Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 360: The small building was windy again last night (10)

"You ask me what it feels like to be a bad student who defeated a good student back then. I can describe it in one sentence. The leader of the development of the times will not always be the same person. When science and technology advance, oh, specifically, it is divided into two parts. One is natural science, such as jerseys, equipment, training, nutrition, and the human body, and the other is social science, such as tactical thinking, strategic thinking, training methods, etc. The combination of the two promotes the improvement of our players’ personal combat effectiveness. After all, we are producers. , is the most concentrated area of ​​productivity..."

"Can you give an example?"

"Well..." Wang Ai thought about it after being interrupted: "For example, a direct free kick, if you count it, you will find that the probability of today's free-thrower hitting the wall is lower than before. I didn't count it carefully, anyway. It's not difficult, but it's definitely low. Most of the kickers have the ability to bypass the wall, which was not before, which shows that the footwork of contemporary players has generally improved."

Seeing the reporter nodding, Wang Aicai continued: "When the ability of our stars improves, the advanced tactical ideas of some coaches in the past can be realized, such as Barcelona's tiktak play. Earlier, it was Cruyff. He put forward a series of specific ideas to improve this football concept from the perspective of Holland's full attack and full defense, but it was not realized because the personal ability of the players at that time could not be achieved. After more than ten years, The conditions are gradually achieved, and his concept is realized. What is the tiktak style of play?

"What about the Chinese national team?"

"So do we." Wang Ai nodded decisively: "Not only us, but now the teams all over the world have basically used this tactical idea more or less. There is also a premise here that the advancement of nutrition and the scientific level of training. Improve, so that the players have enough physical strength to support this style of play, otherwise you can't run, why do you play all-out and all-defense? Your brain power is not enough, it will overheat after ten minutes of calculation, and you will be in a trance. How else to fight? This is the improvement of productivity and the transformation of production relations.”

"But the Chinese team's full attack and full defense is very different from the Spanish team."

Wang Ai paused, took a sip of the mineral water that Zhao Xuri had pushed over, and said, "Each country has different cultures, customs, and diets, which cause the physical characteristics of the citizens of each country to be different. For example, our Chinese People's physical flexibility is better than that of Europeans, and Europeans are stronger than Chinese, which leads to each country's uniqueness in football, a collective competitive sport. The key is how to make it unique Combining common things with common things. For example, the progress of science and technology benefits the whole world to a greater or lesser extent, such as nutritional conditions, which are external energy input, which are epochal, but at the same time our Chinese eating habits are not There will be great changes, and our national sports such as martial arts will not change much. This determines that the physical differences between us and Europeans still exist. You can't force corrections, right? All kinds of physical qualities There is a good side and a bad side. I am actually particularly opposed to requiring Chinese people to Westernize their lives, such as milk, bread and coffee..."

"Have you lived long in Europe?"

Gu Yu

"Yes, but it doesn't affect me as a Chinese." Wang Ai spreads his hands: "I think that as long as the body has enough basic nutrients, we can maintain our national characteristics and national culture. In the final analysis, diet is energy intake. In the past, our high protein and high energy were not enough. Specifically, we did not have enough meat, eggs and milk. After all, we needed food, and our food production and population conflicts always existed. It is not that there is a problem with our food culture itself, it is If the conditions are not met, it does not mean that if you apply the Western model, you will become strong overnight. How can there be such a good thing? If the productivity cannot be reached, and the total social meat and milk is not enough, how do you distribute it? , everyone wants to have it, but everyone doesn't have it, do you make it out of nothing or import it all?"

Speaking of this, Wang Ai shook his head: "Let's talk about the progress of football, which is similar to the progress of any industry in society. Science and technology are the fundamental driving force, and combined with the endowments of various countries, different football styles and football cultures have been formed. On the contrary, the more successful the burden, the heavier the burden. When the accumulation of science and technology reaches a critical point of football progress, there will be a corner overtaking effect. When the next critical point comes, this corner overtaking may be overtaken by others. Overtaking a corner."

"So, at least in this era, football is led by the Chinese team?"

Wang Ai was stunned when he heard the sound, and smiled subconsciously: "This, it's hard to say, the summary just now is only general, and does not represent every specific case. We may have led some progress, but it is not so obvious, or in history. The current situation is still unclear. Because some things are not fully understood by ourselves, our tactical system still needs continuous development and improvement.”

"Then can you predict what the next wave of football progress will be? What kind of football ideas and concepts will emerge? How long will the Tai Chi Bagua Array last?"

"Uh..." Wang Ai thought for a while: "Tai Chi Bagua Formation is actually the Chinese version, the contemporary version of all attack and full defense. It's hard to say how long it will last. Let me remind you that the progress of history is not a straight line but a spiral. While advancing vertically, there will be reincarnation of various styles of play horizontally, just like fashion styles, but the advancement of fabrics and sewing technology is vertical.”

"As for the future, I only have one thing for sure. You must like this answer very much." Wang Ai looked at the reporter with a smile: "Football is an intellectual sport."

"Mental sports? Like chess?"

"It's just that the physical energy consumption is more, but when our contemporary players are more and more able to run, and gradually 90 minutes is not a problem, the gap in intelligence will become prominent. For example, the Spanish team's body is the last in Europe, but it He is the champion of the European Cup. When physical fitness is not up to standard, physical fitness is important, which is the foundation and platform, but if physical fitness is passed, intelligence is important. The understanding of tactics, the reading of the game, and the training of personal skills must be supported by intelligence From a historical perspective, the evolution of our human beings, the speed of intelligence far exceeds physical fitness, and the upper limit of intelligence now seems to exceed physical fitness. Of course, it is not ruled out that some technological locks will be opened in the future to usher in rapid progress in physical fitness. But at least we can see it now. No, so future players must have culture, at least through cultural classes to train their thinking ability.”

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