and wanted to say something, but he didn't have any preparation, so he didn't know what to say. He never said trash on the court, and he didn't have anything to say to Messi. A person who can force his goal from 5 to 7, to criticize him is to criticize himself.

Similarly, Messi seems to be a little emotional and wants to say something, but he doesn't know what to say. He is usually eloquent, and usually only expressions are left in emergencies. So the two of them touched their hands and put them down, then shook them again, and then Wang Ai nodded with a smile, and Messi nodded with a smile, and the team continued to move forward.

The whole process took less than two seconds, and the entire team only paused for a while, but these two seconds not only attracted the attention of the audience, but also attracted the attention of the whole world.

It's as if a TV series that has been on the air for a whole year has finally come to the finale, and a look, an action, and a smile will be interpreted over and over again. Wang Ai and Messi are two of the three super giants in the world. When the other one is gradually unable to keep up with the scoring statistics, the competition between the two of them is undoubtedly the most concerned in the past two years. football topic.

Although the two are strikers, although the two hardly have too many opportunities to play directly on the field.

But people just want to see two crowned men fighting like beasts.

Today's game is really king to king, there must be a fallen king to king, just like a gladiator, the more cruel and exciting!

"I thought you would say something." Ribery shook his head as he waited for the kick-off.

"Uh..." Wang Ai just wanted to say something to Ribery, when the whistle rang, he pushed the ball aside, rolled over and ran forward.

The heart of the Allianz Arena started beating!

The eyes of fans all over the world began to fix their eyes!

Two super-giant fate roulettes, start to spin!

New football history, start writing hard!

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