Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 342: Playing Sword and Singing (2)

Speaking of this, Wang Ai stood up and stretched out his hand: "Unfortunately, I can only talk about this today."

The reporter also stood up and shook hands with Wang Ai: "Do I still have a chance to interview you?"

Wang Ai thought for a while: "Are you in a hurry to return to China? Oh, did your superiors give enough money?"

"I can apply."

Wang Ai blinked: "The Confederations Cup is short, there are many games, and the rhythm is tight. If conditions permit, you can consider it. My time is not enough no matter how divided it is. Only this time we will have a chance to sit down and talk. , If your newspaper really wants to interview me all the time, and you can stay, then I will try to take the time to chat with you on the second day of each game, so it should be enough."

After getting a clear answer from Wang Ai, the reporter said goodbye to Wang Ai and hurriedly called home, while Wang Ai walked down the corridor to the conference room.

There are still a lot of points worth summarizing in yesterday's game. The practice match warm-up match is not very clear. When the official match is over, the ruthless force of the opponent will be revealed. Last night, Wang Ai went back to the hotel to celebrate, play, take a bath, and sleep. Lao Gao, Lao Fan, Lao Tang, Lao Su, Lao Li, Lao... Chen Yang, Ma Dong and other coaching staff members were busy for half the night.

The comments during the meeting were naturally very detailed and in place, and everyone nodded their heads frequently.

Because Mourinho once joined this coaching team, his work style of focusing on details and wishing to use centimeters to calculate distances on the court greatly affected the working style of this coaching team. Especially in the tactical arrangement and the work on the map, the level of detail is astonishing, and the hands and feet of all the latecomers are numb. The effect was immediate, and it unexpectedly strengthened the persuasiveness of the tactical arrangement. In the past, without these detailed data to support, the coach can only rely on feeling and experience. Then players sometimes wonder if your coach is unhappy with my feeling that affects your tactical feeling?

Pretty reasonable isn't it?

In this commentary, Lao Gao named a lot of people. He didn't say anything about the quality of will or personality. He just talked about the game and the details. He told you how you handled a certain ball, where the right place is, and the wrong one. Where is the place and what would happen if you approached it in a different way. With your technical reserves and physical conditions, can you do it?

Teachers and students have been together for more than ten years, and Lao Gao knows who is who with his eyes closed, so his comments are meticulous and not long-winded. He speaks extremely well, and listens extremely carefully.

Only Wang Ai didn't listen very much, and was almost on the go. Because his problem is not a technical problem, but an attitude problem. Saying that details are useless, the concubine just doesn't want to do it!

Lao Gao didn't do anything about it. In fact, he brought Wang Ai to lay the foundation for Wang Ai in the first year of the 84th National Junior High School, and basically he will not talk about the technical details in the future, because Wang Ai has his own ideas and his own training methods. , Under the effective circumstances, there is no need for Lao Gao to force Wang Ai to change. Later, Lao Gao was actually Wang Ai's team leader, Wang Ai's leader and career development advisor. Now he is depressed due to exhaustion. Everyone's thinking is the same, support.

After the tactical meeting, Lao Gao announced that he would rest in the morning. In the afternoon, everyone left for Rio de Janeiro for the second game, and strived to adapt to the venue and resume training in the evening, so as to prepare for the Sino-Western war in two days.

Located in the southeastern part of Brazil and facing the South Atlantic Ocean, Rio de Janeiro used to be the capital of Brazil and the second largest city after Sao Paulo. The total population of more than 7 million is almost the same as that of first- and second-tier cities in China. The 38-meter-high Christ statue on the top of Corcovado Mountain, the highest point of the city. When Wang Ai and the others landed at the airport, the only thing on the ground was the contiguous houses.

Since yesterday, demonstrations against the Confederations Cup broke out all over Brazil, including Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, when Wang Ai and the others arrived, both the airport and the hotel seemed deserted, which also made Wang Ai relieved. He didn't make any rhetoric, and even kept running away, but he actually came to win the championship. The Brazilians definitely want to win the championship, so in order to prevent any accidents, specifically to let the Brazilian fans do something, it is better to keep a low profile.

At 7 p.m., the Confederations Cup organizers regretfully informed the Chinese team that there will be demonstrations near the Maramarca Stadium tonight. For safety reasons, it is better not to warm up. The organizer also assured that everything will return to calm tomorrow morning, and the Chinese team will be arranged to warm up.

Although Director Wei Di is regretful, he can't say anything and can only express his understanding. This kind of situation is basically not encountered in China, but in foreign countries. Not only are Brazilians extremely indifferent to the Confederations Cup, but they also dislike spending too much money leading to higher bus fares. What do foreigners say?

We don't interfere in other countries' internal affairs, we just take the trophy from the Brazilians.

The next morning was calm, the whole team spent the whole morning at the Maramarca Stadium, and they knew the key positions of the stadium, such as the lawn, the lounge, and the player tunnel. After returning to the hotel at noon and resting for an hour, everyone went to the training ground arranged by the main committee. The family members who had been wandering for a few days were a little tired. Of course, they were warned that the security in Rio was not good. Anyway, everyone rushed to the training. On the field, watching his man sweat like rain, chatting in full swing in the stands.

In the family, Xu Qinglian is the leader, not only because of Wang Ai, but also because of her own temperament and ability to do things, and her "money ability". Although none of the international players are poor in money, the rich are also divided into grades. The average star is just a worker and earns hard-earned money. Only Wang Ai is the boss in terms of class, and Xu Qinglian has also become the landlord's wife. The Football Association is only responsible for their travel and accommodation expenses, and all other expenses are covered by themselves. The subtext is that it is best to stay in the hotel honestly.

If there is no Xu Qinglian, I am afraid I can only really stay honest, and I am a little afraid of going out in a foreign country. But Xu Qinglian was in the summer of 2002 when Wang Ai was still in the national team. In order to celebrate being admitted to Renmin University, Ai Xiaoqing led the world to play for 20 days during the summer vacation. In the future, every summer vacation and even winter vacation, Ai Xiaoqing will take her out to play, sometimes as "mother-in-law", sometimes with other Ai Xiaoqing sisters, discussing vision, vision, and opinions on major cities around the world. Understand, Xu Qinglian is stronger than Wang Ai.

Brazil Xu Qinglian has been here five times, two for tourism, two for business activities, and one for an academic conference... She is not the kind of Wang Ai who takes half-day classes every day, mainly self-study Ph.D. The Faculty's Doctor of History Department is full-time.

Therefore, the family members' activities outside the Football Association's schedule are all arranged by her.

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