Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 345: Playing the Sword and Composing Songs (5)

Xiao Mao was also a juvenile genius, all the way from the primary school amateur team to the professional team and the national youth team. But I don't know who was affected by it, and I was once trapped in alcohol and couldn't extricate myself. Since he is an absolute main force and a king-level figure in the local team, no one dares to care about him. As long as he is a little bit behind the club, even if the coach knows, he will keep his eyes closed.

Until he met Wang Ai.

Before the national team welcomed Wang Ai, there were thorns and big brothers everywhere from the front to the back. I dare not say that the atmosphere is wrong, but it is definitely not very good. It is a set of rules for the national team in society. , such as giving gifts, such as worshiping the pier, such as forming gangs. The Football Association and the coaching staff are satisfied that they can control the conflict to the extent that they don't slap each other's feet. In the long run, this problem has even been left over from the old China. Probably because football or sports are very dependent on master-apprentice handed down, it is a small circle, China is too big, and the habits and qualities of the game are the same in all places.

But since the national team entered the Wang Ai era, there has been no big brother, no thorn, and no hero. If there must be one, there is only one!

The eloquence that is not inferior to the reporters, the gang of well-developed limbs can spray them to the point of cerebral hemorrhage! The first goal, the first hat-trick, and the first silver boot in the World Cup belong to him. In front of him, any genius or star is an amateur! There are Liaozu and Tübingen youths, and he is still a cadre of the Football Association. He has all the ascension channels for the stars from within the system to outside the system.

Damn, are you trying to mess with me?

Contrary to what the fans imagined, Wang Ai, the big brother who has a weak relationship with the traditional football world, did not have any **** storms, desperate fights, intrigues, and pretense on the road to rise. He almost settled everything lightly. Needless to say, the 84-nation youth who has had a close relationship with him since childhood, and the 86-nation youth who was led by him to win the championship, there is only one principle for this group of friends: the boss is right!

In the last glorious period of Chinese football, that is, these people in the 81 National Youth League, Wang Ai first did not make a deal with its founder Shen Xiangfu, and then extended a helping hand to its leader Qu Bo, successfully eliminating these problems due to age. The biggest threat to the national youth's right to speak.

As for the older generation, that is, the 79 National Youth and the 77 National Youth, that is, Lao Bai, Lao Luo, Lao Sun, and Lao Zheng. Wang Ai's method is even simpler, he only needs to show 85 The high unity of the core personnel of the National Youth League is enough, which means that their rise cannot be suppressed. Wang Ai himself emerged from the Milu era, became the backbone in the Ali Hahn era, and became unstoppable in the Gao Hongbo era. His little brothers were loyal and fought wherever they wanted. Faced with this situation, as long as Wang Ai doesn't bully them, the old guys have nothing to say and obey.

Xiao Mao met such Wang Ai.

When Wang Ai searched his room and picked up dozens of wine bottles and jars from under the bed, what he thought was not "I'll let it go", but to find someone to intercede. So far, he is the only person in the national team who has been approved for a tattoo by Wang Ai. There are two big characters on the deltoid muscle of his left upper arm: quit drinking!

After several years of exercise in Tubing, Xiaomao has also transformed into a muscle stick. Every morning and night along Wang Ai's mountain patrol route, his physical endurance has been greatly increased. Therefore, when the critical moment of the Sino-Western war came, he did not transfer the ball hastily because of his lack of physical fitness, but rushed the ball to the more dangerous area of ​​the Spanish team, using himself as bait to push the overall confrontation situation towards a better position. Conducive to the further transformation of the Chinese team!

The moment before Xiaomao cut inwards, Dong Fangzhuo was using his shoulders to squeeze Ramos towards the bottom line to give Xiaomao an impact channel. Gao Lin and Pique were pulling each other and appearing to be in a state of exchange, while Qu Bo shyly waited for an opportunity at the back. Moved but had to guard against Iniesta's approach, Alba was losing the key position to block the contact because of Wang Ai's lateral movement, and Harvey was still chasing behind Wang Ai with a bitter face.

It was in such a situation where the two sides stood and confronted, Xiao Mao suddenly chose to cut inward.

Ramos slowed down and moved laterally to intercept Xiaomao's possible long-range shot. At the same time, Dong Fangzhuo stretched his arms to squeeze Ramos in the direction of the corner flag, neither letting him move forward to intercept nor let him go smoothly. Back in front of the goal. Gao Lin intends to move to the back point to make way for Xiao Mao to clear the shooting channel, but Pique has the intention to block it and is afraid that Gao Lin will move to the back point and receive Xiao Mao's straight plug, so he also moves back. The most comfortable one is Alba, who has already lost But because of Xiaomao's incision, he is about to reach the middle of Xiaomao and the goal smoothly.

Iniesta, who had been running to the back, noticed the emptiness in the middle and stopped in time, and was about to cross over, but Qu Bo, who was swaying in the back, ran out to grab him and prevent him from passing. Originally, Wang Ai, who was about to come forward to answer Xiaomao's short pass, faced the situation that if he stopped backward, it would depend on the result of the second confrontation between Xiaomao and Alba. Considering that Xiaomao has run so far and his physical fitness is in doubt, whether he can still pass the opponent and whether he still has enough energy to shoot, the power and speed of the shot and other technical guarantees, so Wang Ai can follow Alba to do it for Xiaomao. "Block and roll". But this can't stop Harvey, who is slow but also following up behind him, to follow him. He can either follow him to prevent himself from destroying Alba's interception, or pull away a little distance and block the second time after Xiaomao's dribbling. In front of the opportunity to kick up, either block or destroy.

In just a few tenths of a second, after observing that Xiaomao Neiqie ran a few steps, Wang Ai made a decision: trust his teammates!

He braked while running decisively, and blocked Harvey, knocking Harvey out of breath, and then Wang Ai prepared to move back again.

The whole process sounds long, but it is actually very short. It took less than ten seconds from Xiaomao to run from the bottom to a position more than ten meters from the bottom line and a few meters from the sideline to dribble the ball into the penalty area, and then to cut inward near the sideline of the penalty area.

Both the enemy and the enemy are guided by Xiaomao, who is holding the ball. Wang Ai, Gao Lin, Dong Fangzhuo, Qu Bo, Ramos, Pique, Alba, Xavi, and Iniesta. Subcritical decision, resulting in very complex adversarial changes. However, because Xiaomao's momentum has risen, and the two turning angles are not large, the speed is maintained well, while others, including goalkeeper Valdes, are constantly following his two absolute and face-to-face choices. Repeated back and forth running, so the relative position does not change much, and there is no speed.

Just when Wang Ai blocked Harvey with his back and was about to move backwards, looking for opportunities for Xiaomao to dribble the ball horizontally and repeatedly cut inwards, Xiaomao shot! Very decisive!

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