Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 317: Solo dance (7)

"Uh, I also have the cell phone number, I've called a few times." Wang Ai smiled: "Because I met Ronaldo for the first time at the World Footballer of the Year award ceremony, right? He was two years older than me. , It seemed that we didn't win the award that time, and we met in Zurich and chatted a few times. But at that time, although we were both in the Premier League, we didn't compete very fiercely, so the call stayed, and occasionally we would make a phone call to say hello to each other. Yes, not much contact."

"Then who are the most connected players in world football? I mean other than the Chinese team?"

"Eh, every team has it. We talk a lot about Delacco's Veleron, we have to play every month or two, Chelsea's Lampard, Terry, Drogba, Makelele, Inter Milan's Zanetti , Cambiasso, Sneijder, and Robben, whom I always contacted before I came to Bayern. These are the ones we played together a lot when we were in the same team, and we have a lot of common memories. There are other varsity games too. I have dealt with a lot of people, such as Henry, Beckham, Carlos. Of course, it may be that I am busy, and I have a tight schedule for the day. In fact, they are too, so most of our calls, the general calls we want to chat, are From the text message, it means that I am free, if the other party is free, they will call, otherwise they are not free, and sometimes a chat can take several days to finish."

"Then what do you guys talk about?"

"We talk about everything, it's no different from everyone else. For example, we will talk about the current situation of people we both know, that is, we will inform each other, and sometimes we will propose to do something together, charity activities, etc., Of course, sometimes they do each other a favor or something. This is really no different from everyone else, it's just how people interact with each other."

"Will technical issues be discussed? Are there still awards?"

"Sometimes I also talk about technical issues. For example, when my stone ball first came out, even Zidane made a special call, and many stars who didn't have much friendship also called. We basically don't talk about awards. Because it is more sensitive, my friends who communicate frequently also often meet in various awards selections, chatting privately, one is that there is nothing to talk about, and the other is hard to say."

"Will we see your tree dance at Wembley in a few days?"

"Hahaha, I don't know, I don't know." Wang Ai shook his head again and again: "No one will let me score easily, they will always go all out to stop me, and I only do it when I go all out, no It's easier to say more."

"Will you win then?" He Wei smiled: "If I remember correctly, after you helped Bayern win the European Championship last season, you personally have reached the top for the fifth time. This is not only the second place in the history of the Champions League, but you are also many others. The youngest who has won five titles is the one with the most in the club."

Wang Ai nodded calmly, and when He Wei saw that he didn't mean to say anything, he analyzed himself: "This is an obvious fact, you are very adaptable, your personal strength is very strong, and you have not stopped, you can do it like this. Summarize?"

"Many people say that." Wang Ai nodded calmly.

"So, will you get the sixth time? In a few days? To tie for the first place in history with Real Madrid legend Gento?" He Wei asked, thinking that Wang Ai would definitely shirk, so he added: "Once again shining brightly. The chance in history, to be at the top of the most intense and high-level event in almost the world, it won't be a bland thing for you, will it? Have you thought about this future?"

Wang Ai, who was forced to retreat by He Wei's series of questions, had no choice but to nod: "Of course I have thought about it, anyone, I mean, if anyone has the opportunity to set a record, he will get the performance of the unit and company for the sixth time. The grand prize must be something to look forward to, right?"

"Performance award?" He Wei couldn't help but smile: "After you said that, you suddenly feel that the Champions League champion's style has been lowered?"

"The influence is different, but the nature is the same." Wang Ai explained very seriously: "The Golden Globe Award is actually equal to the Golden Microphone Award in your broadcasting and hosting industry, right? The year-end award for personal performance. Then there are also internal awards in various units and companies. My year-end bonus and performance award. We are only in different fields of work, but the internal mechanism is the same, and my mood at the moment is the same as everyone's mood when facing similar problems. There are expectations, anxiety, and more Much more calm."


"Yes." Wang Ai nodded: "When I first embarked on the road of professional football, I was often very excited, such as breaking my own record, which team record, etc. But after a long time, From 2001 to the present, I have played in the professional league for 12 years, repeating 12 seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. I have become accustomed to the current life, or the life of a star in the eyes of ordinary people, as well as the rhythm of work. Now some The record I set can't say I'm completely unmoved, but I'm definitely less excited than I was at the beginning."

He Wei nodded and listened, and when Wang Ai finished speaking, he waved his hand: "Go back to the original point, will you get the sixth time?"

"Well...Between Bayern and Dortmund, at least this season, Bayern has a better chance of winning. From my point of view, I have won the first five Champions League finals, and I am now injury-free. A record 88 league goals have just been set this season. Putting all these things together, I feel confident in my sixth Champions League title at Wembley."

He Wei nodded, put down the microphone temporarily, reached out and took a sip from the teacup, Lin Long behind him also silently paused the camera, and also ran over to drink tea: "Interviewing you is fun, don't blame me for asking too sharp questions, because You always have a way to clarify the problems that others find difficult. You are the best interviewee and do not evade any questions. So, unconsciously, our reporters will become more and more harsh on you. This is not me or others. The reporters don't like you and embarrass you, but your ability is too strong."

Wang Ai shook his head with a smile and leaned back on the chair: "It's also because you gave me time to answer calmly, no matter how complicated the question is, you allow me to explain it thoughtfully, and you won't intercept a certain paragraph to make a big fuss, which makes me have no worries. Our harmonious relationship is based on this mutual loyalty and professional ethics. You trust me, and of course I also trust you. Others may not answer badly, and more have been cheated, just like me just now It's too easy to be distorted."

"for example?"

Wang Ai smiled and pointed to He Wei: "You mentioned Gento in the front, and asked about my self-confidence in the back, and it was easy to graft it into 'Wang Ai said he would kick Gento off the throne'. You see, the sales volume has increased , but there are troubles. The sales are yours, the troubles are mine.”

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