Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 363: Crystal (3)

At this time, it was the 30th minute of the second half. The coaches of both sides made substitutions. Bosque replaced Abeloa and Mata, expressing confidence in the current style of play. On the other hand, Gao Hongbo sent a defensive player, Zhou Haibin, to replace the winger Mao Jianqing, and took the initiative to change again.

Zhou Haibin whispered a few words to Wang Ai after playing, and then he returned to Zhao Xuri to play a double midfielder to strengthen defense. At the same time, Qu Bora replaced Mao Jianqing's winger position and Hao Junmin formed a left-right symmetry, and Gao Lin was still the center. Wang Ai is still the front waist.

It seems that the Chinese team has to strengthen the defense by removing an attacking player and replacing it with a defensive player, which makes Duan Xuan, who is in charge of the live broadcast in the bj CCTV building, subconsciously explain: "The average physical quality of the Spanish team is not as good as that of the Chinese team, so the high It makes sense to guide substitutions to strengthen defense. The more you fight to the end, the higher the status of physical fitness itself in the attributes of the game's outcome... Let's see how the two sides perform next."

After Duan Xuan finished speaking, he quickly lowered his head and glanced at the small note handed over by his partner Zhang Lu when the game resumed, with a few large characters written on it: "Wang Ai's liberation!"

Duan Xuan's heart flickered, and he continued to explain the game, but he was thinking about what he had just said, and suddenly felt that it was right to leave half of what he said. Then he looked at Zhang Lu with his eyes, Zhang Lu had to be distracted, and said nothing, and continued to write with his head down.

After a while, Zhang Lu finished writing and pushed it to Duan Xuan, Duan Xuan pointed to the microphone, Zhang Lu glanced at the game, and found a voice that Duan Xuan was talking about and took it naturally, Duan Xuan hurriedly lowered his head and continued to read: "Double First, the forward will block Xiao Wanger's attacking line, and second, the backcourt is weak and the attacking midfielder must take on more defense. Removing a forward and adding a midfielder will strengthen the defense and widen the attacking line, so it is liberating. Xiao Wanger's attacking power. From Chelsea to Inter Milan to Bayern Munich, except for the half year of Mancini and the one year of Benitez in the middle, he has been playing 4231 defensive counterattacks! This formation has the greatest freedom of attacking players, It is also the most suitable for his all-round attack characteristics. Therefore, Xiao Gao is not conservative, his choice is more radical than Bosque, he is fighting."

Seeing this, Duan Xuan was stunned, and he couldn't help but patted his head: Why didn't I notice it?

Zhang Lu saw that Duan Xuan was interesting, and he continued to explain in a serious manner, and reached out and patted his head. Then he wrote on the paper: "Your commentators still have to take care of fans who are comprehensive, such as poor basic knowledge, so you must take the initiative to explain the introductory knowledge. I am an expert guest. If I don't have a major, I should be laid off. You still think about when to let me. Come out."

Duan Xuan smiled after reading it, and continued to say, thinking in his mind, and casually wrote on the paper: "After scoring a goal."

As soon as Zhang Lu looked up after reading the note, the goal came.

This was the 38th minute of the second half. Qu Bo, who was pulling the edge, sent a high-quality cross. Gao Lin, who was squeezed by Ramos on the line of the penalty area and could not turn around, forcibly took off and pushed the football back to the middle with his head. Wang Ai picked it up in front of Pique, Pique turned around, Wang Ai went around but came first, before Casillas rushed to the door!

The ball passed Casillas' hands and floated across the goal line in the air.

The Chinese team has overtaken! There was thunderous cheers in the stadium, and thousands of households in China were beaming with joy. Duan Xuan gave Zhang Lu a nod while explaining excitedly. Zhang Lu naturally explained the secret of Gao Hongbo's substitution after the players in the stadium celebrated.

With the good relationship between CCTV and the national team over the years, more and more international footballers and coaches have entered the live broadcast room. Of course, old guests like Zhang Lu also feel the pressure of competition. Even if Lao Gao and the others can't be professional guests, with the frequent visits of professionals, professional knowledge about football has also been presented more and more in sports channel programs.

In the past, it was enough for guests like Zhang Lu to take out 30-40% or even 2-3% of their professional knowledge, but now it has to be raised to at least 50-60%, otherwise it will not satisfy the appetite of the audience.

For example, the substitution of Lao Gao used to at most just say a word in the commentary and then passed, and he would not explain in detail at all, because once the game lost, he would be blamed for leaking the secret. But it’s impossible to say it now. Fans will see the process of ordinary games for themselves. You don’t need to say it. For such a national team, fans can memorize the birthdays of every player. If you introduce any player’s hometown, age, and resume, they will be laughed at. Zhang Lu also has a long time to introduce more advanced football concepts, and it is no longer the shallow, scribbled and errand mode of the past.

In fact, this also caters to the development trend of more and more high-quality talents in Chinese society. Just like the establishment of, the tastes of the whole society are changing.

Of course, Bosque also realized the purpose of the opponent's substitution, but he couldn't do anything. Facing the almighty Dongfang Supergiant, not only he couldn't do anything, but no one in the world could do anything. This is the age of super giants these days. The three super giants are all existences that cannot be defeated in conventional ways. Foul? They all have the unique ability of a direct free kick! hurt? They are all guarantees of event revenue! Multiplayer defense? They all have superb breakthrough ability and shooting ability!

Fighting for an attack?

Fighting to attack is one way, but they are the three most capable of attacking in the world!

There are only two real opponents to them: their stamina, energy, desire to win, and...the other two!

Bosque is still struggling and constantly changing people and shouting, but he is already desperate in his heart: How good would it be if you gave me a Messi? Just one Messi! Our three strikers Pedro, Torres and Villa only scored 25 goals together last season, and one of your attacking midfielders scored 88 goals by yourself. How can I win?

Bosque suddenly felt: Losing 2:3 is not unacceptable... If I also have a super giant, I will never lose!

Just under Bosque's half-heartedness, the Chinese fans in the stands cheered happily and shouted in unison: "Little Wanger, enter one! Little Wanger, enter one!"

The sound is loud and neat!

The ladies in the family group also looked around, some of them inevitably showed a trace of envy and jealousy, but most of them were watching the excitement. Just as Wang Ai conquered their men and united their men to move up side by side, Xu Qinglian also successfully united women, using her temperament, wisdom, and of course banknotes!

"Just waiting for you, quickly call your husband to enter one." Xiao Li put his arms around Xu Qinglian's arm to give an idea.

Xu Qinglian rolled her eyes: "You are the old rooster! I don't shout."

"Shout, shout."

"I don't like the word husband."

"Then you are married, what do you call him?"

Xu Qinglian was stunned: "I haven't thought about it yet, hahaha."

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