Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 331: under fame (1)

At 3:30 in the afternoon, the car drove into the "Wang's Manor" in the neighborhood near the Summer Palace.

It was not raining in bj, but the strong sunlight was pouring down. Some trees had been transplanted in the park surrounded by four independent villas. , I was seeing Shi Wenjun pushing a stroller, and in the middle of the grass were two boys rolling on the ground, and a cheering lioness beside him.

"Ah, I'm back." Wang Ai nodded before waiting for a few people to ask him.

The two sons stopped fighting, and Wang Sheng, whose face became more and more delicate like Huang Xin, pointed to Wang Zhonghua, who was dazed: "That's Dad."

After being held by Wang Ai in his arms, Wang Sheng also ordered: "I want to take a plane!"

"Wait a minute, go see your sister first. Dad hasn't seen her for a long time." Wang Ai quarreled with his son cheerfully: "Did you play with your sister?"

"No, she doesn't know how to play yet." Wang Shengyi pointed at the stroller angrily: "When mother said it, she likes to watch us play."

"Why don't you speak?" Wang Ai looked at Wang Zhonghua, who was sitting on the other arm.

"Well... my brother said it all." Wang Zhonghua replied with an expression like what my brother said, why should I say it.

"It's easy for you, do you miss me?"


"It's over." Wang Ai looked at Xu Qinglian and Leoni next to her: "It was too much fun to think about."

Talking and laughing, Wang Ai approached the stroller with her two sons in her arms. Today, Ms. Wang Hongzhuang was out of her life and didn't sleep. At this moment, she was staring at the "giant man" who suddenly appeared in front of her with her **** eyes.

"Red makeup?" Wang Ai squatted in front of the stroller, eye to eye with her daughter.

The daughter understood her name, and her expression moved. Shi Wenjun squatted on the side and pulled her daughter's little finger to point at Wang Ai: "He is father, I am mother, and you are Wang Hongzhuang."

Wang Hongzhuang looked at her mother, then lowered her head to look at her clothes and pants, and then looked at Wang Ai without saying anything. A 10-month-old child already has a self-concept, can understand his own name, and can recognize his mother, but Wang Ai has been away for a long time, so his role as a father is absent, so that he can vaguely shout out My mother's Wang Hongzhuang still doesn't know the word father.

On the contrary, she will say her brother. The two brothers play in front of her every day, which is probably equivalent to a circus...

Seeing that her daughter was looking at her two sons, Wang Ai stretched out her arm: "This is your eldest brother, this is your second brother."

Unexpectedly, the daughter reached out and slapped the eldest brother's arm. Wang Sheng waved his hand "ah" and hit it. Wang Ai quickly withdrew his arm. Wang Sheng was still waving his hand, but Wang Hongzhuang laughed. Then, he slapped Wang Zhonghua on the arm again...

"Why didn't you fight back?" Wang Ai withdrew his arm and asked Wang Zhonghua, who was a little dumbfounded.

" doesn't hurt."

Wang Ai blinked at her second son, and always felt that the answer was a bit strange. Then he looked at Wang Sheng again: "Do you hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt."

"Then why do you want to hit your sister?"

Wang Sheng couldn't understand a little: "I didn't fight, let's play."

Wang Ai suddenly felt educated, and looked at Shi Wenjun, Shi Wenjun reached out and touched the faces of the two boys: "The cat is scratching, Wang Sheng is lively and loves to play with him, Wang Zhonghua, he likes to think about things and be careful. Thanks to these two boys, Hong Zhuang spoke early."

"Yeah." Wang Ai looked at the three children left and right, and let them go to the ground. As expected, Wang Sheng walked over to the stroller and hit his sister on the arm, and she was beaten again. Then the two children laughed. Wang Zhonghua Watching the fun and having fun.

Wang Ai straightened up, looked around, and lowered her head: "I'll go to Brazil in a while, thank you for your hard work, and bring three children."

Shi Wenjun shook his head and smiled: "What's the hard work? Whose family didn't have many children in the past, not to mention that the conditions are so good now."

Wang Ai gave a "um", and opened her arms to hug the petite her: "When I come back from Brazil, I will accompany you for a while."

Shi Wenjun gently broke free from Wang Ai's embrace, looked up at him with a bit of amusement: "Why are you so considerate all of a sudden?"

"...conscience has been discovered."

"And." Shi Wenjun smiled and shook his head: "Have dinner at home?"

"Uh, I still don't know the arrangement of the national team, do you know Qinglian?"

Xu Qinglian was talking to Leoni when she heard the sound and turned her head: "I knew it was a night flight, and they are all at the Olympic Sports Center now."

At this moment, Huang Xin came out of the room with the phone in hand: "I'm back, just as Director Gao called to ask when you were coming."

"Well..." Wang Ai reached out and answered the phone: "I just got back to BJ, and I plan to have dinner at home. After dinner, I will go to the Olympic Sports Center to meet with you. Is it in time?"

Lao Gao was very happy: "Okay, I'll talk about it when you come."

"Is something wrong?"

"...It's nothing, it's just a matter of the Confederations Cup."

Wang Ai felt it, and heard that Lao Gao was a little unhappy, so he smiled: "Okay, I see."

Huang Xin took the phone back and didn't ask more: "What would you like to eat at night? It's almost time, it's time to prepare."

Wang Ai thought about it and said decisively: "I'm going to cook, you guys are all right to help. By the way, are you going to Brazil?"

"I'm not going. Wenjun has been taking care of the three children for so long by himself. I have to help her share the burden." Huang Xin turned around and said, "Wenjun, come with you."

"The child hasn't been weaned yet." Shi Wenjun replied without turning his head.

"I'm not going either." Leoni didn't wait for others to ask: "I plan to find some track and field training materials during this time. When you come back from Brazil, you will play the East Asian Cup and then the National Games."

"Then Qinglian, let's go." Huang Xin concluded: "As long as Qinglian is all right, I just went there to relax."

Xu Qinglian didn't say much, nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll see if Brazil has something fun to bring you back."

Walking into the kitchen, Wang Ai began to pack the dishes: "Where are my parents?"

"My dad is in a meeting outside the city, and our mom is at work. I can come back tonight." Huang Xin said, "I'll call and ask."

"Where's the transfer going?" Wang Ai began to wash rice.

"Manchester City and Paris Saint-Germain offered the best conditions, Real Madrid was very eager, and Mr. Roman from Chelsea specifically called." Leoni opened the refrigerator to find food.

"Are there dumplings? Steamed buns are fine too."

"All, what stuffing do you want? Beef and radish?"

"Okay, what does the Football Association mean?"

"The Football Association has no definite opinion." Leoni said seamlessly: "Hey, the dumplings with beef and radish are gone. I forgot what I ate yesterday, only the stuffed chicken and mushrooms are left."


"But it seems that the General Administration of Sport is a little bit inclined. I hope you can consider Manchester City and Paris more under the same conditions."

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