Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 328: light (eight)

"Occasionally, it was also forced, and it came down immediately the next year."

"How many?"

"40, a cliff-like descent."

He Wei nodded: "Serie A record."

Leoni laughed: "In short, under normal circumstances next season, he can't be better than this season. I hope that your sports channel can...don't say it directly, but make a foreshadowing so that fans can 'take the initiative' at that time. understood."

"Hint, we understand."

"OK, the above is my analysis of the past two years from a work perspective. Overall, our attitude is helpless, but we do not support it."

"So from your personal point of view, do you think there will be a war next season?"

Leoni shook her head: "I believe it's not just me who have the same opinion, at least I won, and they lost, so their team's war weariness can only be worse than our team. But the problem is that sometimes we can't control it, we If they can't control it, they also can't control it. On the one hand, some rules are in the hands of others. When others ask them to fight, it is difficult for them to refuse. If they refuse, someone else will take over. Or it can be said that , the super giant is like this, it is used to fight. On the other hand, when the league starts and the competition starts, it is just like once the war starts, no one can accurately control the war process, it is too easy to escalate, especially When the relevant parties deliberately tease their sensitive points. Also, in terms of the mechanism, as long as the two of them are still in La Liga and belong to the two sides of the national derby, the fuse will always burn. do not know."

"I pray for peace, but if war comes, we can only face the difficulties, whichever way we go." Leonie's green eyes emit a kind of light called confidence and heroism: "Anyway, we can be sure, then The doctor's basic physical fitness and life content are only better than the two of them, which means that under the same war pressure, we will persevere longer."

In the communication between the two, the game on the field gradually came to an end. Although the match was controlled by Bayern at one point, the score was 3:3, but in the end, Bayern still scored two goals in the last half hour of the second half. :3 to the end.

Leoni hides from the camera, preparing to paint a big red lip to appear in the TV footage of 3:30 in the middle of the night in China.

At the end of the game, Wang Ai stood up and hugged his teammates. Occasionally, he turned around and waved to the fans in the stands. Then he happily participated in the winning ceremony of the German Cup 1213 season.

After careful calculation, this is the eighth championship trophy that Wang Ai has won for Bayern in the past two seasons. Among them, he has participated in six of the battles himself. In these two trophies, he is the top scorer, saying that he takes credit. There will be no doubts about the absolute main force of Zhiwei and the six-time champion.

It is worth mentioning that this is Wang Ai's third German Cup championship, and the first two are unforgettable miracles that happened in the history of the German Cup: it was the 0001 season, and the unanimous amateur team map. Bingen youth reached the final and defeated half-hearted opponents; it was the 0102 season that Tübingen youth entered the final again, and defeated Schalke 04, realizing the semi-professional team's great cause of defending the German Cup .

After 11 years, when Wang Ai personally took the trophy from Ram and raised it, he saw the name of Tübingen Youth on the base of the trophy.

In the middle of the celebration feast, Wang Ai and Ram quietly greeted and left.

It's time to go, the triple crown winner and the top scorer in the three championships, Wang Ai is already worthy of everyone in Bayern Munich. Although my heart is still reluctant to part, even though I have nostalgic for the time of Samaria Manor, let's go and escape from it all.

Wang Ai took his family, assistants, and guards to Berlin Airport overnight. It was a good idea to take the flight, but Wang Ai and his family explained his decision to skip BJ to Liaoyang. Although Wang Bin and Ai Xiaoqing did not persuade him, he silently sent the German Beauty.

They can't fully understand the son's mentality when they are parents today, but at least they know that it must be related to fatigue. Then let the private jet, which is about to become a business jet, run a "private life" and let my son ride as comfortable as possible.

21 passengers and luggage, which is a very easy job for a medium-sized private jet, took off from Berlin and crossed the Polish border, the Ukrainian border, the Russian border, the Mongolian border, the Chinese border, and finally landed at Liaoyang County Airport... This airport Or because the North Light Industry Group is headquartered in Liaoyang, coupled with the lack of an airport in central Liaoning Province, it was launched in 2009.

"Don't worry, let's go back now." Before getting off the plane, Wang Ai turned around and waved to the family members in the cabin, smiled, and then walked off the plane with both hands empty and nothing with him.

Hometown in summer, even the smell of the air is so familiar. Standing on the lush mountain, he silently overlooks the winding Liao’an Road and the travelers returning on the road. Zhao Dan drives a North Light Industry van from time to time to look at the silent super giant in the rear row through the rearview mirror. Li Jun is sitting in the co-pilot. Long stretched.

Before the car arrived at the station, Li Jun waved his hand to get off. He planned to take the slow No. 6 bus back to his hometown, but few knew him anyway.

"I want to eat beef noodles." Wang Ai murmured while looking at the "California Beef Noodles" next to the Sixth Road Station.

Zhang Guang looked at Zhao Dan from the rearview mirror. He didn't say anything, and of course he didn't ask Wang Ai to get out of the car. He quickly asked Wang Ai to stop him without saying a word, and now he doesn't bother to stop him. .

After a while, Zhang Guang got into the car with a tray in both hands. There was not only a big bowl of beef noodles, but also a few side dishes. Wang Ai smiled and took the chopsticks: "Is it only for me?"

"I ate with Xiao Zhao on the plane just now."

"I seem to have eaten it too."

"You have a big appetite, and this noodles is enough for ordinary people. It's not even a supper for you."

"That's okay, I can eat it." Wang Ai opened his chopsticks: "I remember when I was in school, my classmates always thought about this place. In fact, my family's living conditions were very good at that time, and every meal was more expensive than here. .But no one makes delicious food, eh, why did you drive?"

Zhao Dan laughed: "Don't worry, I'm driving steadily."

"Then, do you have to return the bowl?"

"It's okay, I bought the bowl." Zhang Guang said with a smile.

"Did you have to buy all the bowls for dinner?" Wang Ai was shocked.

"It's okay, I have money!"

"Rich..." Wang Ai suddenly couldn't help laughing.

"Really?" Zhang Guang looked at Wang Ai: "You are a super rich man who earns 10 million yuan a day, and you are thinking about 12 yuan of beef noodles here. I have a monthly salary of tens of thousands of yuan, but I have to be extravagant. It is too difficult to invite you to dinner. It's been several years, and you've invited me to dinner every day."

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