Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 354: The small building was windy again last night (4)

When discussing the lineup before the game, the focus was also on the right side of the Chinese team. Who will defend the extremely flexible Neymar? How to prevent? Marcelo, who was plugged in at the back, was a thief, who will watch? How to stare? Facing Brazil's young squad with an average age of 24, especially the Brazilian football characteristics with high morale and high standard performance, the importance of confrontation is particularly prominent.

There are a few people on the wing who can fight against the Brazilian wing without falling behind. For example, Zhao Xuri, who has the true biography of Mauro Silva, but Lao Gao hopes that he will still play the important role of the defensive pivot in the middle and rear of the game. , that is, the lower back. Zheng Zhi can also do it, but it is easy to fail to keep up with Neymar's flexibility. Wang Ai and Chen Tao can do it. They are not afraid of Neymar one-on-one, but they also have their own responsibilities.

So, after all, the coaching staff and the players agreed: let Yan Song go.

There is only one point in Yan Song's fancy: he is big! The control area is large, and no one is afraid of one-on-one collision!

In other words, compared with other teams, Yan Song, who has a very good breakthrough technology, has only the advantage in front of Neymar with his big body. But this is what Neymar is afraid of. His escape and breakthrough have a space limit. As long as a defensive player is big enough and not too stupid, he can form an effective check and balance. Another advantage of the big body is that once there is a collision, it will definitely not suffer, as long as the collision is reasonable.

Of course, it was almost impossible to limit Neymar by Yan Song alone, so Lao Gao sent the Chinese team's "biological weapon" Erbao behind Yan Song...

Ever since he was "enlightened" by Wang Ai many years ago, Zhang Yonghai's competitive road has been going crooked all the way, especially for young and upright opponents. His peach blossom eyes, orchid fingers and even his gradually shining forehead will cause the opponent's physical rejection. www.Κanδhu5.iá

At the age of 30, his technical body is encouraged to maintain a good level. Zhang Yonghai can still play in the star-studded national team. This is what he relies on!

If Yan Song is a physical restriction to Neymar, then Erbao is a spiritual restriction to Neymar...

Section 354 Xiaolou had another east wind last night (Page 1/4), click on the next page to continue reading.


In addition, in the division of labor in the double midfielder, Zheng Zhi also leaned to the right, helping to defend the front and back two teammates at any time, and handing over the middle to Zhao Xuri.

In addition, in order to suppress the morale of the Brazilian team and destroy the courage of the young players, Lao Gao deliberately communicated with Wang Ai and asked him to stand in the midfield at the beginning of the game and to withstand the Brazilian's offensive first. Anyway, the Brazilian team's defender is like that. You can go up at any time and it is effective at any time. It is better to let Xiao Maoer go up and try first. You lead the midfield to take the lead in the confrontation first, and decide the direction of the game before taking off.

The characteristic of young players is that their mental state is unstable, and it is difficult to adjust themselves once they are frustrated.

So shortly after the opening, the Brazilian team stormed the left, and the Chinese team defended the right.

Seeing this situation, the coaches of both sides intervened in time to adjust on the spot. The Brazilian team saw that the Chinese team's midfield could not break through and simply gave up and played on the wing. After observing for a few minutes, Lao Gao found that Yan Song's blocking did not have much effect. Except for the first two times when Neymar was unfamiliar with him, Neymar quickly saw through Yan Song's reality. Fighting against him personally but staying far away would be extraordinary.

Fortunately, Brother Erbao was very powerful, and the small steps were very tight, so there should be no problem until his physical strength is exhausted. So Lao Gao Chong Wang Ai waved his hand: The plan started ahead of schedule!

This is to calm the midfield. Since Brazil has given up the breakthrough in the midfield and started to swerve, it will enter the second stage, the defense will follow the established plan, and the attack plan will start.

Quietly, forward Mao Jianqing, attacking midfielder Wang Ai, and left winger Chen Tao in the frontcourt of the Chinese team completed the transposition: Wang Ai, Mao Jianqing, and Chen Tao returned to the center. The triangle formed by the three turned one-third counterclockwise.

4231 is still 4231, but the location has changed. At this time, the Brazilian team, who was attacking the Chinese team on the left and gradually seeing the light, did not notice it.

In the 11th minute of the first half, Brother Erbao collided with Neymar again, the two fell together, and stood up at the same time to look at the referee...

Section 354 Xiaolou had another east wind last night (page 2/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

The referee gave the Chinese team a backcourt throw-in. Brother Erbao, whose forehead was sweaty, took a step, bent over, picked up the ball, and turned around.

Marcelo, who had already pushed in and pressed near the midline, looked up at the incoming ball and the tall Yan Song beside him. And Yan Song stepped on the sideline and jumped up, and suddenly headed the football to Marcelo's side, running towards Paulinho.

Marcelo used his back to block Yan Song from chasing after he might fall, and looked at Paulinho to see if he was knocking horizontally or straight, and suddenly Wang Ai killed him like lightning between the two, only to see him rushing back. Paulinho, who had come to his senses, bent over to probe in the previous two positions, and pushed the half-high ball sent by Yan Song to the front without slowing down. Fullback Marcelo and midfielder Paulinho immediately fell. behind Wang Ai. reading book

They turned around, and Wang Ai had already dribbled the ball towards Louis. On the other side, Xiao Maoer also started at high speed, pointing at the rib between Silva and Alves.

This is the most threatening attack of the Chinese team since the opening ten minutes, and the entire Brazilian midfield and backcourt moved. However, everyone is not as fast as Wang Ai. After he lowered his head to send the ball forward, he pushed his knee again while running, adjusted the direction of the football again and accelerated by the way, which made Marcelo and Paulinho and Gustavo on the other side couldn't catch up in relative speed.

Louis and Silva can only temporarily ignore Mao Jianqing, who is also approaching but relatively far away, and move to the left as a whole. Wang Ai's choice was extremely straightforward. Using his already soaring speed, he just flicked his toes while running, and even dribbled the ball into the middle of Luis and Silva.

Louis suddenly remembered the coach's arrangement, but it was too late when he thought of a foot and a shot. This is not a one-on-one positional breakthrough, but a surprise attack after running for more than 20 meters at full speed. Unless your speed can keep up with him, you can only watch.

Cesar was ready, he bent slightly nervously and watched the speeding...

Section 354 Xiaolou had another east wind last night (page 3/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

The approaching former teammates subconsciously resurfaced in their hearts the experience of countless pairings in the past three and a half years, left or right? Left!

Right, left!

Cesar, who was flying in mid-air, tried his best to stretch his body, and finally the index finger and **** of his left hand touched the football.

The sound of footsteps rang in Cesar's ears, and a black shadow floated above his head. He looked up and saw that his former teammate not only jumped over his body, but also raised his chest. www.kanδhu five.lá

The football was "slapped" into the goal by Wang Ai's chest.

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