Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 337: Under fame (7)

"Both husband and wife have to be equal and balanced." Zhou Haibin said solemnly: "Many people say that the family is right, this is not entirely true, and all aspects must be balanced. Our boss is a person with a very strong heart, and he is as enthusiastic about friends as midsummer. The enemy is as ruthless as the cold winter, and it is our luck to know him. He strongly urges us to take the right path, and the powerful restraint threatens us not to take the wrong path. But such a person with such a strong heart can’t look down on the other half he chooses. Those who cannot coexist with those who are weak in their hearts will not be happy if they are barely together. The strong one will be bored without an opponent, and the weak one who is suppressed too hard will either go crazy or become stupid."

Zhao Xuri looked at Zhou Haibin suspiciously: "Old Zhou, is the marriage agency open?"

"Chicken feathers!" Zhou Haibin immediately stopped being a philosopher: "Don't think about getting married, I heard that the boss doesn't plan to do it?"

"I can't do it." Chen Tao and Zhao Xuri said in unison.

Zhou Haibin's face changed: "I told you two, but you didn't tell me?"

Chen Tao shook his head: "I didn't tell me, I guessed it myself."

Zhao Xuri smiled embarrassedly: "I told me, but I didn't say it specifically. I saw Xiao Li when I was at my house in the Hamburg game, and Xiao Li asked."

Zhou Haibin stared straight ahead with a stern face, pondering on his role as Wang Ai, he understood in a moment, and shook his head: "Sure enough, there are so many friends from different circles, and they can't be entertained at all. He was an ordinary person in the past, but he will still be a high-ranking official in the future. Your reception was a little poor today, and you will be retaliated in the future."

Zhao Xuri breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the sound, and didn't say much: "That's right, boss has some things that are more difficult than us."

Chen Tao agrees: "Just like this Confederations Cup, it's all pointing at him. Anyway, if he is, I will definitely not be able to bear it, sooner or later I will be crazy and stupid, or I will drink a lot of alcohol to numb myself, it's not a human life. ."

"If you want to wear a crown, do you have to bear the weight?" Zhou Haibin was philosophical again, and he was afraid that Zhao Xuri would joke at his fiancee: "She wants to buy a crown, I said that I can afford it, and no one dares to sell me, right? ?"

His fiancee gave him a bit of embarrassment, and while he was making a fuss, Wang Ai carried Xu Qinglian for a run: "Come on, carry your daughter-in-law to the competition, thank the family for their selfless dedication!"

Xu Qinglian is thick-skinned, especially calm and calm: "Two sisters, it's a rare chance, this time if you don't ride on his head, he will ride on your head all day."

Zhao Xuri's fiancee, Xiao Li Ruo, realized something, and Zhou Haibin's fiancee, Xiao Chen, laughed outright. They were all open-minded girls from the Northeast. Without outsiders...cough!

Unexpectedly, Chen Tao suddenly shook his head: "No no no!"

"It's okay, just give the reporter a bit of lace. It's all fiancées, don't be afraid." Wang Ai persuaded.

"...Am I afraid of this?" Chen Tao rolled his eyes: "I don't have a wife, who am I fighting against? Dong Fangzhuo?"

The brothers suddenly laughed unscrupulously, and Wang Ai also put Xu Qinglian down and pointed at Chen Tao: "Remember to help your brothers, we seem to have a big circle, but in fact, we are not big at all, and we have made friends all over the world, sincere friends. Not many. I'm younger than them, but they've been calling me the eldest all these years, you sister-in-law can't just ignore it. "

Xu Qinglian looked at Chen Tao, Chen Tao was reluctantly calm, and Xu Qinglian smiled brightly: "Simple, Xiao Chen, what are you looking for?"

Chen Tao didn't care about the name "Xiao Chen" at all, but Xu Qinglian made him speechless for a while, and Xu Qinglian looked back at the three men: "Do you have anything else?"

Wang Ai, Zhao Xuri, and Zhou Haibin all shook their heads: "No!"

After saying that, he pulled someone and ran away, and Wang Ai ran away empty-handed.

After knowing each other for all these years, even sleeping for all these years, tossing and sleeping for all these years, once Xu Qinglian is about to talk about business, Wang Ai must not be just! And when necessary, never.

The happy hour in Madrid passed quickly, and everyone boarded the plane again. Although Wang Ai was in high spirits in the funny eyes of his teammates, coaches and even the flight attendant reporter, even Chen Tao was a little excited.

Xu Qinglian knows too many people, including a large number of Renmin University classmates, and a large number of large multinational e-commerce companies that have changed their name to Europa Light. As Wang Ai's official wife, and the future official helm of all Wang Ai's enterprises, theoretically there are tens of thousands of school-age girls who "know" among these hundreds of thousands of industrial workers!

Everyone picks one, you still can't pick one? It is not a matter of chance, but a physical or psychological one!

After a pleasant stop in Madrid, the "Victory Flight" set sail again, carrying the Chinese national team, family members, journalists, hundreds of millions of fans, and the expectation of more than one billion Chinese people to Brazil, the football kingdom in winter.

It was another ten-hour flight. In the evening local time, on the early morning of June 7, BJ time, the national team finally arrived in Belo Horizonte, the fourth largest city in Brazil. With the assistance of the embassy, ​​the football association officials who arrived earlier found the car and took everyone to the hotel specified by the organizer.

The scenery of Belo Horizonte under the sunset is beautiful, and there are many high-rise buildings, which is roughly equivalent to the development level of second- and third-tier cities in China. When the sunset in the distance and the lanterns in the vicinity complement each other, the deserted white clouds on the skyline and the gray in the distance. The shadows of the mountains staggered, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After more than 20 hours of suffocation, when they saw the hotel, everyone said that they wanted to walk around the neighborhood, or go to an empty place for activities, but they did not want to be blocked by reporters and a large group of fans.

Lao Gao, Lao Fan, Lao Tang, Wang Yongpo, Dong Fangzhuo, Mao Jianqing in the front row of the bus all turned their heads to look at Wang Ai in the back row, Wang Ai blinked and suddenly said: "Oh, my job is right? Wait for me to see. what."

Wang Ai stretched his neck to look at the door of the hotel, but didn't see anything. He actually wanted to see if these fans were here to chase stars or scold the streets. He didn't have a very good relationship with the Brazilian Gang, who knows what these fans think.

Fortunately, someone was holding a big picture of him, but he hadn't drawn a cross.

The bus stopped, and Yan Zhu, who pretended to be a staff member, got off the bus with a bag on his back and went to the next stop, as if he was waiting for the leader. Then Zhang Guang and Jin Xun got off the bus, and Su Shi stayed in the bus. Observe on. Lao Gao stepped out of the car and wanted to go straight away, but he didn't want to be caught by the reporter and began to ask questions.

If Lao Gao hadn't been Chinese and had a humble and low-key temperament, as the coach of the world championship team, he would not have known what the fire would be like. In China, because Wang Ai's light blocked him, he didn't have much self-awareness, but this was Brazil.

Fortunately, the reporter's focus was still on Wang Ai. When Wang Ai got out of the car at the end, along with the cheers of the fans, the reporters also ruthlessly abandoned Lao Gao, making Lao Gao, who had finally been teased, let out a helpless laugh. .

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