Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 340: Under fame (10)

Zheng Zhi's goal and crazy celebration stimulated the Nigeria team, but the momentum was interrupted by a direct free kick a few minutes later. Lao Zheng got up from the ground with difficulty and waved at Wang Ai, who ran over with wide eyes. , do the warm-up movements in place, then step back in a straight line and exit to seven or eight meters.

The Nigerian goalkeeper has a throbbing calf. Carlos has said that the power and speed of Wang Ai's strong direct free kick has surpassed him.

The football flew slower than Wang Ai expected, and was almost touched by the opponent's goalkeeper's hand. Fortunately, he finally entered. Wang Ai let out a long sigh of relief and raised his hand to point to the player channel amid the din of the sky. Many fans, both Chinese and foreign, thought "lucky Hans" was there, and they seemed to be in the Allianz Arena.

After 1:4 behind, Nigeria's mental head was beaten. This score continued until the end. After this battle, the Nigerian team was in danger of qualifying. Next, they must succumb to the Spanish team. Only by victory can they qualify. The Chinese team and the Spanish team stand together, and they are ready to start a war without worries. This is also the fifth Eurasian battle between the two sides since the World Cup twice three years ago and the Confederations Cup in South Africa four years ago. Championship battle.

The attention of this battle even surpassed that of the host Brazil's next North and South America championship battle with Mexico. It is really the stars of the Spanish team are too brilliant, and the Chinese team's Wang Ai is too brilliant. In contrast, Mexico is too simple. Kaka, who once stood shoulder to shoulder with Wang Ai, is no longer as brave as he used to be. The little king Neymar has not yet gone to the five major leagues of football heaven and **** to be tested.

Even if he is about to be Messi's teammate, it doesn't mean anything. Old fans are clear-sighted. In the past two seasons, Messi has been attacking Wang Ai's status as the king of efficiency, trying to kick him from the top of the super giant. In the past 1213 season, he even tied the league goals for a time, but in the end, he was defeated and he was ruthlessly thrown away by 24 goals. You must know that the golden boots of the five major leagues are often the same. If it weren't for Messi who also dumped Ronaldo, and Ronaldo dumped other stars in the world, no one would believe that the three of them are on the same level.

The first climax of this Confederations Cup is coming, but it does not belong to the host. The disgruntled Brazilian fans can only pray for the Chinese team to qualify for the group stage, but it seems a little dangling to let the old Kaka bring the immature Neymar to touch the prosperous Wang Ai.

In the early morning of the next day, a reporter from Guangming Daily was looking at a pool of clear water in the pavilion at the foot of the back mountain, looking for inspiration. Suddenly, he was startled by the sound of footsteps in the distance. Looking down the dark night, it turned out to be yesterday. In the evening, Wang Ai, who filled the audience.

There are only two defenders by his side and no other teammates.

The training of this national team has long been well known. Morning training, night training, and four training sessions a day are also familiar to ordinary fans. But today is obviously not right. One is that there is no morning practice, or even no training, the next day of the competition. The second is that even if it is training, it should be everyone.

This is obviously Wang Ai's practice, and why should he practice for no reason?

Wang Ai just waved to the reporter, and he didn't know whether it was a denial.

"Why did Captain Wang be himself today?" The reporter approached.

"Official interview?" Wang Ai smiled, obviously knowing him.

"Let's chat, chat." The reporter imitated Wang Ai's smile.

Don't say, this trick is really good, Wang Ai raised his wrist and looked at the watch, holding the football in his arms: "Okay, let's talk about ten dollars."

The reporter smiled and invited Wang Ai and Bao Bao to sit down in the pavilion: "I'm a reporter from Guangming Daily. We all introduced ourselves when we got on the plane that day, do you remember?"

"Well, after a hundred years of cultivation, we can cross the boat together. We have come so far together, and we are destined."

"Then, I'll be bolder and ask directly?"

"Well, ask."

The reporter smiled and shook his head, thinking for a while: "Why did you choose me?"


"Captain Wang, don't pretend to be stupid. Our reporters have summed it up for you. When you encounter a question that is not easy to answer, you will be stupid. Your micro-expression has already betrayed you."


"When our editor-in-chief asked you for an interview through Renri, didn't you convey a request? That's why I was sent here."

Wang Ai sighed, adjusted his sitting position, and looked straight: "...No."

"Captain Wang, this is so boring. You said you don't want a reporter with a liberal ideology, otherwise I won't have a share." The reporter directly revealed the answer: "We, Guangming Daily, actually wanted to interview for a long time. You, as a newspaper whose main readers are intellectuals, many readers are very interested in you as a promising mid-level intellectual who has achieved so much in football. It's just that I didn't find a good opportunity for a while..."

"Is it because I'm slack academically?" Wang Ai also politely debunked the other party's cliché.

The reporter also had the calmness of an intellectual: "Yes, interview requests have always been required, and it has been difficult to get through, so we have only occasionally reprinted news about you in the past until you signed up for the National Games."

Wang Ai spreads his hands: "Isn't that still a matter of the sports world?"

"But your starting point is for science." The reporter described vividly: "You don't know how sensational this news is for us. Our editor-in-chief said it himself, Captain Wang'er is trying to prove the truth with swords! In the public In my memory, the last time Galileo did this was Galileo."

In Wang Ai's laughter, the reporter waved his arm again and again: "The fourth grade of the elementary school textbook!"

"Okay, well, it's reasonable for you. Hey, how do you remember it so clearly?"

"My daughter...Hey, Captain Wang, this is the second trick we've summed up for you, change the subject, don't do it to me, I did my homework before I came here."

"Okay, um, about yesterday's game..." Wang Ai stopped talking and sighed: "Okay, you ask. Oh, why did you make that request?"

Seeing the reporter nodding, Wang Ailuo thought for a while: "I don't want to quarrel, isn't it easy to be this easy now?"

"You don't seem to trust the professionalism of journalists, journalists are neutral."

Wang Ai stared deeply at the reporter's eyes: "It may be neutral for ordinary people, but not for me. I run around Europe and China all the year round, and repeatedly identify all kinds of news, you should believe me. professionalism.”

"...ok!" The reporter smiled and stretched out his hand: "Thank you Captain Wang for giving me the opportunity to interview you."

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