Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 305: In spring, a hundred flowers bloom (5)

Last night, I explained the Supergiant War and the bosses from my own point of view. Some of the inside stories may not be clear with their team's analysts. Of course, Wang Ai is only from his own perspective. He is only guessing what he thinks and does about sponsors, clubs, and UEFA.

The massive war that has swept the global football world will not be just two actors on the stage, but must be the result of the joint participation and promotion of many parties. Even from a macro perspective, including Director Wei Di, Boss Xu of Evergrande, Boss Xiao Zhang of Suning, Luneng Taishan, Shanghai East Asia and so on, they are also one of the participants in a broad sense... but they are not very willing.

I had a hasty chat with Xu Genbao this morning, and Wang Ai continued to go to school. Seeing that he was about to graduate, he had to think about writing his graduation thesis. Fortunately, he was an undergraduate in the Department of Mathematics. Xu Genbao went out to join several other bosses to visit the Bayern club for a discussion. Bayern could agree to this matter with or without Wang Ai's face.

When Wang Ai came home for lunch at noon, the Chinese guests had already bid farewell to Wang Ai on the phone. No one took the liberty to invite Wang Ai. Wang Ai, who holds Liaozu in his hand and is the major shareholder of Shanghai East Asia, has faintly had the prestige of Dalian Shide back then. It is no longer possible for him to play in the Chinese Super League. The status of everyone in their own club is now completely equal.

The Chinese guests left, and Wang Ai was free to review the game last night and consider the impact of the game from all angles. Before the game, he didn't expect to beat Barcelona 6-0. Although this is in line with Bayern's character, it is too exaggerated. All parties are expected to be evenly matched. This kind of score also basically makes the two rounds meaningless. The next game to Camp Nou is basically impossible to be overturned.

Bayern's 4231 restraint against Barcelona is one aspect, the rain is one aspect, and Messi's injury is not good. It is also a very important aspect. At lunch, Leoni told Wang Ai that Messi's high-intensity actions in yesterday's game There were no more than ten in total. In addition to his physical state, his mental state is not very good. He just wants to win. Many **** can be threatening if he is more active, but yesterday, most of his passes and even all of his passes were transitional. of.

Huang Xin pushed him the newspapers that Wang Ai didn't read because he chatted with Xu Genbao and Liu Shangjie at breakfast, and he unfolded them one by one. Although there is a lot of nonsense in the newspapers, nonsense itself is a business activity, and some things have a foothold after all, such as their respective goals and some rumors that can peep into the truth.

In the past week, while Wang Ai and Messi both prepared for the truce, the low-key Ronaldo participated in the 32 rounds of La Liga with the team, scoring 2 goals with 10 shots, rewriting his data on the European Golden Boot to 47. In this way, Wang Ai's 73, Messi's 60, and his 47 are each 13 goals behind. In the league, Real Madrid leads Barcelona by 2 points with 6 games remaining. In this way, the situation is interesting. If there is not much change, then it is very likely that at the end of the season, Wang Ai and Ronaldo have their own gains, while Messi has nothing. In the core battlefield of the European Golden Boot, although Wang Ai has two games less than Messi, there is a gap of 13 goals after all. , but if Messi's injury aggravates and cannot play, Ronaldo is not without a chance.

Yesterday's game was the climax of the super-giant war for more than a year. Although the result was surprising, no one had too much leisure to sigh. The next month is the super-giant war and the final stage of the 1213 season. There are many variables, so all parties, including Wang Ai, must study the new situation and deduce new changes in order to grasp the most favorable choice for themselves.

Of course, for the players, it is most beneficial to seek victory in the game, but for the super giants, it is not just the game.

In another high-profile Champions League semi-final at Borussia Dortmund's Iduna Signal Park yesterday, Mourinho, who defied the world, met the enemy of his life - Jurgen Klopp He's also crazy, a guy who's more sloppy than him, and a guy who's more ruthless than him. On the scale of being a coach, although Mourinho despises the aristocratic style of Ferguson and Wenger, he actually plays the libertine among the aristocrats, while Jurgen Klopp is completely civilian style. , The character and style of play have the wildness of the proletariat.

In short, Mourinho's defensive counterattack lost to Klopp's mad **** of play, 1:4, and it was miserable.

This is also one of the events that Wang Ai is focusing on at the moment. The two giants in La Liga were defeated by the two giants in the Bundesliga on the same day, which determines that the remaining matches in La Liga will become the other two major areas of competition, and Wang Ai will also Distraction on two fronts.

"It seems to be back to the beginning." Xu Qinglian joked while the family was sitting on the third floor after lunch, "After fighting for so long, everything seems to be back to the beginning."

Wang Ai rubbed his head and nodded subconsciously: "That's right, at the beginning, the two of them were fighting for the La Liga, and I was watching the fun in the Bundesliga."

"I was involved in it when I saw it." Xu Qinglian smiled: "Are you still participating in the next Bundesliga?"

Wang Ai pondered: "What do you think?"

Leoni, who was leaning on Wang Ai's shoulders, shook her head silently. She planned to take a nap and didn't want to participate in the discussion.

Huang Xin thought for a while: "Let's play, start and finish well, I think all parties are willing to see you finish the game. It's hard to say what the two of them will do next, probably Messi is not reconciled, the collective honor and personal achievements are all by you. Hold on, he has to make a difference in La Liga."

"Yeah." Wang Ai responded, patted Leoni lightly, helped her to the side of the bed to lie down, pulled the blanket, and then came back and said, "This is a matter of mentality, in fact, he has 60 goals. The La Liga record is also brilliant enough, in the foreseeable future, unless he himself is afraid that no one can break it, if not because of my existence, this record alone is enough for him to eat more than two years at the Ballon d'Or."

Huang Xin nodded: "The status of the super giant is still stable, but I didn't get the first place in the super giant, and I was a little emotionally depressed."

Xu Qinglian looked at the two of them: "As I said before, one of the biggest beneficiaries of the super-giant war is the super-giant. Whether winning or losing, it is a big step forward in terms of competition and business, right?"

Wang Ai nodded, and Huang Xin walked to the window, holding the window sill with one hand, fluttering his hair blown away by the wind with the other, looking at the lush forest outside the window: "There are different leagues in different leagues, you can't kill them, you are actually in You can't beat them in one league. So don't think too much and just enjoy the win."

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